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Volume 66, Number 2, 367–383

Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Interventions of
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Abstract: Postpartum hemorrhage is a common and an estimated blood loss of > 1000 mL by
potentially life-threatening obstetric complication, any mode of delivery.1,2 Maternal cardi-
with successful management relying heavily on early
identification of hemorrhage and prompt interven- ovascular adaptions begin as early as 6
tion. This article will review the management of weeks of gestation and peak in the third
postpartum hemorrhage, including initial steps, ex- trimester near term. These include a 45%
am-specific interventions, medical therapy, minimally increase in blood volume, a 20% to 30%
invasive, and surgical interventions. increase in red blood cell (RBC) mass,
Key words: postpartum hemorrhage, postpartum com-
plications, uterotonics, surgical management and a 15 to 20 bpm increase in heart
rate.3–5 Cardiac output increases by 43%
at term, 50% during labor, and an
additional 60% to 80% immediately post-
partum due to autotransfusion from
Introduction contractions and mobilization of extrava-
Postpartum hemorrhage is the leading scular fluid postpartum.6,7 It is not until 1
cause of maternal mortality world- hour after delivery that cardiac indices
wide.1,2 Successful management relies return to prelabor values.6 These physio-
heavily on early identification of hemor- logical changes can make prompt identi-
rhage and prompt intervention. fication of hemorrhage difficult, as
Physiological adaptations during preg- reliance on vital sign changes may not
nancy allow for blood loss at the time of accurately describe the severity of hemor-
delivery, and the most contemporary rhage. Classes of hypovolemic shock and
definition of postpartum hemorrhage is early vital sign changes have been de-
scribed in the nonpregnant literature
Correspondence: Sara E. Post, MD, Division of Ma- (Table 1); however, it is important to
ternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics & understand that maternal cardiovascular
Gynecology, The Ohio State University, 395 West
12th Avenue, Fifth Floor, Columbus, OH. changes of pregnancy may delay recog-
E-mail: nition of the traditional classes of hemor-
The authors declare that they have nothing to disclose. rhagic shock.5,8

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368 Post et al

TABLE 1. Classes of Hemorrhagic Shock

Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Classes of hemorrhagic shock in the nonpregnant population and their expected signs*
Blood loss (%) < 15 15-30 30-40 > 40
Blood loss (mL) < 750 750-1500 1500-2000 > 2000
Pulse rate (BPM) < 100 100-120 120-140 > 140
Blood pressure Normal Normal Decreased Significantly decreased
Pulse pressure Normal/increased Decreased Decreased Decreased
Urine output (mL/h) > 30 20-30 5-15 Minimal
Expected values postpartum†
Blood loss (ml) 900 1200-1500 1800-2100 2400

*Values adapted from Mutschler et al.8 Adaptations are themselves works protected by copyright. So in order to publish this
adaptation, authorization must be obtained both from the owner of the copyright in the original work and from the owner of
copyright in the translation or adaptation.
†Values adapted from Borovac-Pinheiro et al.5 Adaptations are themselves works protected by copyright. So in order to publish
this adaptation, authorization must be obtained both from the owner of the copyright in the original work and from the owner of
copyright in the translation or adaptation.

Immediate Management There is limited data in the obstetric

literature to guide the optimal ratio of
INITIAL STEPS fluid volume replacement to the amount
Once a postpartum hemorrhage is recog- of blood lost. Current obstetric guidelines
nized, an institutional protocol should be have been extrapolated from trauma lit-
activated with a multidisciplinary response erature and suggest volume replacement
team inclusive of nursing staff, obstetric of 3:1.1 However, caution should be given
providers, anesthesia, surgical services, and to massive crystalloid infusion, as it may
blood bank. Frequent hemodynamic assess- precipitate endothelial injury, leading to
ments, laboratory collection, and placement fluid leak from the intravascular compart-
of additional vascular access should be ment and electrolyte abnormalities.3 A
performed. A urinary Foley catheter should small randomized control trial compared
also be placed to monitor urine output for a standard (1.5 to 2:1) fluid volume-
response to resuscitation and decompress to-blood loss ratio with a restrictive ratio
the bladder.1 Estimated and quantitative (0.75 to 1:1) in patients with obstetric
blood loss and vital sign assessments can be hemorrhage and found no difference in
used to guide initial therapy while labora- the outcomes of the need for transfusion
tory values are pending. After a thorough or control of hemorrhage.12 This suggests
examination, this may include massive that volume repletion can be guided by
transfusion, medication therapy, or surgical vital parameters to avoid the complica-
therapy. The shock index (ratio of pulse to tions of fluid overload.3 Although goal
systolic blood pressure) can be utilized to vital sign parameters for fluid resuscita-
assess the immediate severity of tion have not been defined, Karpati et al13
hemorrhage.9 Several studies have found identified a threshold of systolic blood
threshold values of > 0.9 to better predict pressure <88 mm Hg, diastolic blood
poor maternal outcomes from severe ob- pressure <50, and heart rate > 115 to be
stetric hemorrhage when compared with predictive of myocardial ischemia in
any 1 vital sign alone.5,9–11 individuals with obstetric hemorrhage.


