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Unit#6 Test#6 Date:

Q.1: Tick the correct Option. [5]

1. Which is harmful for computer”

(a) (b) (c) (d)

2. The extension of an executable file is :

(a) .xls (b) .doc (c) Ext. (d) Exe

3. The secrets word or number used for protection is called :

(a) Biometric Data (b) Backup (c) Password (d) Private words

4. Which of the following virus executes when computer starts?

(a) Boot sector (b) Redlof (c) Logic bomb (d)

5. Most computer crimes are committed by:

(a) (b) Thieves (c) Hackers (d) All

Q.2: Give answer to any eight short questions of the following. [16]
1. Define data security ?
2. How a virus is activated?
3. How can we protect computer system from virus?
4. Define antivirus.
5. Describe the copyright act.
6. What is intellectual property?
7. Define the purpose of backup.
8. How will you insure privacy issues?
9. Define the principle of data protection act.
10. What is the purpose of password?
Q.3: Give answer to any two questions of the following. [9]
(a) List some reasons of data loss.
(b) Explain the different causes of virus.

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