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Production and Economic Growth:

 What strategies do you plan to implement to stimulate sustainable economic growth

and increase production across various sectors of the economy?

 How will you address challenges such as low productivity, infrastructure deficits, and
supply chain disruptions that hinder production and economic expansion?

 What measures will you take to encourage local and foreign investment in key industries
to enhance production capacity and promote job creation?

2. Financial Stability and Monetary Policy:

 How do you intend to maintain financial stability in the face of external shocks and
internal economic pressures?

 What is your approach to managing inflation and ensuring price stability while
supporting economic growth?

 How will you balance the need for monetary tightening to curb inflation with the
imperative of providing liquidity to sustain economic activity?

3. Restoration of Confidence in the Financial System:

 What actions will you take to restore public trust and confidence in the banking sector
and financial institutions?

 How do you plan to enhance transparency and accountability within the RBZ and the
broader financial system?

 What steps will you implement to combat corruption, improve governance practices,
and rebuild credibility in monetary policy decisions?

4. Exchange Rate Policy and Foreign Currency Management:

 How do you intend to manage the exchange rate to promote export competitiveness
and maintain external balance?

 What strategies will you employ to ensure adequate foreign currency reserves and
manage currency volatility effectively?

 How will you address the challenges of currency speculation and black market activities
that undermine exchange rate stability and confidence in the financial system?

5. Financial Inclusion and Access to Credit:

 What initiatives will you prioritize to enhance financial inclusion and expand access to
credit for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and marginalized communities?

 How will you foster collaboration with commercial banks and non-bank financial
institutions to improve credit availability and promote inclusive growth?
 What measures will you introduce to strengthen consumer protection mechanisms and
ensure fair and transparent lending practices?

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