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Lesson 3: Jonah and the Whale

Who did swallow Jonah

Scripture Reading and Discussion

Read Jonah 1:15-17

To be supplemented by a booklet.
Moral Lesson: Obedience
1.Who is the main character in the story of Jonah and the Whale?
Objective: 2.What was Jonah asked to do by God?
By the end of the session, the pupils should be able to: 3.What did Jonah do instead of obeying God's command?
4.What happened to Jonah while he was running away?
A. retell the story in their own words; 5.How did the story end for Jonah?
B. emphasize the importance of obeying God; and
C. solve the whale number jigsaw puzzle.

Materials: jigsaw puzzle, glue, scissor

Opening Prayer:

"Dear God,Thank you for this new day and for bringing us all together.
Help us to be kind, helpful, and to listen carefully. Bless us as we learn
and play together today. Amen."

Direction: Solve the jigsaw puzzle and paste it on a bondpaper.

Closing Prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for guiding us through this day of learning and discovery. As
we prepare to part ways, we ask for your continued blessings and
protection. Help us to remember the lessons we've learned and to carry
them with us in our hearts. Bless each child, teacher, and parent with
love, peace, and joy. Amen."

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