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Test out #7 Simulation

Side Effects
Bronchospasm, Blurred vision; dizziness; dry eyes; feeling that something is in your eye; headache; increased tear production; minor burning, itching, or stinging of the eye; nausea. Cough + Hypotension, Dizziness, fatigue, H/A insomnia, weakness, tachycardia, anorexia, diarrhea, nausea-Hyperkalemia upset stomach /diarrhea vomiting /stomach cramps mild skin rash /stomach pain


Indication for use

Treating increased pressure in the eye (ocular-hypertension) and open-angle glaucoma.

Safe Dosage Range

0.25-0.5% 2XDay

Nursing Implications
1. Monitor for systemic effect of beta-blockade. 2. Blood pressure, apical and radial pulses, fluid I & O, daily weight, respirations, mental status, and circulation in extremities before and during therapy

Timolol Eye Drops

Antihypertensive (ACE inhibitor)



5-40mg/d (max 80/d) 2 dose 50 mg/per 2.2 lbs per day



Erythromycin is an antibiotic used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria

Regular Insulin

Antidiabetic hormone

Short acting insulin, used to treat elevated glucose levels-IR Type I Hypertension,CHF

HYPOGLYCEMIA, lipodystrophy, allergic reactions rebound hyperglycemia,

IndividualBased on Bld Glu lvl

Antihypertensive (beta-blocker)


Bronchospasm, weakness dizziness anxiety, depression, insomnia, blurred vision, wheezing, Bradycardia, CHF, Pulmonary edema

6.25-25mg BID (HYPERT) 3.125-6.25mg BID (CHF) dose may be dbl q 2 weeks 25mg in pt <85kg or 50mg BID >85kg

1. Monitor I&O 2. Daily weights 3.Monitor for signs of angioedema 4. Assess for signs of CHF 1.Administer oral erythromycin base or stearate on an empty stomach, 1 hr before or 23 hr after meals, with a full glass of water 2. Administer around the clock to maximize effect; adjust schedule to minimize sleep disruption. 3. Monitor liver function in patients on prolonged therapy. 4. Give some preparations (see above) with meals, or substitute one of these preparations, if GI upset occurs with oral therapy. 1. Use only insulin syringe to draw up dose 2. Do not admin cold 3. Rotate site 4. Can be admin IV (Peak-2-3hr 30-60 min onset 5-7hr duration) 1. administer with food 2. Monitor for systemic effect of beta-blockade. 3. Blood pressure, apical and radial pulses, fluid I & O, daily weight, respirations, mental status, and circulation in extremities before and during therapy 4. CK pulse daily/BP biweekly-report pulse <50bpm or significant change in BP 5. Teach-abrupt withdrawal may precipitate life-threatening arrhythmias, hypertension, or myocardial ischemia

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