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1. What are the key concepts that you have learned in this session?

 The importance of the class website can be seen in how teachers can encourage their
pupils to visit it for useful information about the subject being covered in class.
Additionally, it improves the way teachers and parents communicate. On a classroom
website, parents and students can access information such as grades, progress
updates, and reminders of due dates for homework.

2. How can you integrate this in teaching and in the field of education?

 As a teacher I can utilize a class website to store course resources like syllabi,
lecture notes, presentations, videos, and reading lists. Students will have simple
access to all the tools they need to excel in my class. Additionally, it improves
teacher-parent communication. Grades, progress updates, and reminders of due
dates for assignments are among the details parents and students can see on a
classroom website.

3. Make a summary of the session either in paragraph or bullet form.

 Google sites is Google’s website builder. When you pit Google Site vs. WordPress
or another advanced website builder, it won’t really stack up it has way fewer
features. But it still has what you need to create a blog, portfolio, business site, or
company intranet. It’s also simple enough for non-business users to create
websites for their families, friends, and classrooms.
The How’s and Why Enjoy Teaching
 Direct Student Learning
 Supplement Instruction
 Independent Learning
 Flipped Classroom

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