Begin immediate fluid resuscitation with a The multidisciplinary response to post-
warmed isotonic crystalloid solution. partum hemorrhage includes anesthesia
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Interventions of Postpartum Hemorrhage 369

specialists who can assist with airway noted to be > 8 minutes, this is an
management, treatment of pain, and indication that the fibrinogen stores are
transfusion of blood products. Oxygen- inadequate, and transfusion should be
ation should be maintained > 95% during started.16 Additional laboratory assess-
the initial assessment to optimize the ments should include blood type and
oxygen-carrying capacity.1 The decision crossmatch, complete blood cell count,
for intubation and general anesthesia coagulation panel (including fibrinogen),
should be made early in a decompensat- and basic electrolytes. Ionized calcium
ing patient due to the risk of rapid airway and potassium concentrations are altered
edema with massive transfusion.3 Pain in the setting of massive transfusion and
should be assessed, and in a stable patient should be monitored serially.17,18 A pa-
that has inadequate or no regional anes- tient with severe hemorrhage is at risk for
thesia, sedation with ketamine or fentanyl acidemia and hypothermia, which can
can be considered.3 Should adjunctive exacerbate coagulopathy. These can be
medications for uterine relaxation be in- managed by warming solutions before
dicated based on examination findings, infusion, applying external heat, and
nitroglycerin, terbutaline, or inhaled gen- instilling bicarbonate if pH <7.1.19,20
eral anesthesia can also be considered. There is an increasing interest in coag-
There should be a low threshold to move ulation tests that are able to provide a
to the operating room should there be global assessment of hemostasis within
inadequate equipment, lighting, or a need whole blood at the bedside. Thromboe-
for general anesthesia.3 If time permits, lastography and rotational thromboelas-
and there is the availability of perfusion tometry can provide immediate
specialists, consideration can be given to information about platelet function, fibri-
an autotransfusion device (cell saver).14 nogen, coagulation factors, and rates of
This device collects blood from the oper- fibrinolysis and can be used for immediate
ative field via an anticoagulated suction guidance of transfusion products.21
device, which is then filtered and rein- Although promising, more data are
fused into the patient’s bloodstream.14 needed before this strategy can be imple-
Cell saver was previously thought to be mented into everyday practice. Afshari
contraindicated due to the theoretical risk et al22 conducted a Cochrane systematic
for amniotic fluid embolism; however, review that included 9 randomized
available data have demonstrated no control trials comparing the use of throm-
increased risk of complication.15 boelastography/rotational thromboelas-
tometry to usual care and found no
MONITORING LABORATORY VALUES difference in morbidity and mortality. A
The initial response to a postpartum systematic review within the obstetric
hemorrhage should include prompt lab- population has found similar results.23
oratory assessment. Awaiting laboratory
results can be timely depending on TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD PRODUCTS
available hospital facility services, and Blood product transfusion will be dis-
this should not delay indicated treat- cussed in detail in a following section
ment. Transfusion can begin before lab- but will be briefly reviewed here for
oratory results based on estimated blood completeness. When massive transfusion
loss and vital sign parameters. A feasible is undertaken, the optimal ratio of blood
test that does not require laboratory products is not well defined within the
services is bedside clotting time. Blood obstetric literature. Current guidelines are
can be collected in a tube without extrapolated from trauma literature and
additives, and if the clotting time is recommend a ratio of 1:1:1 (plasma,
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
370 Post et al

