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Activity 1: Be HAPPY or Be SAD

To share thoughts on how media and technology affect the physical activity
To determine what physical activities can sustain fitness or not and fitness of a person

1. Listen as the teacher dictates the following physical activities:

- playing computer games - jogging
- reading books - folk dancing
- movie marathon - street dancing
- watching television - surfing on the internet
- jumping jacks - playing basketball
- running - scrubbing the floor
- playing badminton -fletching a pail of water
- hip-hop dancing

2. At the teacher's signal after each physical activity, do the corresponding action based on its ability to
sustain fitness and your feelings when performing the activity:

Processing Questions:
1. What are the activities that can help improve our fitness? Why do you say so?
Participating in activities like jumping jacks, running, playing badminton, jogging, dancing, playing
basketball, and cleaning the floor can boost our fitness because they involve engagement in movement,
which improves our physical health and overall fitness.

2. What are the activities that are sedentary in nature? Why do you say so?
Activities like playing video games, reading books, binge-watching movies or TV shows, and browsing the
internet involve minimal physical activity. These activities are done while sitting or lying down, which
can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle and health problems like obesity.

3. How do surfing on the internet and playing computer games affect our physical activity and fitness?
These two activities usually result in less physical activity and fitness because they require sitting for long
periods with little movement, hence there will be little to none of physical movement and engagement.

4. Which of these activities will you choose as your lifetime hobby? Why?
I prefer activities like dancing, running, jogging, playing badminton, or basketball because they offer
physical and social interaction. These activities include moving your body and doing cardio exercises,
which can enhance my overall physical health
Activity 2: Sine Mo ‘To
I. Objectives:
To determine the risk factors related to lifestyle diseases
To suggest ways on how to improve one's physical activity and fitness
II. Materials/Equipment:
• pen and notebook
• copy of the story about Sitio Katamakawan
III. Procedures:
1. Listen to your teacher as s/he reads the story about Sitio Katamakawan or observe your selected
classmates as they dramatize the story about Sitio Katamakawan.
2. Take down notes to answer the questions after:
• Describe the lifestyle of the people of this community.
Sitio Katamakawan is a community of lazy and gluttonous people. They sit or lie all day and eat
everything their mouth desires. Each family has a housemaid to take care of all the household chores.
The children of this community are addicted to playing computer games although they maintain their
passing grades. They are not allowed to play outside to prevent accidents. Most of the time, the
teenagers surf the Internet. Most of the parents are overweight because after their office work, they
watch television while having night snacks. Some men are into 'smoking and drinking alcohol.
On the other hand, during weekends, each family goes to church and watches movies together.
They maintain their strong family bonds. Values such as respect to elders and obedience are also
preserved in this community.
• Would you like to live in this community? Why?
No, because the community's lifestyle is inactive, lazy, with unhealthy eating habits, and many harmful
habits like smoking and drinking.
• Which health dimensions are sustained, and which need improvement in this community?
Their social and emotional health are fine, but their physical health needs some reshaping.
• Do the people live a physically active and healthy lifestyle?
No, since they have an unhealthy lifestyle and habits.
• What are the possible diseases the people of this community might have? What are the risk factors of
these diseases?
They might get sick with long-lasting illnesses like obesity, diabetes, and cancer. It is because they don't
move much, eat unhealthily and poorly, smoke or drink alcohol excessively.
• If you were a friend to one of the members of this community, what would you advise him/her to
achieve fitness?
I'd suggest them stop sitting around so much and start living healthier by exercising, eating better, and
cutting down on smoking and drinking.
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of media and technology to our health?
The advantages of media and technology include easy access to information and staying connected, but
they can also lead to less physical activity and mental health issues like addiction and distraction.
• What recreational physical activities can you suggest to the children, teenagers, and adult members of
Sitio Katamakawan?
For kids and teens, outdoor activities like basketball, football, and dancing are great, while adults can
benefit from exercises such as walking and jogging.
Activity3: Cinema

To describe street dance and hip-hop dances, and their dance styles
To share the contribution of street dance and hip-hop dances to fitness

II. Materials/Equipment:
• dvd copy of Step Up 4 movie
• audio-visual set
• pen and notebook

III. Procedure:
1. Watch carefully the movie Step Up 4.
2. Answer the following questions in your lecture notebook:

• What dance form is shown in the movie?

Street dance and hip-hop dances.

• What is a street dance?

Street dance is a type of dance that people do outdoors or in informal settings like streets or parks. It
promotes freedom onto the moves dancers use.

• What is a hip-hop dance?

Hip hop dance is a type of dance that started in cities and is often collaborated with hip hop music. It
also promotes freedom onto the moves used by the dancers aka. Freestyle.

• What particular movements/steps strike you? Show them.

Freestyle dancing, because it allows individuals to express themselves creatively through movement
without following specific choreography or rules.

• Can street dance and hip-hop dance improve fitness? How?

Yes, street dance and hip-hop can improve fitness by engaging in cardio exercises and increasing our

• Can we use street dance and hip-hop dance as our recreational activity? Why and how?
Yes, we can use street dance and hip-hop dance as recreational activities because they are fun and
engaging forms of physical exercise. They offer a way to express creativity and enjoy music while moving
your body. You can also dance with friends or join community groups to make it a social activity.

• What recreational activity did you discover at this stage? Can you make it as your lifetime hobby?
I find street dance and hip-hop to be enjoyable hobbies. Yes, For those who love dancing, it can become
a lifelong pursuit, providing chances to learn, improve, and find joy in music and their own way.

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