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es Te 4 1.1. PRIORITY PYRAMID 3 2/ AND CAREER LADDER <5, SPEAKING & VOCABULARY oN 2 Examine the factors people consider more or less important in their professional life. Set your own priorities by placing the most important aspects at the top and the least important ones at the bottom of the pyramid, 4. generous remuneration package 2. real team spirit 3. low level of stress 4, job security 5, substantial fringe benefits 6. traveling distance 7 8 ST To ASE MILTON informal work atmosphere flexible work setting 9. clear promotion prospects 40. responsible tasks 11. opportunity to travel abroad 12. training and development 13, job satisfaction 14, multicultural work environment 418. opportunity to speak foreign languages an rae geen Describe your priority pyramid using the phrases below, and compare it with a partner. in my opinion/view As far as | am concerned __ Speaking for myself | value/appreciate | consider/take into consideration/take into account ___ The most/least important aspect for me is to Itis equally important for me to It is more/less important to {prefer to I do not care about than In Task 2,, it is suggested to use the word important while describing your priority pyramid. Write four synonyms of this word, and try to use them in practice. Important, in other words, means: s c (ae v Leamers of English tend to overuse the word thing. Write four synonyms of this word, and complete the phrases below. Use a dictionary, it necessary. the most/least important a t the most/ieast important f r the most/least important m__r the most/least important i ___e the most/least important f___t the most/least important e t You are climbing up your career ladder. Consider the steps you have already taken and the steps you are going totake to develop your career. Deliver a short presentation on your career progression using the following timescale and the phrases below. ———@—> year: Sia career Stages oS en ing ee 10 career stages: graduation | gap year | internship | fulltime employment | first ‘career move | career break | promotion prospects | maternity/paternity leave graduated from —__ in Faced with difficult market reality, |___ I got a placement with I served my internship in It took me two years to As regards my first work experience__ Igained my experience in __ Taking up a career in__ Haunched a career in_ I faced a real challenge At the peak of my career | achieved a lot in eecnaM MAR: CONDITIONALS io Fill in the gaps below with the correct conditional structure (Conditional 0, 1, 2 or 3). (APPLY) for the position of senior accountant. 1. If | were you, | 2. Accounting seems to be a good career option provided that you ___ (HAVE) ahead for figures. 3. If | get promoted this year, | (TO BE ABLE TO) take out a loan. 44, Ill bring my CV for the job interview in case they ___ (NEED) to have a look at it. 5. Ifl____ (RECEIVE) a master's degree in lav, | would have got this position then. 6. Postgraduate study is a sound investment as long as you (CHOOSE) a well-established college. if people (STUDY) hard, they usually receive higher grades. | if we hadn't checked our students’ satisfaction with the classes, we (TARNISH) our reputation. 9, It____ (IMPROVE) our recruitment process, if we applied this new HR software. 10. Employees (NOT WORK) hard unless you offer them a financial or non-financial incentive. If]____ (NOT TRAVEL) abroad, | wouldn't gain practical experience. People take up studies in Poland when they —__ (COMPLETE) secondary school education, 4. Ifyou learn more, your English ____ (IMPROVE) considerably. 44, Students (NOT TO BE) ready to enter the job market unless they receive good higher education. 15.11 (DECIDE) to become self-employed, | would seek regular career advice. @N 1. 12. Complete the sentences below using your own ideas. If | received a generous remuneration package, —__ . Il had served my internship in __, As long as | work for the same company, . I lear English twice a week, . Il studied abroad, Unless | take up postgraduate study, —__ if were a manager in a multinational company, . If] had graduated from another university, . If perform challenging tasks at work, . Provided that | get engaged in different extracurricular activities, at the university, __ Seononsens pes) SPEAKING Some people claim that the word career has a negative meaning because it reminds them of fierce workplace competition and constant rat race, Do you agree with this statement? Answer the question using the phrases below, | couldn't agree more. entirely agree with _ That's exactly how I feel That's true to some extent. That's true, but ___ Ihave mixed feelings about 'd say the exact opposite. That's not always the case. | beg to differ. 12 is} ‘What problems do young people encounter while choosing a career? Complete the a ‘table below by listing potential problems and possible solutions to them. Then, work im in pairs, Student A is a graduate seeking career advice who visits a career advisor Fs and clarifies his/her problem(s). Student B is a career advisor who attempts to help a Student A e 5 Problem in choosing a career Potential solution Hy 1 co) z i fe) # is 2. hi = ! a a : s i i 4. a a 5. ji fe {© WRITING: REPORT aie a You were asked to write a report on the problems young people face while choosing a career. In your writing, use the information included in Task 2 as well as the report structure and phrases below. Report structure: |. Introduction Findings Results Conclusions Recommendations geen 13 14 Useful report phrases: INTRODUCTION The aim of this report is to examine/investigate/compare/discuss/analyse/ present/provide/introduce The report aims to This report is intended to This report outlines FINDINGS Asurvey of It was found that The results show that The analysis indicates that itis clear from customer feedback that Customer feedback has shown a need for. RESULTS Consequently As a result It resulted in/led to This would help us to ‘The company would benefit in the following way CONCLUSIONS In conclusion —_ To sum up To conclude For the reason given above ... ‘Summing up the results/Based on the results, it can be concluded that RECOMMENDATIONS I think it would be a good idea to. itis therefore recommended that Having considered the options in question It would be advisable to In the short/iong-term, we suggest you should One possible solution to this problemyissue/matter is to The solution requires revealed that _ dia: QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE | a LISTENING & VOCABULARY Listen to Mark, a career advisor answering the question of a student who asked him about career prospects for economics graduates, and fill n the gaps below with one suitable word. Do you agree with Mark claiming that students graduating in economics have many career prospects? Economics graduates have more to offer employers 1) their expertise in economics. Your degree will also have helped you to develop skills 2) as numeracy, analysis, verbal and written communication, problem solving and presentation. You can probably also offer practical skills such as knowledge of ‘computing packages or 3) ____ languages. Graduate recruiters in all career areas value these skills as 4) __ as your subject knowledge and generat intellectual ability. ‘A degree 5) ____ economics can lead into many career areas. Some are obvious, others are not. Surprisingly, relatively few economics graduates will begin a career 6) ___ a professional economist directly after graduation - a postgraduate degree is usually required for such posts. Statistics 7) that the majority of economics sludents after graduation 8) ___ employment within six months of graduating. The jobs they get are many and varied, although with an emphasis 9) __ the finance ‘sector (including banking, accountancy, tax advice, actuarial work, insurance and tracing). Other roles that economics graduates regularly go 10) include management, marketing, sales and advertising, human resources, IT and education. Learners of English happen to confuse the words economics, economy, economic and economical. Can you use them in the right context? rele 2g eee! economics | economy | economic | economical fi OQ ° 4 So = = ro Lu ° iS) FS fe) = ° ® 15 Choose the correct word in each sentence below. 