platelets, and RBCs).2 These guidelines between 350 and 650 mg/dL at
exist despite the limited evidence of effi- term.26–28 Multiple studies have identified
cacy. Holcomb et al[24] performed a large fibrinogen as a good predictive parameter
randomized control trial of 680 trauma of obstetric hemorrhage severity, indicat-
patients comparing blood product ratios ing a threshold of <200 mg/dL to
of 1:1:1 versus 1:1:2 and found no differ- denote an increased risk for maternal
ence in 30-day all-cause mortality despite complications.29–32 Fibrinogen replace-
the decreased rate of exsanguination in ment should be considered at this thresh-
24 hours. Similarly, a 2018 systematic old; however, the efficacy of fibrinogen
review including 16 randomized control replacement in an obstetric hemorrhage
trials comparing the same ratios found no remains mixed.33,34 Further study is
difference in morbidity and mortality.25 needed to determine the optimal blood
Until further trials can be performed, product replacement strategy in the
specifically within the obstetric popula- obstetric population.
tion, ratio-specific transfusions should be Finally, coagulation factors such as
determined by institutional protocols and FVIIa and prothrombin concentrate have
product availability. been proposed for the treatment of post-
The use of fibrinogen levels at the time partum hemorrhage; however, recombi-
of obstetric hemorrhage is promising; nant human FVIIa has demonstrated
however, fibrinogen is altered in preg- mixed success and may be associated
nancy and makes careful interpretation with an increased rate of thrombotic
important. Fibrinogen increases with event,35–37 whereas prothrombin concen-
gestational age, with reference ranges trate has not been validated.38

TABLE 2. Etiologies of Postpartum

abnormality Atony rupture inversion
Although uterine atony is the most com-
Lacerations Perineal mon cause of postpartum hemorrhage, a
thorough examination is required to as-
Cervical sess for alternative etiologies that would
Broad ligament be amenable to specific medical and
Urinary tract surgical treatment (Table 2). Peripartum
Rectal lacerations are successfully treated with
Hematoma Vulvar
primary closure once identified. Perineal,
Broad ligament vulvar, and lower vaginal lacerations can
Retroperitoneal be readily identified and repaired in the
Placenta Placenta accreta spectrum delivery room.39 However, lacerations to
abnormality Retained placenta the upper vagina, cervix, uterus, broad
Placental site subinvolution
Coagulopathy Infection
ligament, urinary tract, or rectum may be
Consumptive (Disseminated more difficult to identify, and a high index
intravascular coagulation) of suspicion is necessary.40
Amniotic fluid embolism In a patient with minimal vaginal
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy bleeding but signs of acute postpartum
Adapted from Francois et al.1 Adaptations are themselves
hemorrhage, an abdominal sonogram
works protected by copyright. So in order to publish this may be useful to identify the presence of
adaptation, authorization must be obtained both from the
owner of the copyright in the original work and from the
intra-abdominal bleeding, which can re-
owner of copyright in the translation or adaptation. sult from concealed uterine or solid organ
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Interventions of Postpartum Hemorrhage 371

