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Roosevelt and the New Deal: Notes

Franklin D Roosevelt won a landslide victory in the 1932

presidential election with 472 votes to 59, bringing an end to
the Republicans holding office.
To tackle the depression, he attempted to aid the poor and
unemployed, through his three ‘R’s plan – Relief, Recovery
and Reform. He also suggested new legislation, however
offered very little in terms of specific policies for this plan.

Thoughts on inaugural speech:

It seems as though Roosevelt is attempting to inspire hope in
the American people through his optimistic yet stoic tone,
and judging by the crowds’ reaction it appears to have
worked, for a short while at least.

Questions on the video:

1. What was the state of America by the time Roosevelt is elected?

2. Why does Roosevelt close the banks?
3. In what ways is Roosevelt different to Hoover in his approach to
the crisis?
4. In what ways was this a 'New Deal'?
5. Why does Roosevelt appoint Joe Kennedy in charge of
the Securities and Exchange Commission?
6. What talents did Roosevelt have for dealing with this crisis?

1. America was in a state of

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