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1. Let the student read orally the three Reading Tests.

2. For Oral Reading Test No. 1,note the position of the center second hand on the watch/clock at the moment the
student begin, then record after sixty seconds (60 sec.) the number of words read. Let the student read the
whole text because there is a quiz he/she will have to answer at the end to see if he/she understood the reading
text. Let the student read at her/his normal speed.
3. To get the reading speed, take note the number line where the student stopped at exactly 60 seconds. If the
student stopped at 25th line, his/her reading speed is 25 x 10 that is 250 words per minute (w.p.m).
4. For Oral Reading Tests No. 2 and 3, refer to attached copy of the Speed Table to get the Word Per Minute
(WPM). Take note the time started and record time ended in sec., as basis to get the wpm based on the speed
table. Then let the student answer immediately the given questions.
5. The reader must undergo three reading test of different style to get a more accurate reading level.
6. For Oral Reading Tests 1 and 2 only, to get the score (correct answer) of the comprehension test, just add
zero (0) to the score and that is his/her comprehension level.
7. For Oral Reading Test No. 3 with six- item test questions, to get the comprehension level multiply the score of
6 by 20 (e.g 3 X 20= 60%).
8. Then record the score in the table below:

NAME: __________________________________Address:_______________________________
Age:_____Sex:____________YearLevel:_________________ REI:__________
Remarks: _____________________________________________________________________

Reading Test No. Reading Speed (WPM) Level of Comprehension


9. Get the average reading speed and comprehension level of the three (3) reading tests and divide it by 3.

Reading Test No. Reading Speed Level of Comprehension

1 290 wpm 70%
2 260 wpm 60%
3 270 wpm 80%
TOTAL 820 210
Average 273 wpm 70%

820/3= 273 wpm 210/3 = 70% comp. Level

Findings: REI: Frustration Level (based on Comprehension Level)



1. In developing your mental power, the first

2. thing you should do is to forget all
3. about your brain. Ignore it fully
4. when switching on a light, you don’t pay
5. attention to the globe, do you? Instead
6. you get away and push a switch. While
7. using a hose, you don’t look at the
8. nozzle but go to the end of the hose
9. and turn on the tap or hydrant. There
10. are many ideas about the brain, which
11. are wrong. Some consider it as an entity
12. an organ functioning all by itself, independent
13. of the rest of the body. But the truth is that all parts of the body are
14. dependent on one another. The muscles
15. and brain are so closely related that
16. they seem to be one and the same.
17. The brain itself is a muscle like any
18. Other. When you wish to develop a
19. strong muscular system you do not pick
20. on one set of muscles and develop
21. that; but you develop all your
22. muscles together. What is the good of having strong arm muscles if your back muscles
23. leg muscles are weak? Strong chest muscles if your back muscles
24. are weak? The as you know,
25. is fed by the muscles and vice
26. versa; so to have weak muscles,
27. means having weak brain. The
28. muscular system is the basis of
29. vigorous mental strength. You can
30. never have a vigorous and alert
31. brain unless you have a muscularly
32. strong body. The brain feeds on the
33. muscles, so poorly-developed muscles
34. mean a poorly-developed brain.
35. The more perfectly attuned the
36. Muscles system, the more highly
37. alert, responsive and well
38. developed will be the brain. This
39. does not mean that you should
40. have the muscles of a Hercules
41. in order to increase your mental
42. power! Quite the contrary.
43. You should try to develop a perfectly
44. functioning muscles system- to be
45. alert, agile and control rather than
46. brute force. As the muscles; so the brain.
47. Slow-acting muscles mean slow-acting brain and
48. quick acting muscles mean quick-acting brain.



Getting winning ideas is very simple and not difficult as one would think, like getting interest from the bank after
putting some capital in.

So to get ideas from your mind you have to get some interest out. There are hundreds of people who have ideas and
advice for others but none for themselves and their own problem.
You have to apply your mind to specific or focused thinking and not to scattered or general thinking.

There was a sales manager Dick Jones who got very interested in foreign trade and who felt he would get rich
quick by selling British goods abroad at the end of World War II. He grew more convinced as the days passed. Eventually
he gave up his job and went to London to start his project.

Whichever firm he spoke to, agreed with him that there was great scope in foreign trade. So he compiled a list of
firms in South America, China, Japan, Africa, Australia and others. He also made a list of the goods which each of these
countries would buy and how much profit could be made by him from each of these countries.

But he wanted a firm to appoint him abroad as sales manager or employ him on a salary in London itself.

No firm was interested in his proposal to enter into a contract with him. Yet he was defeated but was determined to
succeed. At this point, his money was exhausted. As he was about to give up in disgust, three firms appointed him as their
export manager with an office in London. He had not followed a simple piece of advice from a well-wisher as under-

“Avoid general thinking to solve any problem. Divide the subject into parts. Take the part in which you are the
most interested and concentrate your thought and action to this one part. Explore it thoroughly before proceeding further to
the next step.”

At the start, the gentleman did not succeed because he used to think generalities so could not produce any definite
ideas. As a result,he did not make any head way.

