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Supplements: Off-Label Drugs: Food:

Artemisinin Doxycycline Carrots (Luteolin, Falcarinol, Beta-carotene)

Berberine Metformin Celery (Apigenin)
Black Seed Oil Atorvastatin Ginger
Curcumin *Care Oncology Garlic
Genisten Berries (Ellagic Acid)
Quercetin Strawberries (Fisetin)
Resveratrol Green Tea (EGCG)
Vitamin C Grapes (Resveratrol)
Vitamin D Broccoli Sprouts (I3C and Sulforaphane)
Onions (Quercetin)
Amla (Vitamin C)
Burdock Root (Essiac Tea)
Metro Map (from Adventures with Jodi)
Cancer MAP Pathways - including KRAS and APC Gene Mutations
I'm following Chris Wark Diet Plan (along with Jane's recommendations)

Juice Formula:
x5 Carrots
x1-2 Celery Stalks
x1/2 Beet Root
1 Knuckle Gingerroot

Advanced Juice Formula:

(add from above)
1 Knuckle Turmeric root
x1/4 to 1/2 lemon or lime (unpeeled)
1 whole green apple (unpeeled)
1 clove garlic

Add to amp up nutritional value:

1 scoop green powder
x1/4 to 1 tsp amla powder
x1/4 to 1 tsp moringa powder
x1/4 tsp green tea powder
x2-6 oz aloe vera gel

How often: drink 8oz every hour (8am - 3pm)

Page 132 - 133 of Chris's Book

long with Jane's recommendations)

Giant Cancer-Fighting Salad

Leafy greens: kale, spinach, Swiss Chard, Watercress, Arugula
Broccoli or broccoli sprouts
Purple Cabbage
Slice of Red, Yellow, or Green Onion
Red, Yellow, or green peppers (technically fruit)
Sunflower seeds
almonds or walnuts (unsalted, raw, or roasted)
sprouted garbanzo beans
sprouted black lentils
sprouted mung beans
All vegetables are wonderful, add them as you like.
Page 139 of Chris's book

How often: I eat two salads per day (lunch & dinner). Sometimes I turn my salad
into a warm soup
Anti-Cancer Salad Dressing
Apple cider Vinegar x1-4 c
Extra Virgin olive oil and/or flax oil) handful
Organic oregano handful
Organic garlic powder x1 (to 3)
Organic turmeric or curry powder x4-8 oz
Organic cayenne pepper
Organic black pepper
Bragg organic sprinkle (a blend of 24 hers and spices)
Nutritional yeast
Page 141 of Chris's book

How often: I mix the dressing into a large container and use it daily
with my salads with lots of fresh garlic.
Anti-Cancer Fruit & Veggie Smoothie
Frozen organic berries
Leafy greens like spinach and kale
Almonds or walnuts or both
Banana (or pitted dates)
Add your juice (carrot-celery-beet)
Blend with 1cup of water
Add (if you choose):
Young Thai coconut
Aloe Vera
Turmeric Powder
Amla Powder
Moringa Powder
Matcha Green Tea Powder
Goji Berries
Acai Berries
etc.. You get the idea
Page 144 of Chris's book

How often: I drink 1 smoothie every day (first

Comments Notes Dose Off-Label Drugs Supplement(s) Wake Breakfast

500 Mg Metformin X

500 Mg Berberine X

81 Mg Low Dose Aspirin X

100 Mg Doxycycline X

40 Mg (x2) Atorvastatin

COC is out-of-
100 Mg Mebendazole X
Caused Pain - Substitute for Fenbendazole
took without Mebendazole 100 Mg (Canine X
Artemiosinin (STOPPED) Dewormer)

Take with
200 Mg Artemiosinin X

2250 Mg Curcumin X

1000 Mg Resveratrol X

500 Mg Quercetin X

1000 mg Black Seed Oil X

125 mg Genistein X

Vitamin D3 (5000
125 mcg X
IU of Vitamin D)
Lunch Dinner Bedtime Actions

• Helps to block numerous CSC

metabolic pathways: IGF-1, Gln Oxphos,
X mTOR, F.A.S, Insulin, Oxphos
• Reduces tumor cell growth and
metastasis by activating the p53 tumor
suppressor gene

• Helps to block numerous CSC

metabolic pathways: Gln Oxphos, mTOR,
SREBP-1, Insulin, Oxphos
• Inhibits the proliferation of colon
cancer cells
X • Promotes apoptosis
• Inhibits metastasis
• Anti-inflammatory
• Analgesic, antimicrobial,
hypolipidemic, and blood pressure-
lowering effects
• Clear inhibitory effects on various
cancers, including colorectal cancer, lung
cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer,
liver cancer, and cervical cancer

