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SEd Eng 213a – Children and Adolescent Literature

Evaluation Sheet for Poetry for Children

Title of Book: _________________________

Author/s/Reteller/s/Editor/s/Translator/s: _________________________
Illustrator/s: _________________________
Name of Student Evaluator:_________________________

1. Does/Do the poem/poems rhyme?
Check if Yes: _____
Check if No: _____
If Yes, write sample lines with rhymes here:
2. Does/Do the poem/poems have fixed rhythms?
Check if Yes: _____
Check if No: _____
If Yes, write sample lines/stanzas with fixed rhythms here:
If No, does/do the poet/poets match the sounds of their words to the emotional tone of
their topics? Write sample words here that suggest emotional tone:

3. Does/Do the poems bring clear images to the mind’s eye?
Check if Yes: _____
Check if No: _____
If Yes, what kinds of images are used?
Write sample denotations of words here if they are used:
Write sample connotations here through metaphors, similes and symbols if they are

4. What fresh and/or wise observations does/do the poem/poems surprise readers of?
5. In so doing, do they expand readers’ awareness and raise their spirits? Explain.

Overall Evaluation
Rate the book using the following scale:
Strongly recommended_____ Recommended_____ Not recommended _____ Strongly not
recommended _____
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