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1. Identify one psychological theory and explain how it is applied in the educational system.
Answer: Many theories, concepts, and ideas from educational psychology do make it
through the “screen” of education, meaning that they are consistent with the professional
priorities of teachers and helpful in solving important problems of classroom teaching. In
the case of issues about classroom learning, for example, educational psychologists have
developed a number of theories and concepts that are relevant to classrooms, in that they
describe at least some of what usually happens there and offer guidance for assisting
learning. It is helpful to group the theories according to whether they focus on changes in
behavior or in thinking. On them is Constructivism.
Constructivism is an important learning theory that educators use to help their
students learn. Constructivism is based on the idea that people actively construct or make
their own knowledge, and that reality is determined by your experiences as a learner.
Basically, learners use their previous knowledge as a foundation and build on it with new
things that they learn. So, everyone's individual experiences make their learning unique
to them.
Constructivist Approach allows learners to be active in the process of constructing
meaning and knowledge rather than passively receiving information. It fosters critical
thinking and provides learners with a learning environment that helps them make
connections with their learnings.
To ensure that learners are maters of meaning and knowledge in the process, the
following strategies are suggested.
1. Thinking Skills Strategies are strategies that strive to improve achievement by
consciously developing learners’ ability to consider ideas, analyze perspectives, solve
problems, and make decisions on their own.
2. Activity -Based Teaching Strategies are methods that strive to improve learners’
achievement by engaging learners in individual or group experiential learning
opportunities such as purposeful conversation, project planning, hands on inquiry,
analysis, and product creation.
3. Direct Instruction Strategies are the quickest way to impart knowledge where
teachers’ words and actions both guide and model the learning.

Constructivism in education.
It’s important to understand how teachers can apply constructivism inside their
classroom to create a unique learning environment for students. In constructivist
classrooms, the teacher has a role to create a collaborative environment where students
are actively involved in their own learning. Teachers are more facilitators of learning than
actual instructors. Teachers must work to understand the preexisting conceptions and
understanding of students, then work to incorporate knowledge within those areas.
Teachers will also need to adjust their teaching to match the learner’s level of
 Constructivist classrooms rely on four key areas to be successful:
 Shared knowledge between teachers and students.
 Shared authority between teachers and students.
 Teachers act as a guide or facilitator.
 Learning groups consist of small numbers of students.

Constructivist classrooms are often very different from normal classrooms in many
ways. Constructivist classrooms focus on student questions and interests, they build on
what students already know, they focus on interactive learning and are student-centered,
teachers have a dialogue with students to help them construct their own knowledge, they
root in negotiation, and students work primarily in groups.

Constructivist classrooms often have teachers who do small group work,

collaborative and interactive activities, and open dialogues about what students need in
order to find success.

2. Do you consider psychology as one of the foundations of education? Why?

Answer: Psychology gives education the theory of individual differences that every child
has different mental ability and learns with different pace. Today in modern era,
education psychology is the foundation of education. Psychology effect education in
every field of teaching learning process.
The above idea illustrates the centrality of knowledge of the psychology of
teachers' learning. With these in mind, there are three points for consideration:
 first, that the psychology of teachers' learning constitutes an important new
domain of knowledge in educational.
 second, that the knowledge of theories and research findings on the psychology of
teachers’ learning may be meaningful and important for students, and further,
may enhance their teaching practice
 and third, that knowledge of the psychology may enhance the ability of faculty to
teach more effectively.
Finally, as mentioned, it would lead to more effective practice in the classroom.
Moreover, this element to teacher preparation will raise both the competence and profile
of teachers as professionals.

3. Why is there a need to consider the social dimension in the educational system?
Answer: “Today, schools need to prepare students for more rapid economic and social
change than ever before, for jobs that have not yet been created, to use technologies that
have not yet been invented, and to solve social problems that we don’t yet know will
arise.” – Charles Fadel et. al., director of the Centre for Curriculum Redesign.
Social dimension meaning extends beyond classroom boundaries. To diminish
social inequality in the outside world, educators must provide equal opportunities for all
students inside school walls. Education is intended to level opportunities for vulnerable
groups - including students with disabilities, students of lower socio-economic statuses,
and students belonging to minority groups - by addressing these inequities. By
developing policies and applying extra effort where it is needed, all students can be given
a fair chance for success.
It is a teacher's responsibility to provide a nurturing and welcoming learning
environment for all students, and to take seriously the position of influence that the
teacher is in. A teacher can influence what the students talk about, how they think and
what they become. Social responsibility demands that a teacher not only cares about the
students; the teacher must understand how they fits into their community.

