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Dear Judges,

My name is Omar Mouchli, and I am a graduating senior. I enjoy activities such as

basketball, football, swimming, skiing, and probably every sport. Additionally, I am
deeply passionate about advocating for social justice and equality. This passion for
helping others led me to want to spread awareness about important issues.

For my senior project, I decided to investigate the idea that access to healthcare should
be recognized a basic human right rather than a privilege. In today's world,
underprivileged groups are especially impacted by the lack of access to high-quality
healthcare. In-depth investigation and analysis are used in my study to explore the
social, moral, and economic effects of providing healthcare to everyone, regardless of
their economic status.

I've learned how important action, empathy, and teamwork are to solving social
problems during this journey. My understanding of healthcare challenges and solutions
grew as a result of reaseraching for countless hours through research papers and
articles. I am grateful of your willingness to carefully review my work, and I am thankful
for the chance to offer it to you. I appreciate your time and feedback.

With all of my heart, I hope that my effort touches you and inspires further debate and
action toward universal access to healthcare. Once again, I appreciate all of your help
and concern.

Warmest regards,
Omar Mouchli

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