1, My car is economic/economical on petrol. 2. The government's management of the economyleconomics has attracted much attention over the last few years. 3. Lam studying economics/economy at the University of Warsaw. 4, Economical/economic indicators provide information about the current state of the economyleconomics. . The global economyleconomics is growing at a fast pace. . Are you in your fourth year at the University of Cracow, studying economics) economy? Does the government take action in the economicleconomical field? |. Faced with gloomy economical/economic data, we are forced to implerrient new reforms. 9. Could you specify the advantages of conducting economicleconomical activity in Poland? 10. The speaker broke the latest economical/economic news to the audience. Economic or economical? Complete the phrases below using these two words. on @x crisis —— system policy forecast car —— person sanction lifestyle machine change READING & SPEAKING Read the text about careers in accountancy/banking, and choose the correct answer for each gap below. ACCOUNTANCY The majority of graduates 1) ___ professional accountancy careers will train as chartered accountants. 2) of these will train in public practice, offering audit and business advice services (including tax advice) to clients. There are also numerous opportunities to train within industry and commerce, normally through CIMA or ACCA. Local authorities and other public 3) often recruit public finance accountants who train for the CIPFA qualification. The boundaries between different types of qualification and employer are becoming increasingly flexible. Some of the Big 5 chartered accountancy firms offer CIMA, ACCA and CIPFA 4) alongside 16 the ICAEW or ICAS qualification; some public sector employers (such as the Civil Service) train their accountancy staff for the CIMA qualification and it is possible to 5) ___as a chartered accountant outside public practice. BANKING Retail banking (the 6) of financial services to individuals and small businesses) covers not only the traditional 7) banks and building societies but also supermarkets, insurance companies and other companies. Corporate and investment banking 8) advising major organisations on mergers & 9) , flotations and financial strategy. Graduates are recruited info areas such as analysis, customer 10) and dealing. Entry at the graduate level is relatively small and highly competitive - opportunities may be greater for qualified accountants. 1. a) joining b) leading ©) entering @) accepting 2. a) Most b) First ©) Much d) More 3. a) bodies b) sectors ©) industries d) levels 4. a) preparation _) training o)arangement ——_d) workshop 5. a) become b) regard ©) consider ¢) qualify 6. a) provision _b) distribution ©) location ¢) inclusion 7. a)low-street _b) high-street ©) broad-street d) wide-street 8. a) belongs b) contait ©) involves ¢) retains 9, a) takeovers _b) acquisitions ©) ventures ¢) affiliations 10. a) liaison b) arrangement —_c) involvement 4d) retention ‘Think about your studies/awarded qualifications, and answer the questions below. What can you do with your degree in economics/accounting/finance/law/IT/ engineering, etc.? What careers are open to, e.g. economics/accounting/finance/law/IT/engineering graduates? READING & LISTENING Youre going to plan your placement year. First, read the extract below aboutplacements at the University of Kent, and fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Many courses at the University of Kent come 1) the option of doing a year 2) industry, also known as a sandwich or placement year 3) _ the second and final year of your degree course. You'll spend 4) ___ to 12 months employed ina subject-related role and it counts as part of your degree. Some companies use your time with them as an extended interview, and if you perform well, they may offer you a permanent job 5) you graduate. There is even evidence to suggest that ityou do a year in industry you often get a better-paid job after you graduate. alg cp1 2 18 What are the advantages of doing a placement? Listen to Robin, an HA specialist, and complete the list below. Osos cna ees aie Read the listening script below, and fill in the gaps with the following verbs in the correct grammatical form. gain | give | pay | act | improve | do | provide | apply | go | use A placement is a good way of 1) ____ work experience while doing a degree. It 2) insights into the real world of management, and a chance to use the skills, you have and to develop them further. ta) you a chance to see if you would enjoy a particular job or type of company before committing yourself. Even if after a placement you decide that the type of work you did on the placement doesn't interest you, you will know better what else to apply to. The fact that you are paid on a placement also helps financially, particularly coming when it does, two thirds of the way through your degree. Placements with big companies often 4) ____ very well. It also helps when 5) later for graduate jobs - your experience of work will be a positive sign, and your placement employer may well be prepared to 6) as one of your referees. Unemployment rates for graduates who have done a placement are typically much lower than for graduates who have not. Salaries for graduates who have 7) a placement year are also usually higher. Placement students often get a job offer from their placement company for when they graduate. It is not unusual for students who have done placements to be encouraged by their placement employer to apply to them again for a graduate trainee position, and this usually means that you will 6) straight to the final stage of the graduate selection process. By making applications and going for placement interviews, you greatly improve your applications and interview skills, giving you a distinct advantage in your final year. You can 9) those insights and skills in your final year modules to your advantage. In particular, you can often create a good final year project by developing aspects of the placement. An added bonus is that placement students often get a better final evaluation, perhaps because of the knowledge they have gained during their year out, or because