rupture.41 An abdominal sonogram can for lower uterine segment and cervical
also be used to assess the uterine cavity relaxation, and manual extraction.50–52 In
and identify cases of retained placenta.42 cases of refractory retained placenta, ul-
If necessary, the examination should be trasound-guided instrumental removal
performed in the operating room to en- and suction curettage are effective
sure appropriate equipment, lighting, and management strategies.53,54
anesthesia, with the ability to proceed
with surgical intervention if indicated. UTERINE INVERSION
Uterine inversion is a rare cause of post-
PUERPERAL HEMATOMA partum hemorrhage. Initial manage-
Puerperal hematomas may result from a ment includes maintaining the placental
concealed laceration or a spontaneous attachment and discontinuing uterotonic
rupture of a vessel in association with an agents. The mainstay of treatment is the
arteriovenous malformation or pseudoa- administration of uterine relaxants and
neurysm. If a hematoma is identified on the replacement of the uterine fundus.1
examination, it should be determined Uterine relaxants include nitroglycerin,
whether it is rapidly expanding. Stable terbutaline, magnesium sulfate, and in-
hematomas can be expectantly managed haled anesthetics.1,55 The replacement of
with minimal complications.43 Expanding the uterus can be achieved with gentle
hematomas are a cause of severe post- manual pressure on the uterine fundus to
partum hemorrhage and should be man- return it to the abdominal cavity.1 Less
aged promptly with a multidisciplinary common techniques include an infusion
response and resuscitation while defini- of warm saline into the vagina to create
tive therapy can be planned. There is a hydrostatic pressure and laparoscopic
paucity of data on the most effective reduction.56–58 However, the treatment
method to treat expanding hematomas, of refractory cases includes exploratory
and no studies that have directly com- laparotomy with the replacement of the
pared different strategies. Successful man- uterus via the Huntington procedure,
agement strategies include direct surgical described as serial clamping of the uterus
exploration with the placement of tampo- with upward traction,59 or the Haultain
nade balloons or surgical drains44–46 and procedure, described as a posterior verti-
selective artery embolization.47 Selective cal incision of the cervix with reposition-
artery embolization may be beneficial as ing of the uterine fundus once the
first-line therapy due to its ability to restriction is released.60 A less invasive
pinpoint small branches of arteries or laparotomy technique was recently de-
pseudoaneurysms that may not be identi- scribed by Antonelli et al61 wherein a
fiable during the surgical treatment.47–49 vacuum suction cup is placed on the
serosal surface of the uterine fundus and
PLACENTAL ABNORMALITY brought through the restriction with supe-
Examination during a postpartum hem- rior traction.
orrhage should include an assessment of
the placenta. If the placenta is unable to
be removed, this suggests either placenta Medical Therapy
accreta spectrum or entrapped placenta. In the event of postpartum hemorrhage
Placenta accreta spectrum will be dis- due to uterine atony, the use of uterotonic
cussed in detail in a following section. medications is the first-line treatment.2
Treatment of an entrapped placenta can Before placental delivery, uterotonic
be initially managed with gentle cord agents produce contractions, which pro-
traction, administration of nitroglycerin vide shearing forces to promote the
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
372 Post et al

separation of the placenta.62 After pla- systematic review and meta-analysis

cental delivery, uterotonic agents cause compared IV oxytocin dosing regimens
the contraction of myometrial fibers for the prevention of postpartum hemor-
around the spiral arterioles, acting as a rhage after cesarean delivery and found
torniquet to control uterine bleeding.1 that compared with bolus-only regimens,
The American College of Obstetrics & bolus plus infusion regimens led to minor
Gynecology notes that multiple uteroton- reductions in mean blood loss.65 Further-
ic agents are often used and recommends more, bolus-only regimens of 10 U de-
the use of uterotonic agents in rapid creased the need for additional
succession in the event of inadequ- uterotonics compared with 5 U.65 In
ate response with ongoing hemorrhage regard to administration route, a meta-
(Table 3).2 analysis found that compared with IV
oxytocin, IM oxytocin was associated
OXYTOCIN with higher rates of postpartum hemor-
Oxytocin is widely accepted as the first- rhage, blood transfusion, and need for
line uterotonic for both the prevention and manual extraction of the placenta.66
treatment of postpartum hemorrhage dur- Thus, if IV access is already established
ing all births.2,63,64 A synthetic peptide, at the time of delivery, IV administration
oxytocin binds to myometrial receptors to is preferable.
increase myofibril sodium permeabi- In studying patterns of uterotonic use,
lity, stimulating uterine smooth muscle Bateman et al67 determined that a second
contractions.63 Oxytocin can be adminis- uterotonic agent is required in 3% to 25%
tered either intravenously (IV) or intra- of postpartum hemorrhages. Studies to
muscularly (IM) and is rapid acting, with date have been unsuccessful in identifying
a half-life of 2 to 4 minutes.62 Notably, the most effective second-line uterotonic
high volumes of oxytocin can result in an agent.68 Thus, obstetric guidelines recom-
antidiuretic effect, causing hyponatremia, mend that choice of second-line uteroton-
headache, vomiting, drowsiness, and con- ic be guided by side effect profile and
vulsions.62 A large systematic review, contraindications.2
including 24 trials with 10,000 patients,
found that compared with no uterotonics METHYLERGONOVINE
or placebo, prophylactic oxytocin reduced Methylergonovine (methergine) is an er-
the rates of estimated blood loss (EBL) got alkaloid, available in IM, IV, and per
> 500 mL and > 1000 mL by 40% to 50% os (PO) formulations, which binds adre-
and reduced the need for additional utero- nergic myometrial receptors to cause a
tonics by 46%.62 The World Health sustained uterine contraction.62 A benefit
Organization recommends the use of oxy- of methylergonovine use is its rapid bio-
tocin for postpartum hemorrhage preven- availability and long half-life.1 A 2018
tion for all births and is the uterotonic metanalysis including 140 randomized
agent of choice in settings where multiple trials with 89,000 patients found that an
uterotonic options are available.63 ergot alkaloid combined with oxytocin
In the third stage of labor, prophylactic was 20% to 30% more effective at pre-
oxytocin infusion of 10 to 40 units (U) venting postpartum hemorrhage with
in a 500- or 1000-mL solution is > 500 mL and > 1000 mL EBL when
recommended.64 In the event of hemor- compared with oxytocin alone.69 One
rhage, rapid infusion of this solution at a propensity score-matched analysis found
rate of > 500 mL/h is recommended, and that compared with carboprost, methyl-
the further titration is indicated based on ergonovine is associated with a reduced
initial hemorrhage response.64 A 2021 risk of hemorrhage-related morbidity,
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Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

