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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will distinguish Bell palsy from other causes of facial weakness
CREDIT and apply current management guidelines
Division of Neurology, LeBauer HealthCare, Chairman, Department of Neurology; Director,
Cone Health Medical Group, Greensboro, NC Neuromuscular Center, Neurological Institute,
Cleveland Clinic; Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner
College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH

Bell palsy:
Clinical examination and management
Bell palsy is a common neurologic disorder characterized
B ell palsy is an idiopathic peripheral nerve
disorder involving the facial nerve (ie, cra-
nial nerve VII) and manifesting as acute, ipsi-
by acute facial mononeuropathy of unclear cause pre- lateral facial muscle weakness. It is named after
senting with unilateral facial weakness. Careful exami- Sir Charles Bell, who in 1821 first described the
nation and a detailed history are important in making anatomy of the facial nerve.1 Although the dis-
an accurate diagnosis. Early recognition is essential, as order is clinically benign, patients can be dev-
treatment with corticosteroids within 72 hours of onset astated by its disfigurement.
has been shown to hasten recovery. Fortunately, most The annual incidence of Bell palsy is 20 per
patients recover spontaneously within 3 weeks, even if 100,000, with no predilection for sex or eth-
untreated. nicity. It can affect people at any age, but the
incidence is slightly higher after age 40.2,3 Risk
KEY POINTS factors include diabetes, pregnancy, severe
preeclampsia, obesity, and hypertension.4–7
Bell palsy is an acute disorder of the facial nerve caus-
ing unilateral facial weakness, pain, abnormal taste, and ■■ THE FACIAL NERVE IS VULNERABLE
A basic understanding of the neuroanatomy of
Although herpes simplex virus reactivation is suspected the facial nerve provides clues for distinguish-
in the pathogenesis, the exact cause is unknown. ing a central lesion from a peripheral lesion.
This differentiation is important because the
An additional workup is warranted for abnormalities causes and management differ.
beyond isolated facial nerve palsy. The facial nerve is a mixed sensory and
motor nerve, carrying fibers involved in facial
expression, taste, lacrimation, salivation, and
Guidelines recommend starting corticosteroids for sensation of the ear. It originates in the lower
patients who present within 3 days of symptom onset. pons and exits the brainstem ventrally at the
There is no compelling evidence to support antiviral pontomedullary junction. After entering the
therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, or surgical internal acoustic meatus, it travels 20 to 30 mm
decompression. in the facial canal, the longest bony course of
any cranial nerve, making it highly susceptible
to trauma and compression by edema.8
In the facial canal, it makes a posterior and
inferior turn, forming a bend (ie, the genu of
the facial nerve). The genu is proximal to the
geniculate ganglion, which contains the fa-
cial nerve’s primary sensory neurons for taste
and sensation. The motor branch of the facial
doi:10.3949/ccjm.82a.14101 nerve then exits the cranium via the stylomas-
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TABLE 1 herpes virus simplex type 1 infection may be

Approach to the clinical examination for Bell palsy
Observe for asymmetry during the interview; pay close attention OTHER SYMPTOMS
to blinking, the nasolabial folds, and the corners of the mouth
Symptoms of Bell palsy include ipsilateral sag-
General examination, otoscopy, palpation for masses near the neck ging of the eyebrow, drooping of the face, flat-
and face, and examination of the skin
tening of the nasolabial fold, and inability to
Assess motor function, asking the patient to: fully close the eye, pucker the lips, or raise the
Raise both eyebrows corner of the mouth (Figure 1). Symptoms
Close both eyes tightly develop within hours and are maximal by 3
Smile days.
Puff out the cheeks About 70% of patients have associated
Purse the lips
Show both upper and lower teeth (grimace)
ipsilateral pain around the ear. If facial pain
is present with sensory and hearing loss, a tu-
Assess special sensory function, if clinically indicated mor of the parotid gland or viral otitis must be
Sensation of the face and ear considered.11 Other complaints may include
Taste sensation of anterior two-thirds of the tongue hyperacusis due to disruption of nerve fibers to
Assess reflexes the stapedius muscle, changes in taste, and dry
Orbicularis reflex: tap the glabella and observe asymmetry in blink eye from parasympathetic dysfunction. Some
pattern patients report paresthesias over the face,
Bell phenomenon: observe upward movement of eyes which most often represent motor symptoms
during forced eye-closure misconstrued as sensory changes.