they have 10) ___ their time management skills during the placement. BUSINESS SKILLS Imagine that you represent a well-established company and your task is to make a public speech in front of the university students considering a placement year. Persuade your audience to do so by providing benefits of placements for career development. Use the phrases below. Let me present the benefits of Let's consider the benefits of ‘As you may know/see/be aware of __ Let me start by explaining Firstly/Secondly As a matter of fact__ It's important to remember that _ Please notice that. Another advantage is I think all this proves that Let me summarise the main advantages of ____ Now, as a final year student, you are going to plan your placement year. Choose the company you would like to work for. Deliver a short presentation justifying your choice. Use the phrases below. Lam convinced that firmly believe When it comes to As regards On the one hand For one thing Compared with ‘As opposed to_ on the other hand —__ for another thing 19 i Ke WRITING: FORMAL LETTER pa You are going to apply for the placement in the company of your choice. Write a formal application letter using the phrases below. Useful phrases for formal letter writing: Dear Sir/Madam To whom it may concern _ Dear Mr Dear Mrs ___ (married female recipient) Dear Ms ____ (female recipient, marital status unknown) Dear Miss (female recipient, single female recipient) I would like to apply for the placement in advertised in 1am writing to apply for the placement in | am writing with reference to I refer to your advertisement in dated The placement in is exactly what | have been looking for. | am looking for a placement within a/an environment, | am particularly interested in the field of marketing/law/finance Having recently graduated with a BA/an MA in | would be well suited to the placement because As you can see from my attached CV, my experience/skills have a working knowledge of | am an experienced user of am particularly good at Ihave developed skills. My skills are kept systematically up-to-date by Ihave a strong interest in | undertook a number of projects (as part of my studies) Ihave gained experience in My financial/legal experience has been mainly in__, with particular emphasis on | believe | meet all of the requirements outlined for the placement. I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you in person/meetidiscuss | would be grateful if you considered me for the placement. | am available for interview at your convenience. Should you require further information, please call/email me directly, Please find attached my CV where you will find further information. ook forward to hearing from you and being invited for an interview. Thank you for your consideration, Yours faithfully/Faithfully (unknown recipient name) Yours sincerely/Sincerely (known recipient name) from the University of ___ cpi n3 LISTENING & SPEAKING Listen to five people talking about the reasons for taking up postgraduate study, and match the reasons below with a relevant speaker. A. to keep on being a student 8. to put off making a career decision C. because a tutor has recommended it D. for interest in the subject E. asa career move ‘Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3____ Speaker 4 ‘Speaker § Did you complete postgraduate study? Have you thought about pursuing Postgraduate study? Write the reasons you considered or you would consider in your choice. Then, grade your reasons from the mosttto the least significant one, and Present them to the group. 21 BI fs) a 4 2 EY > i] 5 E=] cu a s = SG 4 VOCABULARY Have you heard about action verbs in CVs? Look at the following examples, and use them in the gaps below. designed | implemented | motivated | assured | trained | consulted | cooperated | managed | maintained | supported | analysed | chaired & wr Dates 20.04,2005-23.06.2008 Company name Software International, Denmark Position held Software engineer Scope of duties and implemented websites software development processes technical solutions and provided benchmark analyses a software development team new technical solutions quality in software development projects in designing software marketing campaigns Look at a fragment describing work experience of an HR specialist, and fil in the gaps with the correct action verbs. The first letters of the verbs were given to help you. 2007-2007, Human Resources specialist HR Innovative, Sweden a in the planning of recruitment procedures r and s candidates for the branch in Norway @ the quality of HR procedures ° training sessions for the staff p____ administrative support Find and correct the mistakes in the fragments of the CV provided below. a ha Fs my = re S - iS) cK ei PS is) 1) Personnel statement ‘Alaw graduate from the university of Gdarisk. | have skills and knowledge essential for providing advice on general legal issues and communication skills needed in assisting clients (.... 22 2) SKILLS computing languages communication decision-making analytical skills 3) 2013 —june 2010 University of Gdafsk BA degree from psychology 4) Name: Patryk Kowalski Adress: ul. Kwiatowa 12, 80-384 Gdarisk Email: Sex: male fa! @| os LISTENING debe cpt i * Listen to Mark, a university teacher presenting the profile of economist, and decide whether the statements below are true or false. An economist makes economic predictions. T/F 1. An economist forms policy or strategy for companies and public institutions. T/F . An economist can work as an expert advising on economic problems. T/F ‘An economist does not work for small and medium-sized enterprises. T/F ‘An economist is not required to have everything ready on time. T/F ‘An economist is involved in stressful situations. T/F ‘An economist needs to understand and work with numbers. T/F ‘An economist has to be a researcher. T/F ‘An economist working for the Bank of England can be an accounting graduate. T/F ‘An economist can take up postgraduate study only after completing MA studies. T/F Fa fo} fo} 2 [o} 2 ra a a ES & fe} ey ras Seernonaenn cp1 5 5 Listen to the recording once again, and complete the definitions below with the correct word/phrase. a group of experts providing advice on economic or political problems ‘a. company operating in more than one country = an ability to work with numbers possible consequences ~ a newspaper printed on large sheets of paper = 23 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING Leszek is in charge of the finance department and has just shortlisted candidates 3 suitable for a position in his team. Look at the notes he took after the interviews, and < answer the questions below: i) ‘Magda works to very tight deadlines and performs well under pressure. Tomasz is 2 E good at multitasking and has a can-do attitude. Dorota has a proven track record ma in finance and can liaise effectively with other departments. Agata is a wide profile =| financial specialist working on her own initiative. Michatis numerate and his command z of computing skills is excellent. Adam is literate in management accounting and his a numeracy skills are exceptional. a has his/her work finished on time. a) Magda ©) Agata b) Adam d) Dorota 2. ____ is confident and able to take challenges. a) Michat ©) Tomasz