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Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease Q& A

Dr. Ty|

Remember Book

● TRUE OR FALSE: Oxygen saturation on the left is lower than that

of the right part?
▪ Right part just came from the lungs so it has a higher saturation
● In VSD, PDA, what kind of shunting?
→ Left to right Shunting
▪ Pressure is marked higher on the right heart

● TRUE OR FALSE: Acquired heart disease is more common than

congenital heart diseases in children?

● 3 Common presentations of heart diseases in children

→ Cardiac murmur
→ Cyanosis
→ Congestive heart failure
● Most common presentation of heart diseases in children: Cardiac

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● Congenital heart disease is the most common cause of murmur in
▪ Presence of cardiac murmur is not equivalent to heart disease

● Newborns: What is the usual type of cyanosis? Peripheral or

→ Peripheral
▪ Usually caused by vasoconstriction

● In patients with VSD: What is the type of pulmonary congestion?

→ Arterial
▪ Turbulent flow of blood from the left to right shunt
▪ Large amount of blood passing through the VSD to the RV
▪ Causes damage to the pulmonary capillary eventually developing
persistent pulmonary congestion and hypertension
▪ If this persistent PA pressure goes up more than the left heart
pressure (Eisenmenger Syndrome)
▪ LV volume overload
● TRUE OR FALSE: Among these 4 components of heart failure in
children, the most common is myocardial dysfunction?
▪ In adults this is true
▪ In children, its pulmonary venous congestion

● At what trimester is the insult that would lead to congenital heart

disease happen?
→ First trimester

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● TRUE OR FALSE: In patients with small VSD, the murmur is loud
▪ The pressure in the LV is very high→passing through a small
defect→more turbulent→ murmur is loud!

● TRUE OR FALSE: In patient with ASD RV volume overload is same

with VSD
▪ VSD: LV Volume overload
▪ ASD: RV Volume overload
● TRUE OR FALSE: In patient with pulmonic stenosis, you have RV
volume overload
▪ ASD: RV Volume overload
▪ PS: RV pressure overload

● TRUE OR FALSE: Aortic stenosis is much more common than

pulmonic stenosis
▪ PS is more common
● TRUE OR FALSE: Surgical management is the choice of treatment
for severe valvular PS
▪ The choice of treatment is Balloon valvuloplasty

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● Normal Aortic valve: Is it bicuspid or tricuspid?
→ Tricuspid
▪ Aortic valve: Tricuspid
▪ Mitral valve: Bicuspid
▪ Pulmonic valve: Bicuspid

● How would you suspect Coarctation of the aorta in PE?

→ Absent or weak pulse

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