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Special Forces Kettlebell

Wild Hunt Conditioning



-My documentary: THUG LIFE: The 500 Mile Ultramarathon Story:

-All Wild Hunt Training Programs:

-GEAR and SUPPLEMENTS (discounts included):

James Pieratt's Gear and Supplement List




-All Links:

-Wild Hunt History Library:

-My Book: ‘A History of Physical Fitness’:

-The Functional Strength Oracle. Consult her here:

-FREE Wild Hunt Training Library:

Few people know that my first coaching position was as a Tactical Conditioning
Specialist. In that capacity I worked with Special Operations personnel to build
their functional strength and endurance for active military operations. During
this time I developed a number of highly effective training protocols, most of
which require minimal equipment due to the mobile nature of special warfare

This kettlebell program is one of those protocols, and was highly effective in
building functional strength and endurance that translated to real-world
performance in operational theaters.

4 weeks

4 sessions/week

Equipment Required:
Kettlebell (though not essential, a band is recommended as well)

•Take responsibility for your training.

•Quality always beats quantity in the long term, so execute all

programming with a focus on quality reps and give yourself an extra day to
recover if needed.

•Active recovery is king. Using movement and light exercise to accelerate

recovery, while further improving technicality, is a staple of Wild Hunt

•Do not neglect your warm up or your cool down, they may seem secondary but
they are crucial components to this program and will help you maximize
your recovery and help build secondary skills and capacities.

•The percentages referenced in the exercises refer to intensity. Most of our

work takes place between 75% and 90% intensities, but while the
intensities will remain relatively consistent your weights should slowly
and consistently be increasing. You don’t need to max out constantly to get
stronger, you just need to consistently leverage progressive overload in
an intelligent fashion. Keep in mind that these percentages are relative:
your 85% on a day when you slept, ate and feel great will be different from
your 85% on a day when you’re getting over the flu. So listen to your body
and learn to self regulate. Use the guide below:

Intensity Guide:
80% intensity= 3-4 reps left in the tank.
85% intensity= 2-3 reps left in the tank.
90% intensity= 1 rep left in the tank.
95% intensity= 0 reps left in the tank.


Week 1:
Day 1:
Warm Up:
Multidirectional Bear Crawl: crawl 50 feet forward, crawl 50 feet in reverse, 50
feet lateral crawl (left), 50 feet lateral crawl (right).

Duck Walk: 50 feet forward, 50 feet in reverse.

Maasai Hops: 2 sets of 1 minute.

Kettlebell Swing: 8 sets of 8 @ 90%.

Kettlebell Clean: 3 sets of 14 @ 80%.

Kettlebell Suitcase Carry: 3 sets of 50 feet (walking forward AND walking

backwards) @ 80%. Walk forward 50 feet before walking backwards in reverse to the
starting point.

Turkish Get Up: 2 sets of 2/per side @ 80%.

Kettlebell Russian Twist: 3 sets of 12 @ 85%.

-3 minutes at 90% effort.
-rest: 60 seconds
-5 minutes at 90% effort.
-rest: 60 seconds
-3 minutes at 90% effort.

Day 2:
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.
KB Goblet Box Step Up: 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Mountain Climbers: 2 rounds of 1 minute, high intensity. Seek to perform as many

reps as possible.

Single Kettlebell Overhead Carry: three sets of 20 yards (forward AND

backward)/per side @ 85%.

Double Kettlebell Overhead Lunge: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

Kettlebell Goblet Side Lunge: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

Kettlebell Goblet Press: two sets to failure.

Goblet Slant Board Squat: 3 sets of 8 @ 85%. If you don’t have a slant board, simply
elevate your heels 2-3 inches on any convention object.

Pallof Press: 3 sets of 8/per side. Begin with a light band or cable, and progress.

Shiko: 3 sets of 10. Pause at the top for 1-3 seconds. An instructional video can be
found here:

Day 3:
Warm Up (50 feet each):
Walking RDL
Walking Lunge
High Knees
Bear Crawl
Duck Walk

360 Degree Club Swing: two sets of 60 seconds in each direction. Use a hammer, ax
or anything long and heavy if you don’t have a club. You may also substitute
kettlebell halos.