TABLE 3. Postpartum Hemorrhage Medications and Doses

Agent Dose Route Interval time (min) Side effects Contraindications
Oxytocin (Pitocin) 10-40 U in IV, IM, Continuous 1-5 Nausea, emesis, None
crystalloid IU hypotension, water
infusion intoxication
Misoprostol (Cytotec) 200-1000 µg SL, PO, Single dose 30-60 Nausea, emesis, diarrhea, None
PR fever, chills

Interventions of Postpartum Hemorrhage

Methylergonovine 200 µg IM, IU, Every 2-4 h 2-5 Hypertension, Hypertension, scleroderma,
(Methergine) PO hypotension, nausea, migraine, Raynaud
Prostaglandin F2α 250 µg IM, IU Every 15-90 min 15-30 Nausea, emesis, diarrhea, Active cardiac, pulmonary,
(Hemabate) (maximum of 8 flushing, chills renal, or hepatic disease
Prostaglandin E2 20 mg PR Every 2 h 10 Nausea, emesis, diarrhea, Hypotension
(Dinoprostone) fever, chills, headache

IM indicates intramuscular; IU, intrauterine; IV, intravenous; PO, per os; PR, per rectum; SL, sublingual.
Adapted from Francois et al.1 Adaptations are themselves works protected by copyright. So in order to publish this adaptation, authorization must be obtained both from the owner of the

copyright in the original work and from the owner of copyright in the translation or adaptation.

374 Post et al

defined as blood transfusion or need for maternal morbidity, maternal mortality,

additional surgical intervention, during ICU admission, or hysterectomy.73 Con-
cesarean delivery.70 Because of its adre- versely, a 2018 systematic review found
nergic effect, an important relative that compared with oxytocin alone, the
contraindication to methylergonovine combination of misoprostol plus oxytocin
use is hypertension and preeclampsia reduced the use of additional uterotonics
disorders.1 Although the most common and blood transfusion by 40% to 50%, but
side effects of methylergonovine are nau- not the rates of postpartum hemorrhage
sea and vomiting, rare case reports of > 1000 mL EBL.69 Moreover, those who
chest pain, arterial spasm, and myocar- received misoprostol had higher rates of
dial infarction have been published.64 nausea, vomiting, and fever.69
However, a large retrospective cohort
study did not find a significantly increased CARBOPROST
risk of acute coronary syndrome or acute Carboprost (hemabate) is a prostaglandin
myocardial infarction after receiving F2a analog, which can be administered
methylergonovine.71 either IM or intrauterine (IU). Peak plas-
ma drug levels are reached about 30 mi-
MISOPROSTOL nutes after IM administration, and
Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin additional doses can be administered in
E1 analog, which is safe and inexpensive.1 15- to 90-minute intervals.64 Because of
It is absorbed 9 to 15 minutes after use its bronchoconstrictive properties, asthma
and has the fastest onset if administered is a strong contraindication to the use of
sublingual or PO, but more prolonged carboprost.1 Other contraindications in-
activity and higher bioavailability if ad- clude active hepatic or cardiovascular
ministered per rectum or vagina.63 Nota- disease, and common side effects include
bly, misoprostol is cheap, stable at room nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.64
temperature, and does not require any One study found that carboprost admin-
additional supplies for administration, istration was successful in controlling
making it a good option in resource- hemorrhage in 88% of postpartum
limited settings.63 However, compared hemorrhages.74 A 2012 systematic review
with oxytocin, misoprostol is associated showed that IM prostaglandins resulted
with more side effects such as nausea, in less blood loss and a shorter duration of
vomiting, fever, and chills.63 Evidence to the third stage of labor, but that side
guide the use of misoprostol for the effects, such as vomiting, abdominal pain,
management of postpartum hemorrhage and diarrhea, were more common.72 No-
is mixed. A 2012 systematic review found tably, although acceptable for postpar-
that compared with placebo, PO or sub- tum hemorrhage treatment in conjunction
lingual misoprostol reduced the rates of with other medications, carboprost is not
postpartum hemorrhage by 34% and recommended for prophylaxis due to its
blood transfusion by 69%.72 However, significant side effect profile and high unit
when compared with oxytocin, a 2014 cost.63
systematic review found that misoprostol
was associated with higher rates of EBL PROSTAGLANDN E2
> 1000 mL, blood transfusion, and over- There are limited recent studies on pros-
all mean blood loss.73 The same review taglandin E2 as a uterotonic as its use is
found that adjunctive use of misoprostol often precluded by its unfavorable side
with simultaneous administration of addi- effect profile, which includes fever, chills,
tional uterotonics did not show a statisti- nausea, emesis, and diarrhea.1 A 1991
cally significant reduction in serious randomized control trial showed that
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Interventions of Postpartum Hemorrhage 375