4. Explain how social, psychological, and philosophical dimensions affect the educational
system. Give concrete evidence and observe proper citations.
Answer: Education is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a
group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching,
training, or research. Moreover, education can develop human being to gain the ability,
knowledge, and personality. Thus, the study in foundation of education context provides
three significant roles such as philosophy, sociology, and psychology of education. The
philosophy of education studies the aims, forms, methods, and results of acquiring
knowledge. Beside these, philosophy of education applies to the process and a field of
study. The sociology of education is the study of educational structures, processes, and
practices from a sociological perspective. It has illustrated the conception of enter-
relation between education and society. Hence, Educational psychology in turn notifies of
specialty within educational studies, including instructional design, educational
technology, curriculum development, organizational learning, special education, and
classroom management. All of the three elements of education contribute each benefit for
young’s abilities, knowledge, and personality.
Education as social institution plays a vital role in our society. The function of
education is multidimensional within the school system and outside it. It performs the
function of socializing the individual for a variety of social roles and development of
personality. It is also an important part of the control mechanisms of society. Education is
a necessity right from the simple society to modern complex industrial society. The most
important function of education is socialization.
Philosophy unifies pedagogy, curriculum, learning theories and the purpose of
education and this is grounded in a specific metaphysical epistemology and axiological
assumptions upon which educational policy is formulated. Philosopher by name Plato
contributed a lot on the structure of educational policy whereby he advocated for the
children to be separated from their mother’s care and raising them in a separate place. He
also contributed on talent building which is included in educational policy. The
educational curriculum allows sports in institutions which require students to involve
themselves in promoting talents.
On the other hand, Educational Psychology work with students to find out HOW
they learn and process information and look for ways to improve their performance. And
it’s not just intelligence that affect learning outcomes. Emotional issues, attitudes,
motivation, self-regulation, behavior, and self-esteem all contribute to learning. A
learning assessment is often the first step in the process. This is not only to identify any
learning disorders or difficulties. A full learning assessment (or educational assessment)
will also reveal:
 Specific strengths and weaknesses in underlying learning skills
 Academic achievement compared with what is expected for a child’s age and
education level
 Positive and negative stimuli
 Environmental problems
 And other factors that influence the learning process
The educational process depends on four fundamental aspects: the education
institution, teachers, curriculums, and the students. These four aspects correlate with each
other strongly. In fact, all aspects are being integrated into the educational process in any
educational institutions. Each one of those aspects is working side by side to support the
other aspect accurately. It is well known that an educational philosophy reflects a social
philosophy. A social philosophy is considered as a plan to guide the educational process.
A relation between philosophy and education is unclear; however, there is acceptance for
this relations existence. Some people believe that education is a result of philosophical
doctrines, and educators are, in fact, philosophers. Moreover, education is a process of
keeping and transferring social heritage throughout history.
Education is indispensable to individual and society, for without it there would be
loss of all the accumulated knowledge of the ages and all the standard of conduct. An
individual must learn the culture of the society or the accepted ways of doing things. He
must be socialized into the prevailing culture and must learn the rules of conduct and
expectations about future behavior. Society, therefore, consciously devices its
instructional programs to fulfill personal and social needs rather than leaving the learning
to change. Education provides a conscious teaching program that helps to inculcate
values, norms and social skills that will enable the individual to develop his personality
and sustain the social system.
5. Share your philosophy or principle as teacher or educational leader.
Answer: This is my guiding principle as school leader “School Leaders don’t Create
Followers, they Create more Leaders,” by Tom Peters.
As a leader, I believe in bringing a community together to share leadership in
many different avenues. this starts at the top in working with others to develop their
leadership in every position and level of school. By focusing on an individual’s
strengths, as a school leader you should show that you value their expertise first before
you look to help them develop in other areas. This strength-based focus helps to build a
relationship with each individual, pushing them to be better every day. When the leader
of an organization has this belief and proves it through actions, it trickles down to
students in the classroom. The more experience you have in leadership, the more you see
that effective teachers are effective leaders and have this same strength-based approach
with their students. If you have a community that focus on building leadership in all
areas, you are more likely to be successful within our vision.

6. Is there a need to consider the culture of the people in implementing programs, projects,
and activities in the school? Explain.
Answer: School culture includes an atmosphere of mutual respect amongst all
stakeholders where teaching and learning are valued; achievements and successes are
celebrated, and where ongoing collaboration is the norm. According to Dr. Joseph
Murphy, Associate Dean at Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of Education, “Seeds of
change will never grow in toxic soil. School culture matters.”
When positivity persists in a school culture, everyone thrives. Administrators,
teachers, and students are generally happy to be there. Amazing things happen in a
positive environment. Student learning is enhanced. Teachers grow and improve.
Administrators are more relaxed. Everyone benefits from this type of environment.
School culture does matter. It should not be discounted. Over the past, we have
come to believe that it may be the single most important factor for school success. If no
one wants to be there, then ultimately a school will not be successful. However, if a
positive, supporting school culture exists then the sky is the limit for how successful a
school can be.
Strategies to Improve School Culture. The following strategies can help guide the
process of improving school culture. These strategies are written under the assumption
that a leader is in place which seeks to change the culture of a school and is willing to
work hard.

