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The film begins by explaining that for samurai honor is above all else,

1876, Nathan Alegren is hired by Omura to train the Japanese army to

defeat a group of samurai led by Katsumomo. Finally, Nathan decided to
do it for the payment that he would receive.
So, Nathan traveled to Japan, where they gather the Japanese soldiers to
be trained, in the province of Yoshino the first battle took place, where
Nathan with his prepared soldiers lose against the samurai.
Later, they arrive at a village in the mountains where he meets
Katsumomo, who takes him to his village to teach him about samurai
culture and customs. For a while Nathan was living in the village and he
realized that the men are courteous and educated and that the word
samurai means to serve, he also learned to dress like them and their
fighting techniques.
Nathan and the samurai were attacked by some ninjas at night, but they
won the battle, Days later Katsumomo kept his promise and returned
Nathan to the city, then Katsumomo is captured, however Nathan with the
help of other samurai rescue him and flee to the village.
Finally, the samurai led by katsumomo with the help of nathan fight against
the soldiers who outnumber them and therefore the samurai lost the battle.
Finally, he managed to get the emperor to change his mind, and Nathan
continued his life just wandering around looking for peace.

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