compared with saline, prostaglandin E2 2018 systematic review showed that com-
used in the third stage of labor was pared with placebo or standard care alone,
associated with a 35% reduction in post- IV TXA reduced the risk of maternal
partum blood loss and was comparable to death due to bleeding.80 Given the current
oxytocin.75 A 2011 French study showed paucity of data on prophylactic TXA,
that 83% of women who received prosta- American College of Obstetrics & Gyne-
glandin E2 for hemorrhage due to atony cology does not recommend its use as
did not require any additional procedures prophylaxis outside of the context of
to control bleeding.76 research; however, does recommend con-
sideration of its use in the setting of
TRANEXAMIC ACID obstetric hemorrhage when initial medical
At the time of placental delivery, there is a therapy fails.2
rapid degradation of both fibrinogen and
fibrin, as well as an increase in the
activation of both plasminogen activators
and fibrin degradation products.77 Tra-
Minimally Invasive
nexamic acid (TXA) blocks the binding Interventions
site of plasminogen to fibrin to prevent
fibrinolysis and maintain blood clott- UTERINE TAMPONADE
ing.77 TXA is commonly used in a wide In cases of refractory hemorrhage after
range of surgical specialties to prevent medical interventions and examination-
fibrinolysis and thus reduce blood loss. specific treatments, tamponade devices
Reported adverse effects include nausea, have been successful. Uterine tamponade
vomiting, and diarrhea, with additional is particularly successful in those with a
reports of rare complications including diagnosis of uterine atony.81 Uterine tam-
thrombosis, renal cortical necrosis, and ponade can be achieved with gauze pack-
retinal artery obstruction.73 ing, IU balloon placement (Bakri or
Ducloy-Bouthers et al78 published the Foley), or suction devices.82 A 2020
first randomized control trial on TXA use meta-analysis that included 4700 patients
to treat primary postpartum hemorrhage with postpartum hemorrhage, demon-
and found a significant reduction in blood strated an 86% success rate of controlling
loss, bleeding duration, and blood trans- the hemorrhage with uterine balloon
fusion in the TXA group. The WOMAN tamponade.81 Before the popularization
trial79 was an international, double-blind of the Bakri balloon, tamponade was
randomized control trial comparing TXA commonly achieved with IU packing.83
to placebo during postpartum hemor- Trials comparing the efficacy and safety
rhage. Although the trial demonstrated of gauze packing to balloon tamponade in
no reduction in the composite primary the setting of postpartum hemorrhage
endpoints of hysterectomy or death from have been mixed but overall demonstrate
all causes, there was a 20% reduction in good efficacy.84–86 Disadvantages of these
death due to bleeding in women who methods include duration of use, with a
received TXA.79 In terms of postpartum typical required indwelling time of 12 to
hemorrhage prevention, a large 2015 sys- 24 hours during which prolonged mon-
tematic review found that prophylactic itoring is needed, as well as the potential
TXA use decreased the rate of EBL for concealed bleeding.87
> 400 to 500 mL in all modes of delivery Newer methods of uterine tamponade
and > 1000 mL in women who underwent include the XSTAT, a device currently in
cesarean section, with no difference in clinical testing, which contains minisponges
thromboembolic episodes.77 An additional compressed within a tubular applicator for
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
376 Post et al

