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Hello baby, I know this letter is nothing
special but I just want to say that I'm
very grateful and happy to be your
girlfriend. You are the best thing that
happened to me and I'm not letting it go
I ain't elsa and I don't want to share
what is mine but I wrote this to tell you
about how I fell for you and what I love
all about you :3.

First, I remember the first we day talked

and met was from a server we were
goofing around and I added you because
you seemed very nice to talk to we talked
and I remember you immediately calling
me as soon as you heard that I'm from
Myanmar and I must say I was surprised
you knew what's happening here and we
talked and talked. And as we talked o
liked you I mean as in like woah this guy
seems fun and very nice that was my first
impression and as you roasted the
building I had fun laughing my ass off and
your accent made it kinda funnier no hate
I'm just saying. And then I think we
didn't talk for that much the past few
days but we talked again at Christmas
when you wished me Merry Christmas and
I was stunned like broda you remembered
me? And before that, I was busy those
days because of my dad and going out to
different places but I really appreciated
you wishing me a Merry Christmas and we
talked back again.

That one night when we texted back and

forth I remember I could only text you
like that because I’m in a separate
bungalow with my parents so I had free
time and stayed up until like 5 am to talk
to you and my data was worth wasting it.
The more we talked the more I took a
liking to you. I know these sound so
cheesy but it's the truth, a chessy truth.
And I guess it all started when I became
your pookie it was fun at first but then I
took it seriously like you called me pookie
and now I'm your pookie and no one else.
And I knew I was fucked when those
thoughts of being possessive and
obsessed came because that's my
symptoms of mine before I fall in love.
And I did, and now you're stuck with me
forever and you can't leave me because
you are locked up in my heart. You have
been promoted to the boy who holds my
heart and my love please keep it safe.
I love spending time with you even for a
moment or just one text. You know, every
time I think about us I feel so happy that
I got you as my boyfriend like MINE CAN
Although sometimes it kinda hurts
thinking we are away this sooooo far, I
want you near me, hold you tight in my
arms, and then just shower you with my
kisses. I don't know much about your past
but just some and I'm sorry about it, my
boy doesn't deserve to go thru this but
the past is past. But now you're here with
me and I will take care of you until you
decide to leave but even if you leave I
don't want to let you go well I might when
you want me to but I would keep a special
place for you in my heart and I don't
want let you go and keep you forever if
possible. I hope I can leave this SHIT
country and meet you, my love.

I love you so much, my love. And I want

you to know that. Tell me everything
about you and I always want to listen and
will be there to listen. Don't worry about
any worries about nagging me or
bothering me I care about you so much
and even your little problems matter a lot
to me. Please don't hesitate to tell them
to me because I'm always here to listen
to you. As days pass I cannot help but fall
for you more I know this sounds very
corny but hear you talk about your
dreams and your being serious about our
relationship it's so rare seeing a boy this
serious about love in this generation. You
are just amazing that I cannot describe in
words. You are the type of man I wanted
to love and have you as my lifetime
partner. Little me would also like you a
lot. With you, every moment feels so good
and made me feel safe and I love you so
much. You let me yap and always listen,
you comfort me when I needed you, you
made me laugh even when I didn't want
to, your voice always calm me down and
your picture of literally anything made me
smile. So with this let me tell you what I
love about you.
Your eyes are the most perfect and
beautiful eye I've seen l. The perfect
combination of blue, green and yellow is
just breath taking. I wonder how
beautiful it would be to just gaze at them
while they reflect the sunlight, it would
shine so brightly and I just want to stare
at it for so long. Don't hate your eyes and
don't think they are normal, it's so unique
to me and it makes you more special, love.

To be honest, as someone who like to
draw portraits and humans your nose fits
your features perfectly like the bridge is
not big nor small it's just perfectly
structure like it belongs there.

LIKE your lips look so kissable and so

perfect just mhhhhmmmmm Whenever I
see your lips I just imagine how it would
feel to have your lips on mine, just softt
and warm I NEED IT SO BAD. like just
pin me down and yes with those lips kiss
me till I cannot breathe anymore even if
I'm begging for you to stop don't just
keep going.
Your hair looks so soft, with that shiny
gold colour and that wavy curly hair that
would be perfect to just play with or just
wrap around my fist while I ride on you :3
okay but seriously your hair is just
perfect chef kiss it’s like a bonus combo
with your eyes it matches and suits you so
well. I want to play with that hair while
you lay on my chest and hold you close and
braid your hair along.

Don't even get me started on this, blud is
15 and has this strong ass physique, yes
sir throw me around like a ragdoll I like
that shit. But respectfully your arms,
your chest, and that broad shoulder line
lord that’s so perfecttt. I would worship
every curve of your body like it's only my
last salvation.

I knew I hit the jackpot and I'm so
grateful to have you as mine, like I said
before boys in this generation are so
fucked up but you, my love, you’re just
perfectt and you are respectful, and your
one of those old lover type WHICH I
ABSOLUTELY LOVE and just listening to
your dreams prove me you're55 c worth
more and actually is a guy with dreams
and I would love to be by your side and
support that dream <3.
Your voice
Whenever I hear your voice it
brings me a lot of comfort and I
love it. I remember yesterday while
we were talking you spoke your
language and lemme tell ya I didn’t
understand but that smooth voice
talking with that accent it was sooo
smooth I want you talk for hours
and when you called me “baby” on
Monday 9;15 pm WHEN I TELL YOU
MY CHEEKS they were hot and my
ears too so I had to look in the
mirror and I was red as shit and it
made me really happy hearing you
calling me so sweetly with your
With every perfect feature
combined, you are perfect like the
full moon on a starry night. Your
soul is just so pure I would love to
keep it loved and protected as long
as you would let me. Everyday
whenever we talked I feel really
wanted and appreciated to the point
where sometime I would get
overwhelmed by it (in a good way)
then cry because I knew how
perfect of a boyfriend I have l and
I never planned on hurting you my
love. I will love you with all my
You're the first one to make me
feel like I'm home.
You're the first LOVE I
experienced and I want to be your
last love.
since the day we dated, I didn't
know you would become this
important to me.
You're the first ever person to
show me what is love.
Now I know how it feels like with
you and it’s amazing. Thank you, my
Thank you for your time to me
Thank you for being mine
Thank you for staying with me.
Thank you for everything you done.
Even with the distance you still
stayed and loved me like no one.
Thank you for everything my love.
I love you so much.
More than anything.
You matter alot to me and u want
you to know it. You're my comfort
zone. My safe place. I know we
might have difficulties in
communicating because of the time
zone and the distance with our
schedules and everything but I
wanted you to know that even those
things cannot make my feelings for
you go weak. And I'm so glad I met
someone like you and spend my time
with you. I may or may not be the
perfect someone you are looking for
but I will always try my best to be
one and never let you go. You are
always my motivation to do literally
anything. I'm studying? I think of
our future and work my ass off. I'm
cooking? I always imagine I'm
cooking for you. I'm cleaning the
house? I imagine cleaning with you.
Every hour and seconds you were
always on my mind and invading
every thoughts I'm not complaining
but it's almost every time.

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