Isolated unilateral or asymmetric facial weakness in the absence of other cranial neu- ■■ PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
ropathy supports the diagnosis of Bell palsy.
The clinical examination should include a
complete neurologic and general examina-
Although toid foramen and passes through the parotid tion, including otoscopy and attention to
gland, where it divides into temporofacial and the skin and parotid gland. Vesicles or scab-
Bell palsy cervicofacial trunks.9 bing around the ear should prompt testing for
is clinically The facial nerve has five terminal branches herpes zoster. Careful observation during the
benign, its that innervate the muscles of facial expression: interview while the patient is talking may re-
• The temporal branch (muscles of the fore- veal subtle signs of weakness and provide ad-
disfigurement head and superior part of the orbicularis ditional clues.
can be oculi) A systematic approach to the assessment
devastating • The zygomatic branch (muscles of the of a patient with suspected Bell palsy is recom-
nasolabial fold and cheek, eg, nasalis and mended (Table 1) and outlined below:
• The buccal branch (the buccinators and Does the patient have peripheral facial palsy?
inferior part of the orbicularis oculi) In Bell palsy, wrinkling of the forehead on the
• The marginal mandibular branch (the de- affected side when raising the eyebrows is ei-
pressors of the mouth, eg, depressor anguli ther asymmetrical or absent.
and mentalis) If the forehead muscles are spared and the
• The cervical branch (the platysma muscle). lower face is weak, this signifies a central le-
sion such as a stroke or other structural abnor-
■■ INFLAMMATION IS BELIEVED mality and not a peripheral lesion of the facial
TO BE RESPONSIBLE nerve (eg, Bell palsy).
Although the precise cause of Bell palsy is not Can the patient close the eyes tightly?
known, one theory is that inflammation of the Normally, the patient should be able to close
nerve causes focal edema, demyelination, and both eyes tightly, and the eyelashes should be
ischemia. Several studies have suggested that buried between the eyelids. In Bell palsy, when
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Facial asymmetry in Bell palsy

The facial nerve is a mixed sensory and motor nerve,
carrying fibers involved in facial expression, taste,
lacrimation, salivation, and sensation of the ear.

Bell palsy, due to dysfunction of the facial nerve, typically

causes paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side
of the face. In the patient below, the left side of the face
is affected, causing:

Inability to furrow the brow on the affected side

Slight widening of the palpebral fissure

Drooping of the corner of the mouth

Medical Illustrator: Jeff Loerch ©2015

the patient attempts to close the eyes, the af- involved side in Bell palsy may slightly lag be-
fected side shows incomplete closure and the hind the normal eye, and the patient may be
eye may remain partly open. unable to close the eye completely.
Assess the strength of the orbicularis oculi
by trying to open the eyes. The patient who Is the smile symmetric?
is attempting to close the eyelids tightly but Note flattening of the nasolabial fold on one
cannot will demonstrate the Bell phenom- side, which indicates facial weakness.
enon, ie, the examiner is able to force open
the eyelids, and the eyes are deviated upward Can the patient puff out the cheeks?
and laterally. Ask the patient to hold air in the mouth
Closely observe the blink pattern, as the against resistance. This assesses the strength
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of the buccinator muscle. eyelid closure. In this reflex, the afferent fibers
are carried by the facial nerve and the efferent
Can the patient purse the lips? fibers travel in the oculomotor nerve to the
Ask the patient to pucker or purse the lips and superior rectus muscle. In Bell palsy, this reflex
observe for asymmetry or weakness on the af- is visible because of failure of adequate eyelid
fected side. closure.
Test the orbicularis oris muscle by trying to The corneal reflex is elicited by stimulat-
spread the lips apart while the patient resists, ing the cornea with a wisp of cotton, causing
and observe for weakness on one side. reflexive closure of the both eyes. The affect-
ed side may show slowed or absent lid closure
Is there a symmetric grimace? when tested on either side. The sensory affer-
This will test the muscles involved in depress- ent fibers are carried by the trigeminal nerve,
ing the angles of the mouth and platysma. and the motor efferent fibers are carried by the
facial nerve.
Are taste, sensation, and hearing intact?
Other testable functions of the facial nerve, Grading of facial paralysis
including taste, sensation, and hearing, do not The House-Brackmann scale is the most wide-
always need to be assessed but can be in pa- ly used tool for grading the degree of facial pa-
tients with specific sensory deficits. ralysis and for predicting recovery. Grades are
Abnormalities in taste can support lo- I to VI, with grade I indicating normal func-
calization of the problem either proximal or tion, and grade VI, complete paralysis.
distal to the branch point of fibers mediating Patients with some preserved motor func-
taste. The facial nerve supplies taste fibers to tion generally have good recovery, but those
the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. Sweet with complete paralysis may have long-term
and salty taste can be screened with sugar and residual deficits.13
salt. Tell the patient to close the eyes, and us-
ing a tongue blade, apply a small amount of ■■ A DIAGNOSIS OF EXCLUSION
Facial palsy sugar or salt on the side of the tongue. Ask the The diagnosis of Bell palsy is made by exclud-
that does not patient to identify the taste and repeat with ing other causes of unilateral facial paralysis,
the other sample after he or she has rinsed the and 30% to 60% of cases of facial palsy are
improve after mouth. caused by an underlying disorder that mim-
3 weeks Somatic sensory fibers supplied by the fa- ics Bell palsy, including central nervous sys-
cial nerve innervate the inner ear and a small tem lesion (eg, stroke, demyelinating disease),
should prompt area behind the ear, but these may be difficult parotid gland tumor, Lyme disease, Ramsay
a referral to to assess objectively. Formal audiologic testing Hunt syndrome, granulomatous disease, otitis
a neurologist may be needed if hearing is impaired. media, cholesteatoma, diabetes, trauma, and
Guillain-Barré syndrome (Table 2).14,15 Many
Facial nerve reflexes of these conditions have associated features
A number of facial reflexes can be tested, in- that help distinguish them from Bell palsy. Fa-
cluding the orbicularis oculi, palpebral-oculo- cial palsy that does not improve after 3 weeks
gyric, and corneal reflexes.12 should prompt referral to a neurologist.
The orbicularis oculi reflex is tested by
gentle finger percussion of the glabella while Brain lesions
observing for involuntary blinking with each It is uncommon to have isolated facial palsy
stimulus. The afferent branch of this reflex is with a cortical or subcortical brain lesion,
carried by the trigeminal nerve, while the ef- since the corticobulbar and corticospinal
ferent response is carried by the facial nerve. tracts travel in close proximity. Cortical signs
In peripheral facial nerve palsy, this reflex is such as hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, neglect,
weakened or absent on the affected side. and dysarthria suggest a lesion of the cerebral
The palpebral-oculogyric reflex, or Bell cortex. Additionally, forehead muscle sparing
phenomenon, produces upward and lateral de- is expected in supranuclear lesions.
viation of the eyes when attempting forceful Brainstem lesions can manifest with multi-
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Differential diagnosis of Bell palsy
Differential diagnosis Cause Distinguishing characteristics
Central nervous system Stroke, space-occupying lesion Forehead sparing, headache, limb weak-
lesion ness, multiple neurologic signs
Autoimmune diseases Guillain-Barré syndrome Ascending weakness, absent reflexes
Multiple sclerosis Upper motor neuron signs, abnormal
cerebrospinal fluid
Metabolic diseases Diabetes Elevated blood glucose
Infectious diseases
Meningitis, encephalitis Viral, bacterial, fungal pathogen Headache, fever, meningeal signs,
abnormal cerebrospinal fluid
Herpes simplex Reactivation of herpes simplex virus Fever, malaise
type 1 from geniculate ganglion
Lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi Rash, arthralgia, malaise, bilateral facial
Ramsay Hunt syndrome Varicella zoster Pain, vesicular eruption
Granulomatous disease Sarcoidosis Bilateral facial palsy, elevated angioten-
sin-converting enzyme
Neoplasm Parotid tumor, facial nerve tumor, Insidious onset, palpable mass, partial
metastasis involvement of facial nerve branches Serologic testing,
studies, and
ple ipsilateral cranial nerve palsies and contra- tympanic membrane suggests otitis media, es-
lateral limb weakness. Sarcoidosis and lepto-
imaging are not
pecially in the setting of ear pain and hearing
meningeal carcinomatosis tend to involve the loss. routinely
skull base and present with multiple cranial Ramsay Hunt syndrome is caused by re- necessary
neuropathies. activation of the herpes zoster virus from the
Tumors of the brain or parotid gland have to diagnose
geniculate ganglion, affecting the facial nerve.
an insidious onset and may cause systemic Careful examination of the ear canal and the Bell palsy
signs such as fevers, chills, and weight loss. oropharynx may show vesicles.
Headache, seizures, and hearing loss indicate In Lyme disease, facial palsy is the most
an intracranial lesion. A palpable mass near common cranial neuropathy, seen in 50% to
the ear, neck, or parotid gland requires imag- 63% of patients with Borrelia burgdorferi men-
ing of the face to look for a parotid gland tu- ingitis.16,17 In people with a history of rash,
arthralgia, tick bite, or travel to an endemic
Infection region, Lyme titers should be checked before
A number of infections can cause acute facial starting the patient on corticosteroids.
paralysis. The most common is herpes simplex Bilateral facial palsy is rare and occurs in
virus, and the next most common is varicella fewer than 1% of patients. It has been reported
zoster.14 Herpes simplex virus, Ramsay Hunt in patients with Lyme disease, Guillain-Barré
syndrome, and Lyme disease may have associ- syndrome, sarcoidosis, diabetes mellitus, viral
ated pain and skin changes. Erythema of the infection, and pontine glioma.18
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■■ DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION chances of recovery, especially since patients