Kettlebell Single Arm Press: five sets of 5 @ 90%.

Push ups: 2 x 1 min.

KB Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 x 10 @ 85%.

KB Goblet Squat: 2 x 1 min.

KB Goblet Press: 2 x 1 min.

KB Goblet Press/KB Goblet Squat/KB Goblet

Reverse Lunge Complex: 5 x 1 min. (30 seconds rest between rounds) Do one rep of
each exercise (one per side with the reverse lunge) in a nonstop cycle until the
round runs out.
KB Side Bend: 3 sets of 8/per side.

Banded Sumo Good Morning: 3 sets of 10. Start with a light band and seek to
increase resistance. Keep your sumo stance nice and wide. If you do not have a
band, simply use bodyweight and double the number of reps.

Light Cardio (Jog, Swim, Bike, Row): 5-10 mins, light, descending intensity.

Day 4: Ruck Day.

Sit Ups: two rounds of 1 minute, light tempo.

Push Ups: 2 sets to failure.

Banded Neck Rotations: 3 sets of 12. Begin with a light band and progressively
proceed to heavier bands.

Ruck: 30 minutes with 20% bodyweight (15% for women) over mostly flat terrain.

360 Degree Club Swing: two sets of 60 seconds in each direction.

Maasai Hops: three sets of 30 seconds.

Kettlebell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: three sets of 8/per side.

Week 2:
Day 1:
Warm Up:
Multidirectional Bear Crawl: crawl 50 feet forward, crawl 50 feet in reverse, 50
feet lateral crawl (left), 50 feet lateral crawl (right).

Duck Walk: 50 feet forward, 50 feet in reverse.

Maasai Hops: 2 sets of 1 minute.

Kettlebell Swing: 8 sets of 8 @ 90%.

Kettlebell Clean: 3 sets of 14 @ 80%.

Kettlebell Suitcase Carry: 3 sets of 50 feet (walking forward AND walking

backwards) @ 80%. Walk forward 50 feet before walking backwards in reverse to the
starting point.

Turkish Get Up: 2 sets of 2/per side @ 80%.

Kettlebell Russian Twist: 3 sets of 12 @ 85%.

-3 minutes at 90% effort.
-rest: 60 seconds
-5 minutes at 90% effort.
-rest: 60 seconds
-3 minutes at 90% effort.

Day 2:
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

KB Goblet Box Step Up: 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Mountain Climbers: 2 rounds of 1 minute, high intensity. Seek to perform as many

reps as possible.

Single Kettlebell Overhead Carry: three sets of 20 yards (forward AND

backward)/per side @ 85%.

Double Kettlebell Overhead Lunge: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

Kettlebell Goblet Side Lunge: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

Kettlebell Goblet Press: two sets to failure.

Goblet Slant Board Squat: 3 sets of 8 @ 85%. If you don’t have a slant board, simply
elevate your heels 2-3 inches on any convention object.

Pallof Press: 3 sets of 8/per side. Begin with a light band or cable, and progress.

Shiko: 3 sets of 10. Pause at the top for 1-3 seconds. An instructional video can be
found here:

Day 3:
Warm Up (50 feet each):
Walking RDL
Walking Lunge
High Knees
Bear Crawl
Duck Walk

360 Degree Club Swing: two sets of 60 seconds in each direction. Use a hammer, ax
or anything long and heavy if you don’t have a club. You may also substitute
kettlebell halos.

Kettlebell Single Arm Press: five sets of 5 @ 90%.

Push ups: 2 x 1 min.

KB Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 x 10 @ 85%.

KB Goblet Squat: 2 x 1 min.

KB Goblet Press: 2 x 1 min.

KB Goblet Press/KB Goblet Squat/KB Goblet

Reverse Lunge Complex: 5 x 1 min. (30 seconds rest between rounds) Do one rep of
each exercise (one per side with the reverse lunge) in a nonstop cycle until the
round runs out.

