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Republic oflraqMinistry ofEdnca:tion Sep.

Examination in English for Pr'epar-atOJJ' Scbools Time/ 3:30 Hours
Note: Answer all the questions.

Reading Comprehension: ( 20 Mal'ks)

Q J. A. Read tliefollowing text carefully then answer ( 5) ofthefoilowing questions. ( 10 M.)
1'1r. Brown used to travel by train and always llked more comfort. So, when he got into a train, he used
to put his suitcase on the seat beside him and pretend it belonged to another passenger who had gone to
buy something. O11e day he did tlus when the train was very crowded. passengers came and sat
on the other seats, except the one that bis sil:itcase was lying on.,Then, an old man an·ived, looked at
Nir. Brown's suitcase and said" Is fuis somebody's seat? " " yes " , answered Mr. Brown. " A friend of
mine is travelling with me, and he has gone to buy
newspaper. He will return soon." Mr. Brown opened the window and
looked out to make the old man think that he was anxious about his friend. " All right " , said the old
man. "I will sit here until your friend comes back, and then I'll stand somewhere. "Mr. Brown couldsay
nothing and all the other passengers were watching and listening. Several minutes passed, the whistle
blew, and the train began to move. Mr. Brown's friend didn't come back. The old man jumped and said,
"I'm sorry, yoll! friend seems to have missed the train. We don't want bim to be separated from his
suitcase. So, l'll throw it out of the window" .
1) Mr. Brown putthe suitcase on the seat beside him to ........... .
( a. book the seat for his friend b. sit comfortably)
'l. Whom did the suitcase,belong to?
J. Why did the old man throw the suitcase out of the window?
4. On day there were ( a a lot of b. few ) people on tne train.
5. Did the old man sit on the seat beside ?Yfr. ETOwn?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
Bl Answer or Complete the following sentences usi11g information from your text boolc:( Choose5) ( 10 M.)
l. The main advantage of wind power is that .......... .
2. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful?
3. What is a radar detector?
4. Why should people save money for the future?
S. Conference in erpreters must translate each word literally. (True/ False)
6. Mqstafa told the emergency operator that ............ .
Grammar and Fr.mctio11S: ( 30 .Maries)
Q2. Al Re- write the following se1itences,foilow the instructions between brackets.( 10 only) ( 20lYL)
1. ........... it's the most important meal of the day. ( Use an imperative to give advice) .
2. We ( not eat) at that restaurant if we had lqlowu it was so expansive. ( Correct the form of the
3. ( liav.e, stairs, avoid, been, The, accidents, to, repaired) .
( Put in the correct order to make a passive sentence )
4. i•mvery disappojnted to hear that the health club is closh1g down. I was ........... .
( Future in the past )
5. TI1is is a new computer, so I think it is faster thanthe othel' one. ( Expectation: use should " )
6. You decided not to go t!) the park with your friends. Now you i , ( !\egret: l se I wisn " ) .
7.'1always go to that'garage for reparrs. It was closed today. The garage··._..-: :·... ·closed
today. ( Combine with " where II to make a defming relative clause ) •
8. Define a journalist. ( Use " writes articles for newspapers and magazines")
9. He ask d somebody to cut Iris hair. ( Rewrite using the correct fo1m of " get " )
10. Help your friend with his baggage. ( Offer )
11. How long have you been waiting for Faisal?
She asked me..................( Reported question
] 2. She ( not be) so thin, but she got very ill iast year and lost a lot of
weight ( Use the correct form of"' used to " )
:1..3.)y·'1. 1

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