Serologic testing, electrodiagnostic studies, with complete paralysis have a higher risk of
and imaging are not routinely necessary to incomplete recovery.19 Electrodiagnostic stud-
diagnose Bell palsy. However, referral to the ies should be performed at least 1 week after
appropriate specialist (neurologist, otolaryn- symptom onset to avoid false-negative results.
gologist, optometrist, ophthalmologist) is ad-
vised if the patient has sparing of the forehead ■■ TREATMENT
muscle, multiple cranial neuropathies, signs of The treatment of Bell palsy focuses on maxi-
infection, or persistent weakness without sig- mizing recovery and minimizing associated
nificant improvement at 3 weeks. complications.
Laboratory testing Protect the eyes
A complete blood cell count with differential Patients who cannot completely close their
may point to infection or a lymphoprolifera- eyes should be given instructions on ocular
tive disorder. When indicated, screening for protective care to prevent exposure kera-
diabetes mellitus with fasting blood glucose topathy. Frequent application of lubricant
or hemoglobin A1c may be helpful. In Lyme- eyedrops with artificial tears during the day
endemic regions, patients should undergo an or ophthalmic ointment at bedtime is recom-
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or an in- mended. The physician should also recom-
direct fluorescent antibody test to screen for mend protective eyewear such as sunglasses
the disease. If positive, the diagnosis of Lyme during the day. Eye patching or taping at night
disease should be confirmed by Western blot. may be useful but could be harmful if applied
If vesicles are present on examination, check too loosely or too tightly. Patients with vision
serum antibodies for herpes zoster. In the ap- loss or eye irritation should be referred to an
propriate clinical setting, angiotensin-con- ophthalmologist.19
verting enzyme, human immunodeficiency
virus, and inflammatory markers can be tested. Corticosteroids are recommended
Most patients Cerebrospinal fluid analysis is generally in the first 72 hours
with Bell palsy not helpful in diagnosing Bell palsy but can In two randomized clinical trials (conducted
differentiate it from Guillain-Barré syndrome, by Sullivan et al20 in 511 patients and Eng-
recover ström et al21 in 829 patients), prednisolone
leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, and infection
spontaneously involving the central nervous system. was found to be beneficial if started within 72
hours of symptom onset.
without Imaging In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-
treatment— Imaging is not recommended in the initial controlled study of prednisone in 58 patients,
evaluation of Bell palsy unless symptoms and those who received the drug recovered faster,
especially those
the examination are atypical. From 5% to 7% although long-term outcomes in these patients
with mild of cases of facial palsy are caused by a tumor were not significantly different than those in
symptoms (eg, facial neuroma, cholesteatoma, heman- the control group.22 The American Academy
gioma, meningioma), whether benign or ma- of Neurology23 rated this study as class II, ie,
lignant.14,15 Therefore, in patients with insidi- not meeting all of its criteria for the highest
ous onset of symptoms that do not improve in level of evidence, class I. Nevertheless, al-
about 3 weeks, contrast-enhanced computed though prednisone lacks class I evidence, its
tomography or gadolinium-enhanced magnet- use is recommended because it is a precursor
ic resonance imaging of the internal auditory to its active metabolite, prednisolone, which
canal and face is warranted. has been studied extensively.
The current guidelines of the American
Electrodiagnostic studies Academy of Neurology, updated in 2012,
Electrodiagnostic testing is typically not part state, “For patients with new-onset Bell palsy,
of the evaluation of acute Bell palsy, but in steroids are highly likely to be effective and
patients with complete paralysis, it may help should be offered to increase the probability
assess the degree of nerve injury and the of recovery of facial nerve function”23 (level
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Bell palsy treatment recommendations
for adults presenting within 72 hours
Class of medication Recommendation grade Examples
Corticosteroids A (established as effective) Prednisone 50 mg orally daily for 5 days,
followed by 10 mg less each day for 5 days
Prednisolone 50 mg orally daily for 10 days