KB Side Bend: 3 sets of 8/per side.

Banded Sumo Good Morning: 3 sets of 10. Start with a light band and seek to
increase resistance. Keep your sumo stance nice and wide.

Light Cardio (Jog, Swim, Bike, Row): 5-10 mins, light, descending intensity.

Day 4: Ruck Day.

Sit Ups: two rounds of 1 minute, light tempo.

Push Ups: 2 sets to failure.

Banded Neck Rotations: 3 sets of 12. Begin with a light band and progressively
proceed to heavier bands.

Ruck: 45 minutes with 20% bodyweight (15% for women) over mostly flat terrain.

360 Degree Club Swing: two sets of 60 seconds in each direction.

Maasai Hops: three sets of 30 seconds.

Kettlebell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: three sets of 8/per side.

Week 3:
Day 1:
Warm Up:
Multidirectional Bear Crawl: crawl 50 feet forward, crawl 50 feet in reverse, 50
feet lateral crawl (left), 50 feet lateral crawl (right).

Duck Walk: 50 feet forward, 50 feet in reverse.

Maasai Hops: 2 sets of 1 minute.

Kettlebell Swing: 8 sets of 8 @ 90%.

Kettlebell Clean: 3 sets of 14 @ 80%.

Kettlebell Suitcase Carry: 3 sets of 50 feet (walking forward AND walking
backwards) @ 80%. Walk forward 50 feet before walking backwards in reverse to the
starting point.

Turkish Get Up: 2 sets of 2/per side @ 80%.

Kettlebell Russian Twist: 3 sets of 12 @ 85%.

-3 minutes at 90% effort.
-rest: 60 seconds
-5 minutes at 90% effort.
-rest: 60 seconds
-3 minutes at 90% effort.

Day 2:
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

KB Goblet Box Step Up: 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Mountain Climbers: 2 rounds of 1 minute, high intensity. Seek to perform as many

reps as possible.

Single Kettlebell Overhead Carry: three sets of 20 yards (forward AND

backward)/per side @ 85%.

Double Kettlebell Overhead Lunge: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

Kettlebell Goblet Side Lunge: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

Kettlebell Goblet Press: two sets to failure.

Goblet Slant Board Squat: 3 sets of 8 @ 85%. If you don’t have a slant board, simply
elevate your heels 2-3 inches on any convention object.

Pallof Press: 3 sets of 8/per side. Begin with a light band or cable, and progress.

Shiko: 3 sets of 10. Pause at the top for 1-3 seconds. An instructional video can be
found here:

Day 3:
Warm Up (50 feet each):
Walking RDL
Walking Lunge
High Knees
Bear Crawl
Duck Walk
360 Degree Club Swing: two sets of 60 seconds in each direction. Use a hammer, ax
or anything long and heavy if you don’t have a club. You may also substitute
kettlebell halos.

Kettlebell Single Arm Press: five sets of 5 @ 90%.

Push ups: 2 x 1 min.

KB Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 x 10 @ 85%.

KB Goblet Squat: 2 x 1 min.

KB Goblet Press: 2 x 1 min.

KB Goblet Press/KB Goblet Squat/KB Goblet

Reverse Lunge Complex: 5 x 1 min. (30 seconds rest between rounds) Do one rep of
each exercise (one per side with the reverse lunge) in a nonstop cycle until the
round runs out.

KB Side Bend: 3 sets of 8/per side.

Banded Sumo Good Morning: 3 sets of 10. Start with a light band and seek to
increase resistance. Keep your sumo stance nice and wide.

Light Cardio (Jog, Swim, Bike, Row): 5-10 mins, light, descending intensity.

Day 4: Ruck Day.

Sit Ups: two rounds of 1 minute, light tempo.

Push Ups: 2 sets to failure.

Banded Neck Rotations: 3 sets of 12. Begin with a light band and progressively
proceed to heavier bands.

Ruck: 45 minutes with 20% bodyweight (15% for women) over hilly terrain. If you
live in a flat area, find a route that includes stairs. Stadium bleachers are a
particular favorite of mine.

