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Matthew is the only name among the apostles mentioned

in the Quran. He was also regarded as a sinner because of his
previous tax collector occupation. The New Testament also
gives limited and unresolved information about him.

St. Matthew is the only evangelist to share his

eight Beatitudes to his readers. Matthew also focused on the
Jewish readers/audiences more, unlike other evangelists. Matthew
is also special because it shows how Jesus fulfilled his
prophecies the most than other gospels.

The Gospel of Matthew highlights how Jesus’ ministry was prophesied

about in the Old Testament. Matthew also contains more than 130
Old Testament quotes and allusions, these allusions helped
Matthew’s Jewish audience see that Jesus was the one they were really waiting for.
This makes a characteristic of the Gospel of Matthew
is its high regard for the teachings of the Old Testament.

The gospel Matthew repeatedly uses two phrases no other gospel uses,
using unique phrases repeated throughout Matthew, like when Matthew changes the phrase
“the Kingdom of God” (used in the other three gospels) to “the Kingdom of heaven,”
respecting the Jews’ reverence for the name of the Lord.
The phrase is used 32 times in the Bible and appears in Matthew 32 times.

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” -

Matthew 22:39
Matthew describes that you shall love
someone else as you love
yourself. If you commit heinous acts to
someone, and
you are committing heinous acts to yourself.
Not only you

The Book of Matthew is one of the three synoptic gospels Matthew, Mark, and Luke have a lot in common, sharing many of the
same accounts in the same order, with similar wording, and similar perspectives. These are the synoptic gospels.

Matthew became the most important of all Gospel texts for Christians because it contains all the elements important to the
church, the story about Jesus’s miraculous conception, an explanation of the importance of liturgy, law, discipleship, and teaching; and an
account of Jesus’s life and death. The Gospel of Matthew has long been considered the most important of the four Gospels.

Matthew describes especially well how

Jesus healed many people. Here are
asylum seekers at a retreat center whom
Central America who were tired, hungry,
and some were sick.The staff did all they
could to
help them, and they finally experienced
what Jesus had felt, showing compassion for
the sick, hungry, and tired, and
giving them strength and encouragement.

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