b) Agata 4d) Dorota 3 achieved a lot in his/her field. a) Agata ©) Magda b) Dorota 4) Tomasz 4 has been working in his/her industry for many years. a) Michat ‘¢) Tomasz b) Magda d) Agata 5 is knowledgeable in his/her field. a) Michat ©) Tomasz b) Adam d) Magda 6. ____ is good with figures. a) Dorota c) Magda b) Tomasz d) Adam Study the phrases related to the keyword skills, and make a list of the work-related skills you possess, @.g. analytical, computer, interpersonal, language, leadership, organisational, technical, numerical, teamworking, negotiation, problem solving, etc. SKILLS: have/possess | lack | acquire/develop | demonstrate | apply/use 1 improve/master/upgrade | refresh/update Araneae eens) 24 Ask a partner about his/her skills using the prompts below. a) skills he/she possesses and lacks b) skills he/she has acquired at work ©) skills he/she demonstrates while cooperating with other people ¢) skills he/she uses while performing everyday tasks e) skills he/she needs to improve/refresh Fill in the following sentences with the correct preposition, if necessary. Next, check your answers in the phrase bank below. . Two years ago, | received my MA diploma mt. . First, | graduated the University of Warsaw, then | moved to Cracow and completed my IT studies there. . Candidates attending job interviews frequently lack. 9. Why did you decide to pursue a career __ finance? 40. Have you ever considered broadening your experience moving to another country for a year or two? 1. Currently, I'm holding the position financial specialist. 2. Although | wanted to study psychology, I'm an accountant education. 3. | graduated law from the University of Gdarisk 4, How can you upgrade your analytical skills? 5. At work, I'm gaining experience drafting legal documents and deeds. 6 7. linguistic skills. 2 graduate from (the University of Warsaw) in economics complete legal studies receive one’s BA or MA diploma in psychology receive one’s BSc or MSc diploma in chemistry be an accountant by education attend courses/workshops/conferences pursue a career in IT hold the position of financial specialist have experience in working with clients gain experience in serving clients broaden experience by attending conferences possess analytical skills lack linguistic skills upgrade linguistic skills 25 BUSINESS SKILLS Deliver a short presentation about your educational background and work experience using the template below. I graduated from ____in | completed studies. I received my BA/BSc/MA/MSc diploma in__ lam a/an by education, lattended courses/workshops/conferences. |.am pursuing a career in _ Currently, I'm holding the position of | have experience in working with __ | gained my experience through __ | broadened my experience through skills. However, | lack ____ skills. I posses I'd like to upgrade my skills, Imagine you are attending a conference as an expert in your area, and before delivering the presentation, your task it to introduce yourself and describe briefly your professional background, Use the structures you practised in Task 1 26 2% p a a 1.3. CAREER PATH AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SPEAKING & VOCABULARY Have your heard about SMART goals? SMART is an acronym referring to setting goals which should be specific, measurable, achievable/attainable, realistic and time-based. Do you set career goals? Are they short or long-term? Compare your views with a partner. Read the following extract, and find synonyms of the words below. Is setting goals a key to your success at work? Definitely, you should try establishing short-term goals to improve your performance and achieve better results. Get rid of your old habits and solidity goals that comply with the SMART rule. attain = determine ~ follow = consolidate = dispose of ~ Look at the examples of goals set by learners of English. Do they comply with the SMART rule? Discuss them with a partner. 1. lam going to speak English fluently and accurately. 2. lam going to speak fluent English by learning systematically twice a week. 3. | am going to improve my grammar by June by doing exercises twice a week. 4. Lam going to enrich my Business English vocabulary by October. 27 ese ee CAREER CHOICES \e WRITING: SHORT NOTE Write your personal goal referring to learning English. Remember to follow the SMART rule. Compare your goal with a partner. A 28 SPEAKING & VOCABULARY Think about your career choices, and answer the questions below. Compare your answers with a partner. Are there any factors young people consider while choosing a career? Are there any problems young people encounter while entering the marketplace? What do contemporary employers value? Why do people take up postgraduate study? How can you develop great communication skills? Can you list any collocations with the word career? Note them down, and fill in the text with the following verbs in the correct grammatical form. wreck | abandon | launch | pursue | span i) a career as an IT specialist 10 years ago. Have | thought about 2) it? Of course, not. ! have been 3) a successful career in IT for 10 years. Even though it 4) many years, | find it inspiring. Five years ago, | had a car crash which 5) my career so that | could not work for almost two years. Match the verbs below, and make synonymous pairs. gsene 1. ruin a) span 2. cut short b) launch 3. embark on c) abandon 4, follow d) wreck 5. last e) pursue Put yourself in the shoes of a recent graduate starting his/her professional life, and present a short story about his/her career moves. Use the collocations in the order they appear below. choose a career enter the marketplace encounter problems get involved in the rat race maintain work and life balance climb up one’s career ladder advance a career take up postgraduate study develop skills give sth a boost |. value skills Sooroaaen- 1 1 EXAMPLE: I chose a financial career in the third year of my business studies. Although entering the marketplace for young graduates seemed quite difficult at that time, I decided to spare no effort and face this challenge. Unfortunately, ! encountered the problems I was not ready for. | quickly got involved in the rat race and could not maintain proper work and life balance. What | wished was to climb up my career ladder at any cost. In order to advance my career, I worked overtime. | also decided to take up postgraduate study to develop new skills and become a valuable asset to my employer. | got promoted very quickly, which gave my career a real boost. Even though my supervisor valued my skills and rewarded my hard work, | once got stuck Ina rut. Sitting behind the desk all day long proved to be exhausting. Were my career ‘moves right? If | could decide once again, | would make considerable changes. ‘Ask a partner the questions below, and then exchange your opinions, 1. Why do people climb up their career ladder at any cost? 2. Why do people get involved in the rat race? 3. How can you give your career a boost and advance it? 4, How can you maintain proper work and life balance? 29 = Gs < = =) co st o oO > - o cs ie = Zz (eS) °o EMPLOYMENT CODE = 1.4. EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT a 2285, VOCABULARY & READING SF ‘An employment contract is an agreement including terms and conditions under which an employee agrees to perform assigned duties for an agreed amount of money and for a specific period of time, Fill in the following gaps with the correct words. Use a dictionary, if necessary. 