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Jenis penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif Kualitatif yang berusaha menuturkan dan menafsirkan

data yang berkenan dengan fakta. Informan penelitian mengunakan metode purposif yaitu
dengan memilih orang-orang yang dianggap mengetahui dan mampu memberikan informasi
yang relevan dengan fokus permasalahan yang akan diteliti, melalui observasi dan
wawancara dengan jumlah 6 informan.
This type of research is Qualitative Descriptive which seeks to interpret and
interpret the data that is pleasing to the facts, using purposive methods, data analysis and
discussion with a qualitative analysis approach to collecting data and materials through
observation and interviews with 6 informants.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif Kualitatif yang berusaha menjelaskan dan
menafsirkan data yang berkaitan dengan fakta
This type of research is qualitative descriptive which attempts to explain and interpret data relating
to facts. The informants of the study used a purposive method, namely by choosing people who
were considered to know and able to provide information that is relevant to the focus of the
problems to be studied through observation and interviews with 6 informants.

This type of research is qualitative descriptive that seeks to interpret and interpret data that are
pleasing to the facts. The informants of the study used intentional methods, namely, selecting
people who were considered to know and who could provide relevant information with the focus of
the problems to be studied, through observation and interviews with the number of 6 informants

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