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SEd Eng 213a – Children and Adolescent Literature

Evaluation Sheet for Traditional Literature

Title of Book: _________________________

Author/s/Reteller/s/Editor/s/Translator/s: _________________________
Illustrator/s: _________________________
Name of Student Evaluator:_________________________

Stereotypes and Prejudice

1. Are there unwholesome stereotypes openly displayed in the book/story?
Check if there is none: _____
If there is any, write it here:
2. What about gender stereotypes?
Check if there is none: _____
If there is any, write it here:

Respecting Original Sources

3. Is the folk material true to the source from which it came?
Check if Yes:_____
Check if No: _____
4. Is the material translated and/or adapted?
Check if Yes:_____
Check if No: _____
5. Does the folk material state its source?
Check if Yes:_____
Check if No: _____
If there is any, what/who is its source? Write it here:
Who is the author/reteller/editor?
Is he a reputed one?
Check if Yes:_____
Check if No:_____
Overall Evaluation

Rate the book using the following scale:

Strongly recommended_____ Recommended_____ Not recommended _____ Strongly not
recommended _____
Other comments:

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