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Ms M O’Sullivan

Significant Weather Event – Case Study

Name one example of a significant weather event that you have studied.

Hurricane Ophelia

When did this weather event happen?

16th October 2017

Name a location that was affected by this weather event?

Cork, Ireland

Name a weather instrument that was used to gather data during this weather event and state
what it measures.

Anemometer – Wind Speed

Explain how this weather event was formed? Include a diagram.

1. Over the ocean, warm moist air rises and creates an area of low pressure.
2. Air from surrounding areas pushes in to take the place of the warm rising air. It too becomes
warmer and rises.
3. As the warm air rises, it cools, condenses and forms clouds.
4. All this movement creates winds.
5. Due to the Coriolis effect, the wind begins to spin and the air is deflected to the right in the
Northern Hemisphere.
6. As the storm spins faster and faster, the eye of the storm develops.
7. Most hurricanes that form in the Atlantic are pushed westwards towards the USA. However,
Storm Ophelia headed in a north east direction towards Ireland and the UK.
8. Temperatures were warmer than normal, allowing the storm to gather excess energy, which
converted into stronger wind speeds.
Ms M O’Sullivan

Why do you consider this to be a significant weather event?

Social Impacts of this weather event:

 A red warning was issued for all of Ireland.

 All schools, colleges and businesses had to close for the day.
 3 people died.
 390,000 homes were left without power.

Economic Impacts of this weather event:

 Caused over €70 million worth of damage.

 There was €45 million worth of insurance claims.
 Dublin Airport cancelled 130 flights.
 All Irish Rail, Dublin Bus, Luas, DART, Bus Eireann and ferry services were cancelled.
This resulted in significant economic losses.

Environmental Impacts of this weather event:

 Many trees were uprooted. One wholesaler of tree nurseries lost over 10,00 young
 There was coastal flooding.
 The roof of Douglas Community School sports hall was blown off.
 The stands at Turners Cross stadium collapsed.

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