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CAPTAN: Look at that giant. All he did was to sleep all day!
MAGUAYAN: Doesn’t have any plan to put life in this world.
Both: Tsk tsk tsk.
CAPTAN: Oh wait! I remembered this seed that keep for soooo long.
Come King of Sea, take this seed. Plant it beside the sweating armpit of Ymir and you’ll see, we’ll make
the world lively!
MAGUAYAN: What a sweaty Jotun! Well it would help to make this seed grow.
*Ymir wakes up
YMIR: Feels good to sleep.

CAPTAN: I can’t wait any longer Maguayan.
MAGUAYAN: Maybe you should do something then.
*Captan strikes the bamboo tree with thunderbolt and it split into two.
YMIR: What’s happening here?
*Ymir shocked to see what’s inside the bamboo tree and took Osiris.
YMIR: He is my child!
CAPTAN: None of them is your child, giant! They are to produce lives to this lifeless world!
MAGUAYAN: He’s right. And I can’t wait to see a whole new world! (laughs)
YMIR: Thanks to my sweaty armpit that they came alive! I must own them!
CAPTAN: No! You should go back to sleep. (grabs Zeus, Hera, but failed to grab Osiris bcoz Ymir grabs him
YMIR: You can take that two. But this one is mine (smirk)

Scene 3:
Maguayan: It’s okay. I have a male and a female so what’s the matter?
Zeus: But what will I do, I have no penis.
Captan: That’s a big problem! Because how can you fulfill the prophecy if you don’t have a penis. I will
give you 360 days to find Osiris and to bear a child.
Hera: But where can we find Osiris?
Maguayan: You should go to mount Dicte where you can find Gaea. She knows the directions.

Scene 4: Conversation between Zeus

Hera: What kind of Goddess am I? You call me goddess of marriage and childbirth whenI can’t even bear
a child?
Zeus: Calm down my queen! Its not you, it’s me. It’s because I don’t have a penis. We should start
looking Gaea right now.

Scene 5: Mount Dicte

Gaea: You have now arrive.
Zeus: You must be the goddess of prophecy. We need your help.
Hera: You must tell where to find Tartarus.
Gaea: Not too fast. In order to find Tartarus you will face different path of obstacles. Go to Muspelheim
and you will find out…you may go now.
Scene 6
*Surt saw Hera and Zeus and mocked them
Surt: Hera, come to me. This self-proclaim god you’re with isn’t a man. He does not have what it takes to
be a god! I, on the other hand, can provide you warmth, I can give you Heat! You can bore many of my
Child! We can build an army of gods! We can rule everyone!
And you! (Points to zeus)
You shameless genderless god! What makes you think you can be with Hera?! Why don't you just take
this genital (vagina) I could make use of you. Be my Mistress, be my slave instead. That's what is more
befitting of you. You lack of a god!
Zeus: Surt, you’re not half of the man that Hera desires, quit your daydreaming. You’re nothing but an
obnoxious and jealous being.
Hera: I have settled with Zeus, he’s more than I desire, future King of Olympian and King of my heart.
Zeus: We have to go now. Don’t step on our way.
*Zeus and Hera attempted to leave. Surt will attempt to get Hera.
Surt: You can go now but leave Hera with me.
*Zeus and Surt will fight.

Scene 7
Hera: Oh wait, I think we have reached the home of the dwarfs. We are now in the Nidaviller, Zeus.
Zeus: There, those are the dwarfs.
Hera: The dwarfs?
Zeus: They are known for making powerful weapons just like Mjolnir that designated to Thor.
*Dwarfs will point Zeus and Hera
Nordi: Look, look, that’s Zeus and Hera?
Vestri: What are they doing here?
Austri: Hmmm.. I think they need something.
*Dwarfs will come near to Zeus and Hera
Sundri: What brought you here?
Zeus: We need your help.
Hera: We need you to show us the direction where we can find Tartarus.
*Dwarfs will laugh
Nordi: In order to grant your request we have one condition.
Vestri: You have to bring this Mjolnir to Thor.
Zeus: What? Thor is the only deserving who can wield that hammer.
Sundri: Then we will bestow you enough strength to be able at least to pull the Mjolnir.

Scene 8
Honne-Onna: ‘ humming ‘
Zeus: Wait, Hera! Can you hear that?
‘ humming continues
Hera: ‘ Shocked ‘. You should go now Zeus! Hurry up! Run!
Honne-Onna: (Laughing) You can’t run from me Zeus! I can’t wait to take you flesh and drink blood.
( Laughing )
Hera: No you can’t have Zeus! You have to go through me first . Stay away from him!

( Fighting Scene ) Honne-Onna died.

Scene 9
Zeus: I think we should rest. It’s been a quiet journey.
Hera: That’s right. Come sit beside me.
Aphrodite: Am I not beautiful?
*Aphrodite is devastated then suddenly Zeus saw Aphrodite*
Zeus: Aphrodite?
Aphrodite: Zeus? Are you here to choose me over Hera?
Zeus: No, I am sorry. You need to understand that Hera and I needs to fulfill the prophecy to bare a child.
Aphrodite: Zeus, you know that I really love you and because of that I will set you free.
*Aphrodite will leave and Hera wakes up
Hera: What happened?
Zeus: Nothing. Let’s go we have to go now.

Scene 10
Hera: Let’s stop here. I need to find food for us. You stay here.
Zeus: I’ll wait for you, my Queen.
*Zeus will encounter Pan Chin Lien who will seduce him.
Pan: Come near me, Zeus. I’m really happy to see you. Are you alone?
Zeus: No, I am with my Queen but we separate ways. I think I should go now. I need to find Hera.
Pan: No, you can’t leave. You’re my mine now.
*Pan is about to kiss Zeus but then Hera came and saw them. Hera dropped the fruits she’s carrying.
Zeus: Hera! it’s not what you think.
*Hera didn’t listen and came near to Pan.
Hera: How dare you to seduce my King.
Pan: Zeus kissed me first. Zeus doesn’t love you.
*Pan will laugh and they will fight. Hera will win.

Scene 11
Zeus: Our destination is near. Just hold on my Queen.
*Zeus will help Hera while she’s panting, then suddenly Hera saw Thor.
Hera: Wait. That’s him.
*Hera will point Thor
Thor: Finally, I waited for so long to be with my mighty Mjolnir.
*Thor will lift the Mjolnir Easily
Zeus: Now, give us the direction where we can find the Tartarus.
Thor: Have this map. This is the key where you can find what you’re looking for.
Hera: Thank you for helping. We should go now.

Scene 12
*Ymir immediately saw them the moment they stepped foot on Tartarus and launched a fight against
*Fight, fight, fight
*Ymir got defeated and released Osiris
Osiris: You have granted me my right to freedom. Your struggles and heroic expedition have earned you
one of my possession, one of my penis.
Zeus: Fair trade, then we shall go back to our home.
Osiris: Be fruitful and multiply.

Scene 13
*Lakampati then blesses the two with her fertility.
Lakampati: With the ability blessed upon me, I, Lakampati, manifests you with fruitful fertility.
*Hera eventually gave birth to Libo, Saman, and Pandaguan.
Saman and Pandaguan gave birth to Arion.

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