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The Importance of Mental Health Awareness

Recently, mental health have become one of our concerns in modern society . The
rapid advancement of technology and the widespread of information have undoubtedly
contributed to the increasing mental health issues over the past few decades.There are
numerous surveys and reports highlight the significant rise in mental health problems,
esspecially among young people.

According to the Indonesia-National Adolescent Mental Health Survey 2022,

approximately 15.5 million or around 34.9% of young people have experienced mental health
issues, while 2.45 million (5.5%) face emotional challenges. Shockingly, only 2.6% of these
numbers have accessed counseling services for their emotional and behavioral well-being.
This worrying situation should be gave attention from both society and the government, as
mental health is not an issue that shold be taken lightly

Why should we raise awareness about the importance of mental health? A mentally
healthy individual can maximize their abilities and potential to the fullest when facing their
life. They can also build positive relationships with others. Otherwise, someone who has
mental health issues may suffer from mood disturbances, impaired cognitive function, and
emotional instability, eventually leading to negative behaviors. Addressing mental health
issues requires collaborative efforts between the government and various societal elements.
By doing so, our society can progress toward a healthier mental, emotional, and overall well-

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