1. Employers and employees make an employment contract. You can also say that they: e into a contract, c a contract e contract 2. Inan employment contract, an employer and employee are referred to as: e pa or Pp toac. 3. When either an employer or employee decides to put an end to a contract, it: t 4. When a time limit set in a contract lapses, the contract: e Analyse the fragment of the Polish Employment Code (Kodeks Pracy, Dz.U. 1974, Nr 24, poz. 141, Ustawa z dnia 26 czerwca 1974 r). Find Polish equivalents of the phrases below, remuneration | rights and obligations | holiday entitlement | be entitled to | contract termination | notice period | contract expiration | bank holiday | settle a dispute in a conciliatory manner | health and safety conditions | mutual agreement | retirement gratuity | disability allowance | initiate legal proceedings (file a lawsuit) | fixed-term employment contract | open-ended employment contract | amicable settlement of a dispute | parties to a contract | maternity leave | (dofwork) overtime | medical check-up | working conditions | minor | contracted hours | payment conditions 30 DZIAL PIERWSZY PRZEPISY OGOLNE Rozdziat | Przepisy wstepne Art. 1. Kodeks pracy okresta prawa i obowiazki pracownikéw i pracodawcow. Rozdziat Il Podstawowe zasady prawa pracy Art. 13. ; Pracownik ma prawo do godziwego wynagrodzenia za prace. Art. 14, Pracownik ma prawo do wypoczynku, ktéry zapewniaja przepisy 0 czasie pracy, dniach wolnych od pracy oraz o urlopach wypoczynkowych. Art. 15. Pracodawca jest obowiazany zapewnié pracownikom bezpieczne i higieniczne warunki pracy. DZIAt DRUGI ‘STOSUNEK PRACY Rozdziat It Umowa 0 prace Oddziat 1 Zawarcie umowy 0 prace Art. 25. § 1. Umowe o prace zawiera sig na czas nie okreslony, na czas okresiony lub na czas wykonania okresionej pracy. Art. 29, § 1. Umowa o prace okregla strony umowy, rodzaj umowy, date joj zawarcia oraz warunki pracy i placy, w szczegéinosci: 4) rodzaj pracy, 2) miejsce wykonywania pracy, 3) wynagrodzenie za prace odpowiadajace rodzajowi pracy, ze wskazaniem sktadnik6w wynagrodzenia, 4) wymiar czasu pracy, 5) termin rozpoczecia pracy. Oddziat 2 Przepisy ogéine o rozwiqzaniu umowy o prace Art. 30. § 1. Umowa o prace rozwiazuje sie: 1) na mocy porozumienia stron, 2) przez ogwiadczenie jednej ze stron z zachowaniem okresu wypowiedzenia (rozwiazanie umowy o prace za wypowiedzeniem), 3) przez oSwiadczenie jednej ze stron bez zachowania okresu wypowiedzenia (rozwigzanie umowy o prace bez wypowiedzenia), 4) z uplywem czasu, na ktéry byta zawarta, 5) 2 dniem ukoriczenia pracy, dla ktérej wykonania byta zawarta, 31 § 2. Umowa o prace na okres prébny rozwiazuje sie z uptywem tego okresu, a przed jego uplywem moze byé rozwigzana za wypowiedzeniem. Oddziat 7 Wygasniecie umowy o prace Art, 63. Umowa 0 prace wygasa w przypadkach okreglonych w kodeksie oraz w przepisach szezegélnych DZIAt TRZECI WYNAGRODZENIE ZA PRACE,| INNE SWIADCZENIA Rozdziat Illa Odprawa rentowa lub emerytaina Art. 921. § 1. Pracownikowi speiniajacemu warunki uprawniajgce do renty z tytulu niezdolnogci do pracy lub emerytury, ktérego stosunek pracy ustal w zwiazku z przejéciem na rentg lub emeryture, przysluguje odprawa pienigzna w wysokosci jednomiesiecznego wynagrodzenia, DZIAt SZOSTY CZAS PRACY Rozdziat V Praca w godzinach nadliczbowych Art. 151. § 1. Praca wykonywana ponad obowiazujace pracownika normy czasu pracy, a takze praca wykonywana ponad przediuzony dobowy wymiar czasu pracy, wynikajacy Z obowigzujacego pracownika systemu i rozkladu czasu pracy, stanowi prace w godzinach nadliczbowych. DZIAt SIODMY URLOPY WYPOCZYNKOWE Rozdziat | Urlopy wypoczynkowe Art, 152. § 1. Pracownikowi przystuguje prawo do corocznego, nieprzerwanego, piatnego urlopu wypoczynkowego, zwanego dalej ,urlopem’. § 2. Pracownik nie moze zrzec sig prawa do urlopu. OZiAt OSMY UPRAWNIENIA PRACOWNIKOW ZWIAZANE Z RODZICIELSTWEM Art, 180. § 1. Pracownicy przystuguje urlop macierzyriski w wymiarze: 6) DZIAt DZIESIATY BEZPIECZENSTWO | HIGIENA PRACY Rozdziat VI Profilaktyczna ochrona zdrowia Art, 229, § 1. Wstepnym badaniom lekarskim podlegaja: 1) osoby przyjmowane do pracy, 32 2) pracownicy mlodociani przenoszeni na inne stanowiska pracy i inni pracownicy przenoszeni na stanowiska pracy, na ktorych wystepuja czynniki szkodliwe dla zdrowia lub warunki ucigiliwe (..). DZIAt DWUNASTY ROZPATRYWANIE SPOROW O ROSZCZENIA ZE STOSUNKU PRACY Rozdziat | Przepisy ogélne Art. 242, § 1. Pracownik moze dochodzié swych roszczefi ze stosunku pracy na drodze sqdowe). § 2. Przed skierowaniem sprawy na droge sadowa pracownik moze zadaé wszczgcia postepowania pojednawezego przed komisja pojednawoza, Art. 243. Pracodawca i pracownik powinni dazyé do polubownego zaatwienia sporu ze stosunku pracy. Fill in the following text with the words below. social security benefits | holiday entitlement | sick pay | rights | service | doctor's certificate | misconduct | pension | grievance | remuneration My employer respects our 1) 0 that we can feel safe and comfortable at work. Every month our 2) is transferred directly into our bank account. There is also no problem with taking our full 3) __, and we can take off the maximum number of days of our paid holiday. Our company has a clear sick pay scheme, so in case of an illness, | am entitled to our contractual 4) Certainly, | am supposed to submit a relevant 5) confirming my poor health condition. When someone is dissatisfied with working conditions, itis possible to file a formal complaint. However, I have never heard about an employee reporting 2 6) it happens that people are dismissed, especially for acting in an unfit way and committing a gross 7) Unemployed people can have their 8) covered by the government. Retired employees receive 9) ‘or having paid into the social security system during their years of 10) _ 33 34 People lose their jobs for different reasons. They may be dismissed, laid off or made redundant. Fill in the following sentences with the verbs below in the correct grammatical form. dismiss | lay off | terminate | hand in one’s notice | make redundant | discharge 1 quit | get ired/sacked | resign | suspend | expire 1, I can only blame myself for this situation. | was incompetence. 2, Due to our financial hardship, we 100 employees because we could not afford to pay them anymore. Let's hope our poor situation is temporary! . I could not stand my manager, so | decided to . Are you kidding? your job won't solve your problems. . The doctor was from his duties while investigations were conducted . Have you heard about Marek? He got another job offer and decided to__ his 7. Itis your fault! You are immediately. 8. Fortunately, we managed to the employment contract by mutual agreement. 9, My internship ends on the ist of June, so my contract __ on this day. 10. | left without saying a word. My company decided to reduce the workforce and due to my repetitive eare Iwas after 10 years of service. They did not need me anymore. 