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Enhancing Reading Comprehension Through Strategic Thinking


Students have difficulty reading challenging materials and engaging in critical thinking that has heightened

because of the pandemic, which has thus far impacted their understanding. Many students struggle with

comprehension, which impedes their progress in school. Utilizing reading techniques that assist the growth of

reading comprehension skills, such as strategic thinking, can help overcome this issue. These techniques

promote individual learning and active engagement. Students can set goals, make predictions, and use prior

knowledge by previewing, asking questions, summarizing, and making connections. This strategy also improves

reading comprehension and encourages higher-order thinking, academic success, and analytical thinking.

Statement of the Problem:

The study's goal is to determine how well strategic thinking techniques can raise reading comprehension


1. What techniques can be applied to improve students' reading comprehension abilities?

2. How may strategic thinking be included in reading lessons to increase comprehension?

3. What are the present difficulties in teaching reading comprehension, and how may strategic thinking help?

4. What effect does strategic thinking have on students reading comprehension skills?


1. Literature Review: Conduct a thorough analysis of the pertinent literature on tactical reading strategies and

how they affect reading comprehension. Analyze several approaches, including using graphic organizers,

summarizing, questioning techniques, and meta-cognitive techniques.

2. Identification of Participants: Choose a sample of students who struggle with reading comprehension. To

improve the generalizability of the research findings, make sure that there is a varied mix of skills, experiences,

and learning preferences.

3. Pre-assessment: Give the chosen group pre-assessment tests to determine their present reading comprehension

skills. Additionally, this will support the identification of certain weak points and guide the creation of effective


4. Intervention Design: Create a strategic reading program that incorporates explicit instruction, guided practice,

and autonomous application based on the methods identified in the literature study. To accommodate the

participants' various demands, differentiation should be used.

5. Implementation: Deliver the intervention over a predetermined time period while giving clear instructions on

the chosen tactics, fostering group discussions, and planning activities that promote active reading of texts. Give

pupils enough time to practice independently, and when necessary, offer comments and guidance.

6. Data Collection: Utilize a variety of techniques, including observations, surveys, interviews, and

understanding tests, to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. Track students' development, get their

comments on the intervention, and note any improvements in their reading comprehension abilities.

7. Data Analysis: Utilize the proper statistical software and qualitative analytic methods to analyze the acquired

data. To assess if the strategic reading strategy has improved students' reading comprehension skills, compare

pre- and post-intervention outcomes.

7. Findings and Recommendations: Present the research findings, emphasizing the impact of the strategic

reading method and increases in reading comprehension. Offer suggestions for modifications and additional

implementation that would improve the intervention.

9. Reflection and Action: Consider the restrictions and difficulties encountered during the study as you reflect

on the action research process. Utilize this reflection to improve the strategic reading strategy and make the

required adjustments for subsequent applications.

10. Dissemination: Through presentations, papers, and academic conferences, share the research's findings,

methodology, and conclusions with educators, researchers, and other stakeholders. To improve reading

comprehension techniques in educational contexts, promote further research and application of strategic reading


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