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Student: Rejoice M. Tlhong
ID: 37624
Q1. Write the short note on research related trends in child psychology.
Physical development- this stages involves how a child learns to move
and control their body. It includes the physical and motor body skills. The
development begins from infancy to adolescent stage.
Cognitive development- this involves a child’s ability to think and
reason. The child begins to recognize people and objects around them. At
the latest stage of adolescent they are able to make decisions for
themselves and solve complex questions, able to comprehend and analyse.
Social development-this involves the influence of the child by people
around them. The child learns emotions, morality, relations and
attachment. This development has a huge impact in the personality and
association of the child with the society.

Q2. Write in detail about the psychosexual stages given by Freud.

Oral stage-between infancy and 2 years, here the child develops the
primary source of interaction with the mouth. The infant derives pleasure
from oral stimulation.
Anal stage- this stage is between 15 months and 3 years. The child learns
to control their bodily needs such as bladder and bowel movement, toilet
training happens at this stage.
Phallic stage- between 3 and 6 years, here the child learns to discover
the differences between female and male. They develop some sense of
affection between the two and could be able to pick side and feel more
comfortable or affectionate to one parent.
Latency stage- between 6 years and puberty, the child develops social
skills, values, relations with peers and adults outside the family. They begin
to explore other interest not sexual.
Genital stage- puberty to death, here people develops a strong sexual in
the interest in the opposite sex, grows interest in the welfare of other

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