• Helps to block F.A.S CSC metabolic

• Anti inflammatory
• Helps prevent metastases
• Reduces angiogenesis
• Blocks VEGF
• Inhibits metastases
• Antiplatelet

• Helps to block Oxphos CSC metabolic

• Apoptosis induction in the colorectal
• Powerful MMP-9 inhibitor (Decreases
metastatic spread)

• Slows down fast cell dividing

• Reduces abnormal cell signaling
X (Sonic hedgehog)
• MMP-2 inhibitor (Decreases
metastatic spread)
• Promotes apoptosis
• Slows down fast cell dividing
• Reduces abnormal cell signaling
X (Sonic hedgehog)
• MMP-2 inhibitor (Decreases
metastatic spread)
• Promotes apoptosis

Janes seems to be saying the when

Fenbendazole is used it must be taken
X with something that blocks the
autophagy. Seeing as Joe doesn't like to
use loratadine etc. Jane suggests perhaps
artemisinin be used at the same time as

• Enhance efficacy of chemotherapy

• Induces apoptosis
• Inhibits tumor growth
• Decreases inflammation
• Inhibition of angiogenesis
• Restricts cell survival signaling
• Anti-ox, helps with side effects of
X • Inhibits Glutaminolysis Pathway
• P1.3K inhibitor
• P53 inhibitor

• P13K inhibitor
• TGF-beta inhibitor
• EGFR inhibitor
• Stem-cell Killer

• P13K inhibitor
• WNT-beta inhibitor
• P53 inhibitor
• TGF-beta inhibitor
• Stem-cell Killer
•Anti-Angiogenic Foods

Not sure why - but its on Jodie's list

Statement of Belief:
I believe almost all stage IV cancers can be reversed from being incurable to becoming treatable, unless organ dam
given at the right time and in the right order. All too often, death is a result of too aggressive chemotherapy or a sid
294 Jane's book)

Jane's Moonshot Approach:

1. Starve Your Cancer (my Metro Map)
2. Stop Abnormal Cell Signaling (Hedgehog, Want, Notch, PPAR gamma, inflammation)
3. Stop It Spreading (block growth factors and MMPs)
4. Snuff It Out (trigger apoptosis in more gentle and natural way through the caspase cascade and oxygenation, us
5. Recover!! Which includes detox, recovering the immune system and mitochondrial loss.
(Page 295 Jane's book)

Where to START:
Each cancer patient will need a tailored diet and exercise regime. Every cancer is driven by different metabolic and
specific recommendation. If your disease is more glutamine-driven (e.g. cancers with an over-expressed MYC gene)
cutting out protein. Melanomas, prostate and Braf-driven cancers that truly more on fat and glutamine should avoi

Step-1: Anti-Inflammatory, Cancer Starving Drugs, & Apt with MD and Nutritionist
The prescription of something as simple as an anti-inflammatory, other cancer-starving drugs and an immediate vis
nutritionist could have an enormous impact on your dire survival statistics. (Page 297 Jane's book)

You must take a rounded approach. If you take off-label drugs without addressing your immune system, your diet
achieve the best results. A fully integrated approach, preferably with an oncologist who helps guide you through yo
understands the metabolic nature of the cancer, will be key to the future of the profession. (Page 298 Jane's book)

Your Cancer-Starving Cocktail

Fifteen years ago, few cancer researchers understood the stem cell, at the heart of every cancer, the cell responsib
understood how "metabolically flexible" the cancer stem cell was, able to shift from using one fuel supply to anothe
Without a comprehensive cocktail blocking off each fuel pipeline, cancer becomes resistant. But don't image the r
thought out of your head and insert "metabolic adaptation". For most people this is a mind flip that open their eyes
wrong for decades. Instead of just treating the genes, we should be treating the altered metabolism that goes wit

Piccadilly Circus Analogy and How Cancer re-routes to achieve its goal
It is accepted that cancer cells possess distinct bioelectrical properties because it utilizes different ion channel tran
common genetic changes in many cancers, such as p53, the tumor suppressor gene. They can move in many directi
tumor can contain up to 2000 different mutations, allowing a tumor to evade genetically targeted treatments. (Pag

What is less visible is what happens below the surface, or at the heart of the cancer. Below the surface is there und
has a finite number of routes. These are like the fuel pipelines of the cancer stem cell. To get to Piccadilly Circus if o
underground and still reach your destination by another line. Similarly the wily cancer cell is able to re-route and sti

Unlike the genetic changes where it can endlessly mutate, below ground there are fewer options for rerouting and
stem cell that is cancer's real Achille's heel and yet this is currently ignored by the mainstream, which treats only th

The combination of both my drug cocktail together with the Care Oncology Clinic cocktail I believe would work ver
great many pathways at the same time. Cancers that were more aggressive or behaved differently might need mor
The more drugs you add, the less of each you need, as long as they target different pathways. In theory, at least, th
could be drastically lowered.