1. Create a team consisting of administrators, teachers, parents, and students to help

shape changes to school culture. This team should develop a prioritized list of
issues they believe harm to the overall school culture. In addition, they should
brainstorm possible solutions for fixing those issues. Eventually, they should
create a plan as well as a timeline for implementing the plan for turning around the
school culture.
2. Administrators must surround themselves with like-minded teachers who fit the
mission and vision the team has in place for establishing an effective school
culture. These teachers must be trustworthy professionals who will do their job
and make positive contributions to the school environment.
3. It is important for teachers feel supported. Teachers who feel like their
administrators have their backs are generally happy teachers, and they are more
likely to operate a productive classroom. Teachers should never question whether
or not they are appreciated. Building and maintaining teacher morale is one of the
most important duties a school principal plays in fostering a positive school
culture. Teaching is a very difficult job, but it becomes easier when you work with
a supportive administrator.
4. Students spend the largest amount of their time at school in the classroom. This
makes teachers the most responsible for creating a positive school culture.
Teachers help this process through a variety of ways. First, they build trusting
relationships with students. Next, they ensure that every student has an
opportunity to learn the required material.
5. Collaboration is critical to developing a positive school culture. Collaboration
enriches the overall teaching and learning experience. Collaboration builds lasting
relationships. Collaboration can challenge us and make us better. Collaboration is
essential in helping a school truly become a community of learners. Collaboration
must be ongoing between every stakeholder within the school. Everyone should
have a voice.
6. To establish an effective school culture, you must consider every little nuance in a
school. Ultimately, everything contributes to the overall culture of a school. This
includes school security, the quality of the food in the cafeteria, the friendliness of
the main office staff when there are visitors or when answering the phones, the
cleanliness of the school, the maintenance of the grounds, etc.  Everything should
be evaluated and changed as necessary.
7. Extra-curricular programs can foster an immense amount of school pride. Schools
must offer a well-balanced assortment of programs to give every student an
opportunity to be involved. This includes a mixture of both athletic and non-
athletic programs. Coaches and sponsors responsible for these programs must
provide the participants with everyone opportunity to be successful Programs and
individuals within these programs should be recognized for their
accomplishments. Ultimately, if you have a positive school culture, every
stakeholder feels a sense of pride when one of these programs or individuals is

7. As Ph.D. student, you need to strengthen your skills in research. Determine a study (Title
and researcher/s) and state the salient findings. It should be related to social,
psychological, or philosophical in perspectives.
Answer: Research Title: The Psychological and Social Impact of Covid-19: New
Perspectives of Well-Being
Researchers: Valeria Saladino, Davide Algeri and Vincenzo Auriemma
Salient Findings: The recent Covid-19 pandemic has had significant psychological
and social effects on the population. Research has highlighted the impact on
psychological well-being of the most exposed groups, including children, college
students, and health workers, who are more likely to develop post-traumatic stress
disorder, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms of distress. The social distance and the
security measures have affected the relationship among people and their perception of
empathy toward others. From this perspective, telepsychology and technological devices
assume important roles to decrease the negative effects of the pandemic. These tools
present benefits that could improve psychological treatment of patients online, such as
the possibility to meet from home or from the workplace, saving money and time and
maintaining the relationship between therapists and patients. The aim of this paper is to
show empirical data from recent studies on the effect of the pandemic and reflect on
possible interventions based on technological tools.

8. As school head, you are requested to create the a) philosophy, b) vision, c) mission, d)
goals and e) objectives of your new school, Papaunlad Integrated School.
Answer: School Name: Papaunlad Integrated School.
Philosophy: The philosophy of the Papaunlad Integrated School is anchored on
“Education for Personal Renewal and Social Transformation.” Personal renewal and
empowerment could bring back the mantle of consciousness that is positive and healthy
for Filipinos. Let there be an education wherein the Filipinos would believe in themselves
and be confident in their future.
Vision: Faithful to its tradition of excellence, the Papaunlad Integrated School envisions
itself as a premier institution, committed to the professional and moral formation of its
stakeholders for social transformation.
Mission: Papaunlad Integrated School, in pursuit of truth, guided by reason and illumined
by faith, dedicates herself to the generation, advancement, and transmission of knowledge
to form competent and compassionate professionals, committed to the service of the
nation, and the global community.
Goals: Papaunlad Integrated School entered six goals, namely, good health, gender
equality, reduced inequality, quality education, economic growth, and partnerships for the
Objectives: The objectives of Papaunlad Integrated School are:
1. Transform PSI into a research-oriented educational institution.
2. Highlight distinctive feature and competence.
3. Promote cross-disciplinary dialogue, explorations, and collaboration among faculty
4. Design operation for optimum and accountable use of resources.