Antivirals a C (possibly effective) Valcyclovir 1 g three times daily for 7 days b

Acyclovir 400 mg five times daily for 7 days b

In combination with corticosteroids for moderate to severe weakness.
Dose should be adjusted for patients with impaired renal clearance.
Based on American Academy of Neurology guidelines, Gronseth GS, Paduga R; American Academy of Neurology. Evidence-based guideline update: steroids
and antivirals for Bell palsy: report of the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology 2012; 79:2209–2213.

A evidence, ie, established as effective). They stand that its benefit has not been established.
also concluded that adverse effects of cortico-
steroids were generally minor and temporary. Surgical decompression
Similarly, the guidelines of the American remains controversial
Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck A Cochrane systematic review in 2011 found
Surgery, published in 2013, recommend oral insufficient evidence regarding the safety and
corticosteroids within 72 hours of onset of efficacy of surgical intervention in Bell palsy.24
symptoms of Bell palsy for patients age 16 and Surgery should be considered only for patients
older.19 The recommendation is for a 10-day with complete paralysis with a greater than
course of corticosteroids with at least 5 days at
patients to call
90% reduction in motor amplitude on a nerve
a high dose (prednisolone 50 mg orally daily conduction study compared with the unaf- at 2 weeks
for 10 days, or prednisone 60 mg orally daily fected side, and absent volitional activity on
needle examination.19,25 to report
for 5 days, followed by a 5-day taper). The
benefit of corticosteroids after 72 hours is un- progress
Acupuncture: No recommendation
clear (Table 3).19 Currently, there is no recommendation for of symptoms
Even though the guidelines recommend acupuncture in the treatment of Bell palsy.19 A
corticosteroids, the decision to use them in recent randomized clinical trial suggests ben-
diabetic patients and pregnant women should efit from acupuncture combined with cortico-
be individualized. Discretion is advised, as not steroids,26 but high-quality studies to support
all patients with Bell palsy need to be treated. its use are lacking.26
Most recover spontaneously, especially those
with mild symptoms. Physical therapy: Insufficient evidence
There is insufficient evidence to show that
Antiviral therapy may offer modest benefit physical therapy has benefit—or harm—in
Antiviral therapy has not been shown to be Bell palsy. However, some low-quality studies
beneficial in Bell palsy, and current guide- indicated that facial exercises and mime ther-
lines do not recommend oral antiviral ther- apy may improve function in patients with
apy alone.19 However, an antiviral combined moderate paralysis.27
with a corticosteroid may offer modest benefit
if started within 72 hours of symptom onset Follow-up
(level C evidence, ie, possibly effective).23 Pa- Patients should be instructed to call at 2 weeks
tients starting antiviral therapy should under- to report progress of symptoms and to be re-
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evaluated within or at 1 month, with close at- palsy usually has a monophasic course, 7% to
tention to facial weakness and eye irritation. 12% of patients have a recurrence.3,15
Further evaluation is needed if there has been Long-term complications can include re-
no improvement, if symptoms have worsened, sidual facial weakness, facial synkinesis, facial
or if new symptoms have appeared. contracture, and facial spasm.14,28 Incomplete
The psychosocial impact of Bell palsy can- eye closure may benefit from surgery (tarsor-
not be discounted, as the disfigurement can rhaphy or gold-weight implantation) to pre-
have negative implications for self-esteem and vent corneal ulceration. Facial synkinesis is
social relationships. Appropriate referral to an due to aberrant nerve regeneration and oc-
ophthalmologist, neurologist, otolaryngolo- curs in 15% to 20% of patients after recovery
gist, social worker, or a plastic surgeon may be from Bell palsy.29 Patients may describe tearing
necessary. while chewing (“crocodile tears”), involuntary
movement of the corners of the mouth with
■■ COMPLICATIONS AND PROGNOSIS blinking, or ipsilateral eye-closing when the
Most patients with Bell palsy recover com- jaw opens (“jaw-winking”). Facial contracture,
pletely, but up to 30% have residual symptoms facial synkinesis, and facial spasm can be treat-
at 6 months.14,20 Furthermore, although Bell ed with botulinum toxin injection.30 ■

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16. Ackermann R, Hörstrup P, Schmidt R. Tick-borne meningopolyneuri- e-mail:

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