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soal PAT/PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris/B Inggris kelas 6 semester 2 TA 2022 2023

1. Tegal Arum is name of Village. The leader of village is...

a. Village chief

b. King

c. President

d. Governor

Pembahasan : pemimpin desa adalah kepala desa

kunci Jawaban: A

2. North Sulawesi is province. A... leads it.

a. Village chief

b. King

c. President

d. Governor

Pembahasan : Governor adalah gubernur yang memimpin porvinsi

kunci Jawaban: D

3. Dhana : Can I borrow your pencil?

Samuel : Oke, take it by yourself.

Dhana : .... is your pencil box?

a. Where

b. When

c. What

d. Do
Pembahasan : Samuel ingin meminjam pensil, Dhana menyuruhnya mengambil sendiri. Kemudian Dhana
bertanya dimana kotak pensil Samuel

kunci Jawaban: A

4. Do you mind... Your dictionary for me?

a. borrowing

b. Lending

c. To borrow

d lend

Pembahasan : apakah kamu keberatan meminjamkan kamusmu kepadaku?

kunci Jawaban: B

5. I will... you to my birthday party next Sunday at my restaurant.

a. Announce

b. Give

c. Invite

d. Explain

Pembahasan : saya akan mengundang kamu ke ulang tahun saya Minggu depan di restoran saya

kunci Jawaban: C

6. Mr Smith is not feeling well, .... He will come to our party.

a. Since

b. because

c. But

d. So

Pembahasan : Pak Smith sedang tidak merasa baik tapi dia akan datang ke pesta kita
kunci Jawaban: C

7. The goat called out loudly after him and reminder him of his promise to help him out.

The antonym of "loudly" Is...

a. Small

b. Quckly

c. Softly

d. Hard

Pembahasan : loudly berarti dengan keras, lawan katanya adalah dengan lembut atau softly

kunci Jawaban: C

8. Please come.... , otherwise the party will be over.

a. On time

b. Late

c. Later

d. Then

Pembahasan : datanglah tepat waktu atau pesta akan selesai

kunci Jawaban: A

9. Today we will go together to our friend's birthday party at Raos restaurant.

The antonym of "together" Is...

a. Early

b. Alone

c. On time

d. Late
Pembahasan : together artinya bersama, lawan katanya adalah sendiri atau alone

kunci Jawaban: B

10. The goat did has he was asked and the fox got on his back and climbed out of the well.

The meaning of "climbed out" Is...

a. Berdiri

b. Berjalan

c. Memanjat keluar

d. Mendaki

Pembahasan : climbed out berarti memanjat keluar

kunci Jawaban: C

11. A : “ Could I borrow your pencil?”

B : .....................

a. You’re welcome

b. Of course

c. Yes, it is

d. Thank you

kunci Jawaban:

12. My father forbids me to swim in the river.

He says ....

a. Swim in the river !

b. No swim in the river !

c. Don’t swim in the river !

d. Doesn’t swim in the river !

kunci Jawaban: C

13. We will do exercise on page. Our teacher says ....

a. Open your book

b. Close your book

c. Put your book

d. Pack your book

kunci Jawaban: A

14. Precident, vice president, and minister are the .... government.

a. local

b. regional

c. central

d. international

kunci Jawaban: C

15. These are the members of the central government, except ....

a. president

b. governoor

c. minister

d. vice president

kunci Jawaban: B

16. My mother cooks friedrice in the . . . .

a. Kitchen

b. Dining room

c. Bathroom

d. Bedroom

kunci Jawaban: A

18. A place people can buy envelopes, stamps, post cards and mail a letter is called . . . .

a. Officer

b. Market

c. Post office

d. Drugstore

kunci Jawaban: C

19. When someone wants to mail a letter, she should stick a ... on the envelope.

a. Stamp

b. Sticker

c. Picture

d. Map

kunci Jawaban: A

20. …………… the tour guide, or you might get lost.

a. Go

b. Read

c. Follow

d. Help
kunci Jawaban: C

21. What is an example of a healthy lifestyle choice?

a) Eating lots of junk food and sugary drinks

b) Watching TV all day instead of going outside to play

c) Getting regular exercise and eating a balanced diet

d) Staying up late and not getting enough sleep

kunci jawaban: C

22. Which of the following is the largest planet in our solar system?

a) Earth

b) Venus

c) Jupiter

d) Mars

kunci jawaban: C

23. What is the name of the imaginary line that runs through the Earth from the North Pole to the South

a) Equator

b) Prime Meridian

c) Tropic of Cancer

d) Tropic of Capricorn

kunci jawaban: B

24. What is the name of the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth?
a) Atmosphere

b) Hydrosphere

c) Lithosphere

d) Biosphere

kunci jawaban: A

25. Which of the following is an example of expressing happiness?

a) Crying

b) Smiling

c) Yelling

d) Frowning

kunci jawaban: B

26. What is the name of the emotion that you might feel if someone close to you passes away?

a) Anger

b) Sadness

c) Excitement

d) Joy

kunci jawaban: B

27. What is the name of the emotion that you might feel if you are nervous or afraid?

a) Anxiety

b) Confidence

c) Enthusiasm

d) Gratitude
kunci jawaban: A

28. What is the purpose of tourism?

a) To promote cultural exchange between countries

b) To make people stay at home

c) To limit people's exposure to other cultures

d) To encourage people to become more isolated

kunci jawaban: A

29. Which of the following is an example of a tourist attraction?

a) A landfill site

b) A city hall

c) A museum

d) A construction site

kunci jawaban: C

30. What is sustainable tourism?

a) Tourism that is focused on making a profit for the host country

b) Tourism that is harmful to the environment

c) Tourism that is done in a way that preserves the local culture and environment

d) Tourism that is only for the wealthy and privileged

kunci jawaban: C

31. A time for breakfast is in the ...

a. Afternoon
b. Midnight

c. Morning

d. Night

kunci Jawaban: C

33. There are ... days in a week.

a. Five

b. Seven

c. Eight

d. Six

kunci Jawaban: B

34. Mrs. Zahra : How ... is the bag?

Seller : It’s ninety five thousands Rupiahs.

a. Much

b. Many

c. Cheap

d. Big

kunci Jawaban: A

35. Vina is sick. She have to go to ....

a. the nurse

b. the teacher

c. the doctor

d. the police
kunci Jawaban: C

36. The doctor injects the patient using a ....

a. syringe

b. crutch

c. stethoscope

d. thermometer

kunci Jawaban: A

37. Dinda eats sauce too much. Now, she has a ....

a. headache

b. earache

c. backache

d. stomachache

kunci Jawaban: D

38. Nindi : "Could you .... the window, please?"

Sandra : " Sure ."

a. sit

b. open

c. turn on

d. sweep

kunci Jawaban: B

39. The opposite direction (compass) of ‘north’ is . . . .

a. Southeast

b. South

c. West

d. East

kunci Jawaban: B

40. …………… the lights, it’s already noon.

a. Turn on

b. Turn off

c. Don’t play

d. Follow

kunci Jawaban: A

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