My Hallmarks of Cancer (Page 308 Jane's book)

I have identified five abnormal processes that happen as a cell becomes cancerous. These steps or hallmarks of can

Each step needs to be treated, but it remains clear to me from the published research that tackling the altered m
lasting remission.

How to treat Abnormal Cell Signaling:

These differ in individual cancers. You will need to do your own research online and quiz our doctor to find out if yo
which of these you need:

Hedgehog Signaling - this is present in the majority of cancers, Berberine, Metformin and the anti-helminth (worm
treatments against this.
Anti-helminth (working) Mebendazzole

Wnt/beta-catenin - Wnt signaling is controlled by miR-34s, an epigenetically-controlled micro RNA strand with anti
tumors. Wnt also appears to play a part in encouraging bone metastases by interfering with the normal activity of o
colorectal, ovarian, and renal, cervical hepatocellular and sarcomas.
Treatment: Aspirin and dipyridamole help stymie this abnormal cell signaling. Both also have beneficial effects on b
NSAIDs and Vitamin D3 also improve this abnormal signaling pathway. (Page 311 Jane's book)
Notch - Notch is now known to be associated with cervical cancer. To combat this, the natural flavonoid luteolin is w
celery-rich vegetable juice although I now cheat and take a supplement as luteolin is also SREBP-2 inhibitor. The su
abnormal cell signaling. Notch is associated with alteration in the surrounding fibroblasts and gene c-MYC. Both ma
cancers (e.g. gastric cancer, head and neck, cervical squamous cancer, some breast cancers, colon, leukemia, gliom
niclosamide, and old parasitic drug. Evidence shows niclosamide targets multiple signaling pathways - Notch, OxPho

Treatment: Luteolin, sulphoraphane, quercertin, niclosamide. All have multiple targets in cancer but if you take s
STOPPED temporarily when you want to trigger a "kill phase" of treatment.

TLR-4 - The role of this Toll Like Receptor in cancer has only recently been studied but it is present in head and neck
breast, ovarian, cervical and breast cancer.
Treatment: Berberine. Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Low Dose Nalrexone (LDN)

TLR-9 - This is linked to oncogenic viruses.

Treatment: Low Dose Nalrexone. Chloroquine (hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine sulphate) an antimalarial drug, i
Low Dose Nalrexone

Integrins - Integrin protein molecules are located on the surface of cells spanning the phospholipid (fat) cell membr
Velcro to form tissues and organs. Faulty p53 signaling causes integrins to retreat inside the cell and be sent to the
to break away and travel in the blood stream. Evidence is in short supply for treatments, but I hypothesize that dipy
protein, so it may help prevent the integrin retreating into the cell, keeping it on the surface of the cell to perform i

Ostrogen Receptor - these receptors are found inside cells. They are unregulated in breast, ovarian and endometria
estrogen positive, such as gastric and NSCLC, even colon and liver cancers. Indole-3 carbinol (I3C or DIM) and melat
Indole-3 (I3C or DIM)

EGFR - (epidermal growth factor receptor) Berberine, EGCG (green tea) and curcumin are natural antagonists, so I a
erlotinib and lapatinib, these natural alternatives come without severe side effects. Chloroquine may hold the key t
targeted treatments (see macropinocytosis) and for many aggressive cancers.
EGCG (green tea)

Interleukin 1 and 6 (PGE2) - these inflammatory cytokines release COX (Cyclo-oxygenase) an enzyme that fuels gro
inflammatory (NSAID)
Treatment: Either aspirin or a strong type. Etodolac for 3 months. Never take the two together as the stronger non
the aspirin and raise the risk of stomach bleeds significantly.
Etodolac (stronger than Aspirin - don't take together)

PPAR gamma (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) - This is a receptor in the nucleus that is a mast
metabolism. When Wnt signaling is unregulated, PPAR gamma is downregulated. This occurs in many cancers. The
which makes it important to regulate in all metabolic disorders including cancer. It is the target for several diabetic
and increase insulin sensitivity, but they have significant side effects. Statins, Berberine, and another natural extrac
activated by ibuprofen. Whilst they work, these are a bit likely sticky plasters for activating this receptor. The root p
particular), and not enough fish oils (omega-3) vitamins A and D and omega-7.
(not enough fish oils - omega-3)
Vitamins A & D