360 Degree Club Swing: two sets of 60 seconds in each direction.

Maasai Hops: three sets of 30 seconds.

Kettlebell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: three sets of 8/per side.

Week 4:
Day 1:
Warm Up:
Multidirectional Bear Crawl: crawl 50 feet forward, crawl 50 feet in reverse, 50
feet lateral crawl (left), 50 feet lateral crawl (right).

Duck Walk: 50 feet forward, 50 feet in reverse.

Maasai Hops: 2 sets of 1 minute.

Kettlebell Swing: 8 sets of 8 @ 90%.

Kettlebell Clean: 3 sets of 14 @ 80%.

Kettlebell Suitcase Carry: 3 sets of 50 feet (walking forward AND walking

backwards) @ 80%. Walk forward 50 feet before walking backwards in reverse to the
starting point.

Turkish Get Up: 2 sets of 2/per side @ 80%.

Kettlebell Russian Twist: 3 sets of 12 @ 85%.

-3 minutes at 90% effort.
-rest: 60 seconds
-5 minutes at 90% effort.
-rest: 60 seconds
-3 minutes at 90% effort.

Day 2:
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

KB Goblet Box Step Up: 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Mountain Climbers: 2 rounds of 1 minute, high intensity. Seek to perform as many

reps as possible.

Single Kettlebell Overhead Carry: three sets of 20 yards (forward AND

backward)/per side @ 85%.

Double Kettlebell Overhead Lunge: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

Kettlebell Goblet Side Lunge: 3 sets of 6/per side @ 85%.

Kettlebell Goblet Press: two sets to failure.

Goblet Slant Board Squat: 3 sets of 8 @ 85%. If you don’t have a slant board, simply
elevate your heels 2-3 inches on any convention object.

Pallof Press: 3 sets of 8/per side. Begin with a light band or cable, and progress.
Shiko: 3 sets of 10. Pause at the top for 1-3 seconds. An instructional video can be
found here:

Day 3:
Warm Up (50 feet each):
Walking RDL
Walking Lunge
High Knees
Bear Crawl
Duck Walk

360 Degree Club Swing: two sets of 60 seconds in each direction. Use a hammer, ax
or anything long and heavy if you don’t have a club. You may also substitute
kettlebell halos.

Kettlebell Single Arm Press: five sets of 5 @ 90%.

Push ups: 2 x 1 min.

KB Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 x 10 @ 85%.

KB Goblet Squat: 2 x 1 min.

KB Goblet Press: 2 x 1 min.

KB Goblet Press/KB Goblet Squat/KB Goblet

Reverse Lunge Complex: 5 x 1 min. (30 seconds rest between rounds) Do one rep of
each exercise (one per side with the reverse lunge) in a nonstop cycle until the
round runs out.

KB Side Bend: 3 sets of 8/per side.

Banded Sumo Good Morning: 3 sets of 12.

Light Cardio (Jog, Swim, Bike, Row): 5-10 mins, light, descending intensity.

Day 4: Ruck Day.

Sit Ups: two rounds of 1 minute, light tempo.

Push Ups: 2 sets to failure.

Banded Neck Rotations: 3 sets of 12. Begin with a light band and progressively
proceed to heavier bands.
Ruck: 60 minutes with 20% bodyweight (15% for women) over hilly terrain. If you
live in a flat area, find a route that includes stairs. Stadium bleachers are a
particular favorite of mine.

360 Degree Club Swing: two sets of 60 seconds in each direction.

Maasai Hops: three sets of 30 seconds.

Kettlebell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: three sets of 8/per side.



-My documentary: THUG LIFE: The 500 Mile Ultramarathon Story:

-All Wild Hunt Training Programs:

-GEAR and SUPPLEMENTS (discounts included):

James Pieratt's Gear and Supplement List




-All Links:
-Wild Hunt History Library:

-My Book: ‘A History of Physical Fitness’:

-The Functional Strength Oracle. Consult her here:

-FREE Wild Hunt Training Library:

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