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My name is Fahru Rozzi. Usually called Rozzi some call me Rozzi. I am a boy who was born July 29, 2003 in North Sumatra, Tembung. I am
the the second child of Mr. Sujarwadi and Mrs. Siti Arbiah. My parents loved and taught me kindness from a young age. For me parents
are very important in my life.

When i was 6 years old, I studied at SD 101767 Tembung. Then after graduating from elementary school, I was accepted at MTS Al-
Jami’yatul Washliyah Tembung. Then l continued my education to MAN 1 Medan.

Since SMP I really like Futsal and Badminton.This Futsal hobby made me join the team that was formed by the coach of Al Jami’yatul
Washliyah Junior High School, I also participated in the inter-school futsal tournament which I participated in for the first time while in
junior high school and unfortunately only became runner up. But I don’t feel complacent. I also participated in the futsal tournament again
with a team that had been formed by the futsal coach at SMA MAN 1 Medan, but unfortunately only finished in the round of 16. I think
this experience is meaningful enough for me even though I haven’t been able to become 1st place yet.

I am currently continuing my education at the main potential university. I Also worked so that i did not burden my parents. I wish i could
boast my parents later.

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