Once you worked out which of these abnormal cell signals are applicable to your cancer you can get to the hub o
ng treatable, unless organ damage is too severe, with the right combination of drugs,
gressive chemotherapy or a side effect of the toxic therapies currently on offer. (Page

e cascade and oxygenation, use low dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy)

ven by different metabolic and genetic changes, which is why there can never be one
an over-expressed MYC gene), it may be important to follow a more vegan diet,
fat and glutamine should avoid ketogenic diets. (Page 296 Jane's book)

ng drugs and an immediate visit to a skilled functional medicine practitioner and

Jane's book)

our immune system, your diet, your guy health, your lifestyle and stress, you will not
ho helps guide you through your choices both orthodox and complementary, who
ession. (Page 298 Jane's book)

very cancer, the cell responsible for drug resistance and metastasis. Neither was it
using one fuel supply to another, re-routing itself to maintain its constant supply.
esistant. But don't image the resistance as merely a "genetic adaptation". Wipe that
mind flip that open their eyes to where the approach to treatment has being going
red metabolism that goes with it. (Page 305 Jane's book)

zes different ion channel transport (e.g. calcium channel transporters). And there are
They can move in many directions, altering their direction of flow. In the same way, a
ally targeted treatments. (Page 306 Jane's book)

Below the surface is there underground system, the "Tube" or Metro System. And this
. To get to Piccadilly Circus if one fuel line is blocked, you can travel around the
r cell is able to re-route and still feed itself with a different fuel source.

wer options for rerouting and better opportunities for blocking its growth. It is the
instream, which treats only the fast dividing cells.

cktail I believe would work very effectively on a great many cancers by blocking off a
ed differently might need more drugs and supplements.
athways. In theory, at least, this means chemotherapy and toxic immunotherapy drugs

hese steps or hallmarks of cancer are:

Abnormal Cell Signaling: Abnormal Cell Metabolism: Abnormal Growth Factors:

TLR4/TLR9 Glycolysis VEGF
PGE2 / IL6 Glutaminolysis PDGF
Wnt, Hhg, Notch Mevolonate FGF
ER, EGFR, Her2 etc. MMP-2, 3, 9

Abnormal Immune Response Fast Cell Division:

Reduced TH1 & Tumor Recognition Reduced apoptosis (death)
Increased TH2 of tumor cells

ch that tackling the altered metabolism and starving the tumor is key to achieving

uiz our doctor to find out if your cancer expresses any of the following to determine

and the anti-helminth (worming) Mebendazzole is particular, are effective

ed micro RNA strand with antiviral activity, so it may be linked to many viral-driven
ng with the normal activity of osteoclasts. Other Wnt-driven cancers include

so have beneficial effects on bone remodeling and antiviral effects. Niclosamide,

e's book)
e natural flavonoid luteolin is what you need. This can be obtained in your daily
also SREBP-2 inhibitor. The supplements sulforaphane and quercertin also target this
asts and gene c-MYC. Both may make cancer especially aggressive. Notch-driven
ancers, colon, leukemia, glioma, medulloblastomas) might benefit from the drug:
aling pathways - Notch, OxPhos, NF-kB, Wnt/B-catenin, ROS, mTOR, and Stat3.

ets in cancer but if you take sulphoraphane and luteolin, they will need to be

t it is present in head and neck, esophageal gastric, colorectal, liver, pancreatic, skin,

lphate) an antimalarial drug, is also a possible treatment for TLR-9 that also prevents

phospholipid (fat) cell membrane and they normally grip healthy cells in place like
de the cell and be sent to the wrong part of the cell surface, allowing the cancer cell
nts, but I hypothesize that dipyridamole may have some effect as it has an affinity for
surface of the cell to perform its Velcro-like function.

reast, ovarian and endometrial cancers but other less obvious cancers may also be
arbinol (I3C or DIM) and melatonin help block estrogen receptors as does metformin.

are natural antagonists, so I already had it covered, or partly at least. Unlike gefitinib,
hloroquine may hold the key to preventing resistance to both EGFR and HER2

ase) an enzyme that fuels growth but it an be neutralized by a non-steroidal anti-

together as the stronger non-steroidal would cancel out the anti-platelet effects of
or in the nucleus that is a master controller of fatty acid storage and glucose
s occurs in many cancers. The PPAR gamma also controls inflammation and insulin,
the target for several diabetic drugs, the glitazones, which reduce insulin resistance
ne, and another natural extract called Honokiol activate PPAR gamma. It is also partly
ating this receptor. The root problem is linked to low gut flora (bifidobacteria in

ncer you can get to the hub of your treatment, how to starve it…

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