11. After being from your job, you no longer hold your position, and you lose your salary. VOCABULARY & TEXT ANALYSIS Acontract is a specific type of writing in terms of its structure and wording, The legal language used in contracts tends to be conservative and archaic. It does not resemble the language you use while communicating with your colleagues or customers. Look at the notes below, and analyse them carefully 1. Contractual SHALL expresses obligations in contracts, Employer shall pay employee __. = Employer is obliged to pay employee Employee shall devote all of his/her time = Employee is obliged to devote all of his/her time __ ‘A modem alternative to shall is the ver undertake. In other words, there are two equivalent structures: Employer shall pay employee. Employer undertakes to pay employee. 2. Contractual pronouns consist of the pronoun here and the preposition(s). here + to = hereto Here + of = hereof here + under = hereunder here + in + after = hereinafter here + in = herein here + by = hereby Now, try to follow the steps below to get the meaning of the phrase parties hereto: > divide the contractual pronoun into its components, e.g. hereto = here + to » change the order of the components, e.g. to + here > replace here with the phrase this Agreement, e.g, to + this Agreement > add the noun parties from your contractual phrase, and decipher the entire expression, e.g. parties to this Agreement Follow the same procedure with reference to the following contractual phrases. parties hereto ~ terms hereof ~ services hereunder = fixed hereinafter contained herein = hereby — 3. Doublets and triplets are strings of words with the same or almost the same meaning. (Contract) by and between (the parties) = (Contract) between (the parties) (Contract) made and entered into = (Contract) made es Look at an exemplary employment contract. Group the highlighted words and phrases into the following categories. Some phrases may be classified under two categories. An example for each category was given to help you. Contractual Expressing FIXED contractual _ Employment PRONOUNS OBLIGATIONS. EXPRESSIONS TERMINOLOGY in contracts hereinafter _| shall perform such dutles ‘by and between __term of employment This Agreement made and entered into this between employer’), and day of 20 __, by and ("employee"). The parties recite that: A. Employer is engaged in and maintains business premises at B. Employee is willing to be employed by employer, and employer is willing to employ employee, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. For the reasons set forth above, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises of the Parties hereto, employer and employee covenant and agree as follows: 1. AGREEMENT TO EMPLOY AND BE EMPLOYED Employer hereby employs employee as at the above-mentioned premises, and employee hereby accepts and agrees to such employment. 2, DESCRIPTION OF EMPLOYEE'S DUTIES Subject to the supervision and pursuant to the orders, advice, and direction of ‘employer, employee shall perform such duties as are customarily performed by one holding such a position in other businesses or enterprises of the same or similar nature as that engaged in by employer. Employee shall additionally render such other and unrelated services and duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by employer. 3, MANNER OF PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEE'S DUTIES Employee shall at all times faithfully, industriously, and to the best of his ability, experience, and talent, perform all duties that may be required of and from him pursuant to the express and implicit terms hereof, to the reasonable satisfaction of employer. 4, DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT The term of employment shall be and terminating __., 20 provided herein. 5. COMPENSATION; REIMBURSEMENT Employer shall pay employee and employee agrees to accept from employer, in full payment for employee's services hereunder, compensation at the rate of Dollars ($ ___) per annum, payable In addition to the foregoing, employer will reimburse employee for any and all necessary, customary, and usual expenses incurred by him while travelling for and on behalf of the employer pursuant to em- ployer’s directions. 6. EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY TO EMPLOYER'S INTERESTS Employee shall devote all of his time, attention, knowledge, and skill solely and exclusively to the business and interests of employer, and employer shall be entitled to all benefits, emoluments, profits, or other issues arising from or incident to any and all work, services, and advice of employes (...) 7, NONDISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION CONCERNING BUSINESS Employee will not at any time, in any fashion, form, or manner, either directly or indirectly divulge, disclose, or communicate to any person, firm, or corporation in any years, commencing on 19 , Subject, however, to prior termination as otherwise manner whatsoever any information of any kind, nature, or description concerning any matters affecting or relating to the business of employer (...). 8. OPTION TO TERMINATE ON PERMANENT DISABILITY OF EMPLOYEE Not withstanding anything in this agreement to the contrary, employer is hereby Given the option to terminate this agreement in the event that during the term hereof employee shall become permanently disabled, as the term “permanently disabled” is hereinafter fixed and defined. 9, DISCONTINUANCE OF BUSINESS AS TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, in the event that employer shall discontinue operations at the premises mentioned above, then this agreement shall cease and terminate as of the last day of the month in which operations cease with the same force and effect as if such last day of the month were originally set forth as the termination date hereof. 10. CONTRACT GOVERNED BY LAW This agreement and performance hereunder shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of 11, BINDING EFFECT OF AGREEMENT This agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the respective parties and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. Executed on the date first above written. .. Employer ——. Employ Lio) EN AUN elas 38 1.5. PAYMENT CONDITIONS, WORK ENVIRONMENT AND DUTIES SPEAKING & VOCABULARY How important is salary in your choice of career? Where would you place this factor within your priority pyramid? Read the text about different forms of payment we can receive for work, and fil in the gaps with the words below. salary | mortgage | expenses | bonus | fringe benefits | fees | pension | wages | commission | remuneration | mileage allowance. | incentive ‘As a white-collar worker, | receive my 1) every month as opposed to people who are paid weekly and receive 2) | work for an exporting company based in Poland, My 3) includes the base salary and 4) __, e.g. my company car and laptop. Since my work involves a lot of travelling, | am also provided with the 5) ___ which covers my travel expenses. My duties include cooperating with sales people who are paid on a 6) basis. Some of them are not very successful, 50 they do not eam much commission. Twice a year, | receive a 7) given for meeting financial targets. Itis an 8) ___ to improve my performance and work even harder. As the living 9) have considerably increased over. recent years, | really appreciate additional benefits, especially when | temind myself of the 10) on my flat, which I hope | will repay within the coming 15 years, and the high school 11) | pay regularly for my children receiving private tuition. | hope that when Iretire, my 12) will allow me to indulge my every whim. What fringe benefits do employees receive? Complete the list below, and add your own ideas. Do you receive fringe benefits? Fringe benefits may include: Lc car 61 vouchers ict allowance Ze facilities 3m allowance 8. 