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Maria Auxiliadora Malmierca MS Office

56, Rubi, Street Bond Street

Salamanca, 34567

The reason for my letter is to express my great interest in the

position of secretary at MS Office skills. Thanks to my two years of
experience in a similar position at Tansportes M&H, I now have
extensive skills in managing MS Office for companies of
international stature.

I think I meet that profile since in my current job I have

managed to reduce the time of filing and organizing printed and
digital documents by 15%. In the same way, I am aware that good
resource management is an essential pillar for your company. So I
would like to mention that I have managed to reduce the cost of
stationery by 20% thanks to the commercial agreements I reached
with suppliers. I would also like to mention that I have recently taken
a course on protocol and organization of events, which has allowed
me to improve my communication both spoken and written.

He would be available for an interview at any time.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Faithfully

Maria Auxiliadora Malmierca Colmenar

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