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Dennis T.

Carbaquel BSED-ENG 3A

List down 5 of your core values and explain who influenced you the most in having
these core values:

1. Integrity: My parents have had the most impact on how I view integrity. They
consistently emphasized the value of being trustworthy, honest, and acting
morally even when no one is looking.
2. Empathy: My life experiences have had a big impact on how much I respect
empathy. I've learned to be sympathetic and courteous toward others as a result of
seeing and comprehending the difficulties they encounter.
3. Progress: My professors and mentors have been crucial in helping me establish
my guiding principle of progress. Their support and direction inspired me to
continuously develop, learn, and take on new challenges.
4. Respect: I was heavily influenced by my cultural background and upbringing in
valuing respect for others. Growing up in a community that emphasizes treating
everyone with dignity and respect shaped this core value in me.
5. Responsibility: As a middle sibling, I felt a strong sense of responsibility
towards my younger sibling. Being a role model and taking care of her helped
instill the value of responsibility in me.

2. Explain the difference between values and virtues, and provide one example for

Values are personal beliefs or principles that guide our behavior and decision-
making. They define what is important to us and what we consider to be right or
wrong. Examples of values could be honesty, loyalty, or independence. Virtues, on
the other hand, are positive qualities or character traits that enable us to live a good
and moral life. They are cultivated through practicing moral excellence and
embodying principles like honesty, compassion, or humility. An example of a virtue
would be kindness, where someone consistently shows goodwill and benevolence
towards others.

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