4m phone 9 a 5. p___ scheme 10:8 BUSINESS SKILLS imagine that you have decided to meet your manager and discuss a salary rise. Work with a partner. As an employee, prepare relevant arguments to justify your financial expectations. Your partner is supposed to provide his/her counterarguments as a manager. Make a list of your arguments/counterarguments. aes Role play the negotiation so that each person can take the role of an employee and a manager. Use the language of negotiation below. Language for negotiating: SUGGESTING Does that seem acceptable to you? Is there anything you would like to change? ‘There are several options to consider. Would it be possible Regarding your proposal, our position is RESPONDING TO SUGGESTIONS AAs far as your suggestion/proposal is concerned, we think that ___ We'd like to make an alternative suggestion/proposal. From where we stand, a better solution might be 39 a 2 ra i ry ce} = a fe} rs DISCUSSION (AGREEING & DISAGREEING) That's a fair suggestion/proposal/solution. You have a strong point there. That's true. However | think we can both agree that ___ That's a good idea, but if we look more deeply into this topic The way I look at/understand/see it is. From my perspective I'd have to disagree with you there. \'m afraid that doesn’t work for me. GIVING REASONS & CLARIFYING The reason why is that This is because ___ Due to ‘Would you like to elaborate on that? Could you clarify that point for me? Hl understood you correctly _ What exactly do you mean by ___ Could you be more specific? COMPROMISING How flexible can you be on that? Would you be willing to accept a compromise? Could we meet halfway? We feel there has to be a trade-off here. What do you think is a fair way to resolve the situation? ACCEPTING & REFUSING We are in favour of that. We are happy to accept these terms. This agreement is acceptable to us. That sounds reasonable. | am afraid we couldn't agree on That would be very difficult for us because of ___ Unfortunately, we must decline your offer. SUMMARISING Let's review what we have agreed on so far. We've finally decided on Let's just confirm the details. % yr WRITING: MEMO You are a managing director who is going to organise a meeting to discuss annual salary reviews and suggest salary rises for your employees. Write a memo to all team leaders notifying them of the date, venue and purpose of the meeting. In your writing, use the phrases below. Useful phrases for memo writing: I wish/would like to inform you about This is to inform the team leaders about the meeting on All employees are required to attend the meeting on We request all team leaders to attend the meeting on The purpose of the meeting is to The meeting is aimed at Attached is an employee information sheet. Please find attached the meeting agenda. For any doubts or queries, contact me within one working day. For more information, contact Kind regards/Regards Thank you. (signature) 41 42 » SPEAKING Apart from negotiating a salary rise, what else can people negotiate at work? Discuss it with a partner, and then share your ideas with the group. Answer the questions below, and compare the answers with a partner. Do you share an opinion on negotiation or do you have different views? 4. My goal in negotiation is: a) winning at any cost b) reaching an agreement ©) showing my bargaining power 4d) something else (What?) 2. The person who | negotiate with is my: a) partner b) adversary ) enemy 4d) somebody else (Who?) 3. | gather information about my negotiation partner by: a) browsing the Internet b) searching trade forums ) asking people from my partner's industry ¢) by other method (Which one?) 4. Whille entering into negotiation, |: a) have my aims clearly set b) stay relaxed ¢) feel under pressure 4) feel and behave (How?) 5, When my negotiation reaches a deadlock, I: a) try not to reveal my nervousness 'b) spread my arms helplessly ) always have an alternative solution in mind ) think or do (What?) 6. Negotiation resembles a: a) fight b) game c) maze d) something else (What?) VOCABULARY & SPEAKING = Do you get on well with people at work? How would you describe your work atmosphere? Answer the questions using the adjectives below. ar calm | congenial | convivial | cosy | friendly | homely | informal | pleasant | relaxed | warm | welcoming | heavy | hostile | strained | tense Fill in the gaps with the correct verbs below. lighten | create | prevails | charged | sense | sour 1. Our manager could an atmosphere of calm and security at work, 2. His blunt comments easily our workplace atmosphere. 3. | really enjoy his funny remarks which usually the atmosphere in our department. 4. Icould_____a hostile atmosphere in the office because of the recent redundancies. 5. The atmosphere was with excitement. Our company received an award for CSR activities. 6. A relaxed atmosphere usually business with a long tradition. in our company. We are a small family ‘& SPEAKING & LISTENING 4 Do you work ina multinational environment, or have your ever thought about applying for a position in a multinational company? Discuss the question with a partner, and then think about the problems encountered while working with people from different cultural backgrounds. i 43 SHSHdSOWLVY WHOM = = = is) = = f= a B= i m F4 = Ey fe) = = mi cA I cpt es 44 Listen to the first part of a lecture delivered by Bob, an expert on intercultural negotiation, and note down the cultural differences discussed with reference to the aspects of negotiation below. Aspect of negotiation Cultural differences Time frame of a business relationship Outcome of negotiation ' Attitude to negotiation Style of communication Emotional expression Decision-making process Listen to the second part of the lecture, and complete the sentences below with the word/phrase mentioned by Bob. 4. Negotiation may lead to doing ___ or establishing a long-standing arrangement. 2. People from are not in favour of the win-win negotiation. 3 . The party adopting an informal style in negotiating wishes to with the opposing party. 