Now he determined to follow the advice given to him thus, he stopped general thinking and started concentrating
on one country-Brazil, at first. He made a list:-

a) What goods are in demand in Brazil and the classes of goods?

b) The firms which are not selling to Brazil the goods in demand and the names of these firms and he prepared a
chart accordingly.

Then surprisingly he found that ideas came into his head in a flood. He contacted these firms and arranged for supply
of the items in Brazil.

Thus he found that once he had focused his thinking on Brazil, he was able to produce definite results and was
immensely successful. Which would have been the case if he had indulged in general or unfocussed thinking.

The mind functions in terms of ideas. Thinking is a result of ideas. Sometimes ideas are vague and hazy: sometimes
clear and definite. We have to adopt the clear and definite ideas to be successful in life.

The dictionary quotes the meaning of an idea as follows:-

“ An idea is any product of mental activity; an object of mental apprehension in the widest sense”.



The question of timeliness is very largely the cause of success or failure of many a proposition. While dealing
with human beings, timeliness is very important as there is nothing fixed, definite or standardized about human nature.

That’s the reason why psychology and medicine do are not and never will be sciences. It is because a
science is something that always works while psychology and medicine do not. The human make-up is quite variable.

This condition is noted by many firms and individuals. Some firms make it a point never to send its salesmen
to call on customers or prospects on Saturdays. Another firm may make Monday its no-call day. The reason is that the
former firm sells to retailers and individuals who may like their weekends free; the second sells to wholesalers for
whom Monday is a day to get through heavy correspondence.

Another firm has fixed two days. One selling, one for buying

1) For buying: Always do your buying before noon

2) For selling: Try your best to do your sales in the afternoon



The question of timeliness is very largely the cause of success or failure of many a proposition. While dealing
with human beings, timeliness is very important as there is nothing fixed, definite or standardized about human nature.

That’s the reason why psychology and medicine do are not and never will be sciences. It is because a
science is something that always works while psychology and medicine do not. The human make-up is quite variable.

This condition is noted by many firms and individuals. Some firms make it a point never to send its salesmen
to call on customers or prospects on Saturdays. Another firm may make Monday its no-call day. The reason is that the
former firm sells to retailers and individuals who may like their weekends free; the second sells to wholesalers for
whom Monday is a day to get through heavy correspondence.

Another firm has fixed two days. One selling, one for buying

1) For buying: Always do your buying before noon

2) For selling: Try your best to do your sales in the afternoon


Directions: Mark yes/no to the questions given. Do not refer back to the test.

1. While developing your mental power you should ignore your brain.
2. While switching on a light you pay attention to the globe and not the switch.
3. The brain functions independent of the rest of the body.
4. The muscles and brain are not related to each other.
5. It is no use having arm muscles if your leg muscles are weak.
6. The brain is fed by the muscles.
7. The perfectly, attuned muscles system will mean an alert, responsive and well-
developed brain.
8. You should have Hercules’ muscles to have a well-developed brain.
9. As the muscles, so as the brain.
10. Quick-acting muscles mean a quick-acting brain.


Directions: Mark yes/no to the questions given. Do not refer back to the test.

1. Getting winning ideas is very tough.
2. Scattered thinking will give you success and not focused thinking.
3. The name of the man was Jones Dick who started exporting British goods.
4. The local firms agreed with him.
5. When the firm refused to appoint him, he dropped the idea completely.
6. The man did not take the advice given to him.
7. He made a research on what goods are required by Brazil.
8. Once he focused on Brazil he could produce definite results.
9. The mind functions in terms of ideas and thinking is the result of ideas.
10. We do not have to adopt clear and definite ideas to be successful in life,


Directions: Fill in the blank or give a brief correct answer . Don’t refer to the text.

1) The question of timeliness is the cause of ________________ or ___________________of many

2) Timeliness is important because there is nothing ______________________about human nature.
3) What’s the reason that psychology and medicine will never be sciences?
4) What always works while psychology and medicine not?
5) Are these conditions noted by firms? What are they doing about it?
6) Why have firms decided not to send their salesmen to retailers and individuals on Saturday and to
big firms on Mondays?



SECOND Word Per Minute SECOND Word Per Minute (WPM)
210 250 50 235
200 260 45 265
190 275 42 280
180 290 40 295
170 310 38 310
160 330 35 340
150 350 32 370
140 375 30 395
130 400 29 410
120 440 28 420
110 480 26 455
100 525 24 490
90 580 22 540
80 655 20 590
75 700 18 670
70 750 15 790
65 810 12 980
60 875 10 1180
55 950
50 1050



SECOND Word Per Minute SECOND Word Per Minute (WPM)
210 250 50 235
200 260 45 265
190 275 42 280
180 290 40 295
170 310 38 310
160 330 35 340
150 350 32 370
140 375 30 395
130 400 29 410
120 440 28 420
110 480 26 455
100 525 24 490
90 580 22 540
80 655 20 590
75 700 18 670
70 750 15 790
65 810 12 980
60 875 10 1180
55 950
50 1050

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