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Name: Bhea Rose Dela Rosa

Speaker: Ricky C. Montano


1. What are the key concepts that you have learned in this session?

Action research is a research approach that involves active participation by the researcher in
the research process. It is a process of inquiry that seeks to address practical problems or
issues in a particular context, such as a community, organization, or educational setting.

In action research, the researcher collaborates with the people affected by the problem or issue
to identify and implement solutions. This approach emphasizes the importance of practical,
hands-on experience, and encourages participants to reflect on their experiences and learn
from them.

Action research typically involves several stages, including identifying the problem, gathering
data, analyzing the data, developing and implementing a plan of action, and evaluating the
results. The results of the research are often used to inform future action and to improve the
situation or context being studied.

2. How can you integrate this in teaching and in the field of education?

Action research can be integrated into teaching and education in several ways. Here are some
Teacher professional development: Teachers can use action research to improve their
teaching practices and student learning outcomes. By collaborating with colleagues
and conducting research in their own classrooms, teachers can identify and implement
new strategies and approaches to teaching and learning.

Curriculum development: Action research can also be used to develop and improve
educational programs and curriculum. Teachers and curriculum developers can work
together to identify areas for improvement, gather data, and make changes to the
curriculum based on the results.

Student-centered learning: Action research can also be used to promote student-

centered learning by involving students in the research process. Students can help
identify problems and solutions, and their feedback can inform teaching and learning

School improvement: Action research can be used to improve school culture and
climate, as well as to address issues related to equity and inclusion. By involving all
stakeholders in the research process, schools can create more inclusive and supportive
learning environments.

3. Make a summary of the session either in paragraph or bullet form.

Action research is a research approach that involves active participation by the researcher in the
research process, with the aim of addressing practical problems or issues in a particular context.
It is a collaborative and participatory approach that emphasizes practical, hands-on experience
and encourages participants to reflect on their experiences and learn from them. Advantages of
action research include promoting collaboration and reflective practice, encouraging innovation
and experimentation, and leading to improved outcomes and a more supportive learning
environment. Considerations when writing an action research include selecting a problem or
issue to address, identifying the stakeholders involved, gathering data using appropriate research
methods, analyzing and interpreting the data, and developing and implementing an action plan.
The process and flow of action research typically involve several stages, including identifying
the problem, gathering data, analyzing the data, developing and implementing a plan of action,
and evaluating the results. The results of the research are often used to inform future action and
to improve the situation or context being studied.

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