4, The Israelis communicate in a very —__ way. 5. In negotiation, decisions might be taken by means of group or by a team leader. ‘An American businessman entered into negotiation with his Norwegian partner. They negotiated a supply contract for delivering goods from America to Norway. Look at the phrases below, and create a story of their contract negotiation. » do business with __ » reach a deadlock » create long-term trust > take a timeout > build strong relationships » concede the point > set the agenda » give ground to sb on sth > follow the framework > reach a mutually-acceptable agreement > take advantage of > clinch a deal » declare a contract null and void » get out of the contract 5, VOCABULARY & SPEAKING ~ Analyse work duties of a management assistant. legal officer, HR specialist and IT specialist. Put the following examples in the right column of the table below. Management Legal officer HR specialist IT specialist assistant streamline IT processes | provide administrative support | manage business travel arrangements | liaise with the travel agency (dealing with ticketing-related issues) | prepare briefing materials for the meetings | give legal assistance | establish atraining programme | assist in the management of absences | provide support tothe ITusers | ensure that HR procedures are carried out | answer and redirect phone calls | receive visitors | prepare presentation sheets | take notes and minutes | perform administrative duties | prepare expenses claims | scrutinise documents for completeness | prepare replies to legal interpretation request | provide accurate legal analysis and advice | compile individual files of the staft Think about ‘your typical work schedule, and make a list of duties you perform. Compare your list with a partner. Do you have a lot in common or the opposite? 45 ETM Te BST ToyT) You are going to interview a partner about his/her work and duties. Ask him/her the following questions, and note down the answers. Then, deliver a short presentation about your partner's work. 1. Do you have a nine-to-five job? 2. Do you work fulltime or part-time? 3. Do you work flexitime? 4, Are you a white-collar or a blue-collar worker? 5. Do you do overtime? 6. Do you work shifts? 7. Does your work involve a lot of travelling? 8. Does your work involve dealing with customers? 9. How often do you take time off work? 10, How do you commute to work? 11. Whom do you report to? 12. What are you responsible for? 19, What duties do you perform every day? 14, Do you work under stress and time pressure? =. 15. Do you always meet deadlines? 46 Look at some work-related topics, and express your opinion using the phrases below. In my view _ As far as I'm concerned —__ Personally, | believe/iee! | tend to think that __ 'm convinced that Speaking for myself As far as | know ___ As far as | understand Joan see _ I'd like to point out that _ What | mean is Itseems to me that__ From my point of view —_ if 'm not mistaken I might be wrong, but Ihave mixed feelings about Employees don't pull their weight when they earn average money. Financial incentives motivate people the most. We are in danger of burning out due to our heavy workloads. Good employees try to get on well with all co-workers. Quality is in the eye of the beholder. Appraisal interviews encourage communication and improve employees’ performance. Complete the collocations below with the verbs do or work. ona eps __— physical work _—— overtime as atemp from dawn to dusk one's finger to the bone at a slow pace odd jobs intellectual work seasonal work as a teacher ___at full stretch voluntary work at the computer shifts 47 GRAMMAR: TENSES Piotr is describing his work in a bank. Read the following extract, and choose the correct grammatical form of the verbs below. 14) worklam working for a large international bank. | am in charge of the Auditing Department. One of my responsibilities 2) is/are to make sure that bank operations and procedures are reviewed and evaluated accordingly. | used to 3) work/working in the Credit and Risk Management Department. However, due to our internal mobility procedure, | 4) was moving/moved to the Auditing Section. | have a nine-to-five job. Usually, | leave for work at 7, arrive at 8:30 and stay there till 16:30. My work 5) is involvinglinvolves performing regular appraisals and reporting the results to the Management Board. | am responsible for checking whether banking operations comply with applicable laws and regulations. Currently, |6) visitiam visiting universities in Poland and giving lectures on career opportunities in our institution. it 7) seemslis ‘seeming to me that students need a stimulus to seek employment in banking. firmly believe they 8) havelare having the potential to be great financial specialists. Complete the sentences below wit the verbs in brackets in the correct grammatical form. The meeting (START) at 9 o'clock. . When we ____ (WORK) on our project, the boss _ (CALL) an urgent meeting. iit probably __ (TAKE PART) in this business competition . Who (CHAIR) the meeting tomorrow? , By the end of this term, | (SPEAK) English fluently.” Next Monday, we (MERGE) with another company. This time next month , she ____ (VISIT) her business partners in Barcelona. . When | (WORK) on my computer, the power (GO OFF) 1 (NOT HAVE ) any business meeting for at least one month, 10. He (REGISTER) his new business activity yesterday. 41, He —__ (WORK) as a financial specialist for 10 years, and he loves his job. 12. By the time he came to work, his colleagues (WORK) on a project for three hours. 43. You're finally here! | (WAIT) for you since 10 o'clock, 14. By this time next month, they ___ (TRAVEL) on Florida. 15.1 (BE) to Paris many times, but this business trip is the most exciting! 46. I couldn't complete this task because | (LOSE) my notes the day before 17. By the time you read this memo, | (LEAVE) the company, 18. He (STUDY) accounting, before he got the job. 19. As soon as the bus (ARRIVE), we will leave for the airport. 20. Our Business English classes ___ (END) January 25. 21. She ____ (WRITE) another management coursebook this year. ©MPNOKSONS 22. |____ (SEE) my team leader tomorrow to discuss my performance. 23. |___ (LAUNCH} many business projects so far. 24. My boss __ (SIT) at this computer for five hours, so he is tired. 25, __ (STUDY) Business English for four hours, before | took a walk. 26. The phone (RING) in the office. I'l get it. 27. Atter!_____ (GET) home, I'l complete this report. 28. My co-worker often (STUDY) in the evening 28, Why are you late for the meeting? The road is very wet. It (RAIN) all day. 30. Yesterday, | met my ex-boss, whom | (NOT SEE) for many years. 31, ___her manager often (CRITICISE) her? 32.1 (NOT FINISH) my business trip yet. 33, Sheis tired, ____ she (WORK) all day? 34. As they (ARGUE), the boss came in and dismissed them 36. | hope you __ (APPRECIATE) my hard work. 36, they (COMPLETE) the project last week? 37. ___ you ever ____ (COOPERATE) with Italian investors? 38. How long —__ it____ (TAKE) to get to the city centre? I'm looking for the start-up incubator. 39. Fancy meeting you here! | (NOT SEE) you for ages. 40. | think | (EXCHANGE) many business cards with new investors. Consider the following topics, and discuss them with a partner using the grammatical tenses suggested below. a) your daily work routine b) tasks you are completing at the moment ) meetings you are having tomorrow d) qualifications you have obtained recently e) knowledge you have gained as a student f) experience you have gained at work 4g) projects you have been working on for a week/month/year h) conference/lecture/course you attended i) meeting which influenced your career development ) career plans for the future id) activities you will be performing at a particular time in the future 1) activities you will have finished by a particular time in the future

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