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Gareth Southgate Session

Game Strategy
The enclosed is a session on teaching players to
consider their Game Strategy. The session relies
on players thinking for themselves and as a team
on the way to deal with different scenarios.

The session was demonstrated by the then

England u21 coach Gareth Southgate, and u17-u21
Technical Lead, Neil Dewsnip, at the FA Coaches
Conference in 2014.

The session does not include a specific warm-up.

In keeping with the rest of the session, the two
teams were tasked with running their own warm-
up including plenty of use of the ball.

The diagrams included in this eBook are provided

using the excellent Tactics Manager software by

• Approximately 2/3 of full pitch, full width
• Session designed for 9 v 9 plus GKs
• Adjust size of pitch and player numbers as

Part 1 – Playing Out v

One team looks to play from the ‘keeper, the other

tries to win the ball and counter attack. The team
counter-attacking must score within a limited time
(eg 8 seconds) or a limited number of touches, or
the ball is dead. If the ball goes out play, play
restarts with the ‘keeper and a new ball. Play a set
number of balls (eg 10).

Key Coaching Points:

• Team in possession should look to be patient

and careful (ie not lose possession easily)
• Defending team must look to counter attack
quickly and effectively.
• Defending team should decide when and where
to press.
• Teams should be encourage to be positive and
to shoot when opportunity is there.

Part 2 – One Team a
player down

Remove a player from one team. Play for 3-4

minutes so teams can get used to overload. Then
teams should huddle to discuss strategies for
coping with extra player/one player less.

Key Coaching Points:

• How should team with extra player play?

Expanisve? Patient? Play around/through?
Create overloads?
• How should team with fewer players play?
Defend deep? Counter Attack?

Part 3 – Game

Return to even teams. Set up scenario – for

example, last ten minutes of cup tie with one team
leading 2-1. Or add complexity by including risk of
away goal. Give teams time to decide on strategy
before playing for 10-15 minutes.

Key Coaching Points:

Losing team

• Encourage opportunities to shoot

• Press high
• Take risks

Winning team

• Slow game down

• Don’t take risks
• Keep possession
• Waste time

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