9. Share your important learnings.
Answer: Four Major Foundations of Curriculum and their Importance in Education.
Psychology can influence curriculum in so many ways. It focuses more on how to
understand the learners acquire knowledge and process the information and store it in
their long-term memory. In short, if the teacher has background in psychology, he/she
can easily teach the students learn and become successful someday.
The foundations of curriculum can be seen or manifested in too many ways. It can be
the subjects, strategies, and activities inside and outside the school. But here are specific
examples for each:
 Philosophy – the emphasis 3Rs (reading, writing, and arithmetic), as basic
 History – lessons like our national heroes, national plants, and animals.
 Sociology – field trips like visiting the zoo.
 Psychology – the use of audio-lingual approach or reading dialogues (from
The article elicited the importance of psychology and sociology in designing a
curriculum. Psychology is important because it gives us ideas about the teaching and
learning process. A curriculum that is written may seem perfect, but once we implement
it in the classroom, some problems may arise because we are handling different
individuals. So, we have to think and analyze (or shall I say, psychologize) our students
in order for them to learn and understand what we teach or facilitate.
Likewise, sociology is important particularly now that our education is getting global.
We need to know how students will react in a multi-cultural setting and we need to avoid
or lessen the problems in our society. Sociology can help us solve problems in life.
The highlight of psychological theories: cognitivism, behaviorism and humanism and its
influence on education.
1. BEHAVIORISM – promotes drills, repetition and memory recall the use of audio-
lingual approach in teaching language (English & Filipino). Another influence is asking
students to memorize rules, lessons, facts, or events. Asking and answering questions
with who, what, when and where.
2. COGNITIVISM – promotes critical thinking, etc. experiments, field trips.
3. HUMANISM – promotes human potential, educates the minds and hearts use of
value-laden lessons, or after discussing the lesson, the teacher must introduce some
values (virtues) that can be deduced from the topic.

10. Share your significant learnings. Social dimension.ppt

Answer: “The social dimension is a survival dimension. The enterprise exists in a society
and an economy. Within an institution one always tends to assume that the institution
exists in a vacuum. And managers inevitably look at their business from the inside. But
the business enterprise is a creature of a society and an economy, and society or economy
can put any business out of existence overnight. The enterprise exists on sufferance and
exists only as long as the society and the economy believe that it does a necessary, useful,
and productive job.”
Social responsibility objectives. Bake social objectives into your strategy.
Society and the economy need to believe that your business serves a necessary, useful,
and productive job. Think through your social and economic impact and responsibilities.
“That such objectives need to be built into the strategy of a business, rather than merely
be statements of good intentions, needs to be stressed here. These are objectives that are
needed not because the manager has a responsibility to society. They are needed because
the manager has a responsibility to the enterprise.”
Here are my key take aways:

 Consider the social and economic impact. Think through your social and
economic impact and responsibilities.
 Society needs to believe in you. Society and the economy need to believe that
your business serves a necessary, useful, and productive job.
 Add social objectives up front. Bake social objectives into your strategy.

11. Identify a particular issue in the educational system and explain its impact in
psychological, sociological, and philosophical dimensions of education.
Answer: One of the pressing issues in the present Philippine Educational System is the
Quality of education. Almost everyone knows that the quality of education in our country
has deteriorated. The causes of the worsening quality of education are obvious to us all:
Lack of teachers, lack of classrooms, and lack of textbooks. And the challenge brought
about by COVID 19 pandemic.
These issues have impacted the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of
both teachers and students. For instance, a study focusing on the psychological impact of
COVID-19 revealed moderate to extremely severe scores of anxieties, depression, and
stress for students and teachers. Stress, anxiety, and worries about coronavirus
contamination and change of mental health were also highlighted in a quantitative and
qualitative study carried out on students from Public Schools. Moreover, teachers and
students from Public Schools with less opportunities (e.g., lack of digital or inappropriate
equipment, lack of Internet or slow connection to Internet networks) and poor digital
skills, were likely to suffer more because of the online instruction, leading to an
intensification of the existing inequities.

12. As educational leader, you need to create the philosophy of your institution. What will
be your educational philosophy?
Answer: This is my guiding principle as school leader “School Leaders don’t Create
Followers, they Create more Leaders.”
I believe it is important to:
• Build relationships and trust with clear communication
• Motivate those I lead with a shared vision and effectively communicating how our
professional development, new initiatives, instructional practices, or any other everyday
practice aligns with that shared vision.
• Challenge the status quo
• Listen attentively
• Team-mentality, use “we” statements
• Use questioning to allow others to think critically and purposefully
• Encourage and empower educators to have an Innovator’s Mindset
• Sense of urgency to create sustainable results
• Committed to continual growth–personally and professionally
• Connect via external networks and partnerships, as well as internal

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