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negative feelings, hatred, revenge, depression and intrigues against others, among others.
We maintain a healthy aura and body when we do not become intoxicated with alcohol or
drug abuse. This does not mean that you cannot have a sip of alcohol, what I mean is that
when a person becomes intoxicated they lose the protection of their aura. Third, doing
a meditation of light and protection. This meditation is carried out in different ways. They
all have to do with visualization or imagination. One of them is to visualize or imagine a
white light that surrounds us like an impenetrable protective layer, others is to visualize a
violet flame that surrounds and protects us, another is to visualize a tube of blue light
surrounding our entire body. Fourth, having a protection agreement and/or a personal
relationship with a divine being and asking them for help.

5. Q- I have been told that in order not to be spiritually affected, I should not go to
cemeteries or wakes. What is true about this?

A- This depends on the degree of spiritual sensitivity you have. At wakes and funerals,
the spirit of the deceased can be found in a state of confusion and disturbance due to the
recent change it has just experienced from being in a physical body to existing without it.
Some of these spirits can adhere to the aura of someone present by affinity or by accident.
This also happens in hospitals where many people die daily. Some recently deceased
spirits in the hospital attach themselves to newborn babies in search of a new body.
Contrary to popular belief, there are not many spirits hanging around cemeteries because
there are not many living humans around. The energy and emotions of the living is what
attracts them.

6- Q- Lately, terrible bad luck has befallen me. Could it be that I

Have they done any kind of witchcraft?

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