transcervical insertion. Originally designed to a vacuum device.90 A single-center

for use in combat, the sponges conform to observational cohort study found this
the uterine cavity shape and expand with method was associated with a success rate
blood absorption to apply direct pressure of 86% in cases of postpartum hemor-
to bleeding sites. In 9 cases of postpartum rhage due to uterine atony.90
hemorrhage, this device resolved bleeding
within 1 minute, with sponges left in place UTERINE ARTERY EMBOLIZATION
for 1 hour on average.88 In a stable patient and with interventional
The Jada system, another novel device radiology services readily available, ute-
that recently became available for com- rine artery embolization is an option for
mercial use, creates uterine tamponade refractory bleeding. The procedure in-
with IU suction (Fig. 1).87 The device volves the injection of gelatin or polyvinyl
consists of an IU loop lined with vacuum alcohol particles into the uterine artery or
pores, a cervical seal, and tubing, which is anterior division of the internal iliac
connected to a vacuum source (typically arteries to occlude the pelvic vasculature
wall suction or other regulated vacuum and decrease pelvic blood flow.91 The
source).87 Compared with uterine balloon reported rates of hemorrhage control
tamponade, which expands the uterine range from 75% to 100% after this
walls to apply direct pressure to the procedure.39,92,93 Lower success rates are
uterine vasculature, the IU vacuum cre- reported in those with disseminated intra-
ated by this device simultaneously evac- vascular coagulopathy, higher estimated
uates the uterus of pooled blood and blood loss ( > 1500 mL), and having
expedites uterine contraction, constricting received > 5 U of RBC transfusion.94–96
myometrial vessels to control bleeding.87 Fertility after uterine artery embolization
Initial studies report a hemorrhage con- has been of concern; however, a system-
trol rate of 94% within 2 to 5 minutes after atic review by Doumouchtsis et al97 re-
placement and no increased significant ported 91% menstrual regularity and 78%
adverse events.89 More study is needed fertility after this procedure. However,
to decipher the optimal time to use this pregnancy outcomes remain of concern,
device during a postpartum hemorrhage. as this population is at higher risk of
Another vacuum system under inves- placenta accreta spectrum in a subsequent
tigation is a modified Bakri balloon sys- pregnancy.98,99
tem. The IU Bakri balloon is inflated with
only 50 to 100 mL of saline, and the AORTIC COMPRESSION
balloon catheter is subsequently attached Techniques that reduce blood flow to the
lower abdominal and pelvic vasculature
may be used as a bridge to the definitive
treatment of postpartum hemorrhage.
Resuscitative endovascular balloon oc-
clusion of the aorta (REBOA) is a percu-
taneous balloon that is placed under
ultrasound guidance and inflated proxi-
mal to the bifurcation of the iliac arteries
that has demonstrated survival bene-
fits.100,101 REBOA has been used success-
fully in the obstetric population for severe
postpartum hemorrhage as a bridge to
FIGURE 1. The Jada system. From Jada
definitive therapy102 and as an adjunct in
Medical Illustrations.
placenta accreta spectrum surgeries.103,104
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Interventions of Postpartum Hemorrhage 377

External or internal aortic compression

can also be applied if REBOA is unavail-
able and can significantly decrease lower
pelvic and extremity blood flow and
blood pressure.105

Surgical Interventions
Exploratory laparotomy is indicated if
minimally invasive techniques fail to con-
trol the postpartum hemorrhage. The FIGURE 2. Uterine artery ligation. From
initial goal of the surgical techniques is Francois et al.1
to reduce blood flow to the pelvis, uterus,
and lower genital tract and ultimately
remove the bleeding organ if these during postpartum hemorrhage; however,
attempts are unsuccessful. Breen111 reported on its successful use in 13
patients with postpartum hemorrhage. The
ARTERY LIGATION described technique creates a tourniquet
Uterine artery ligation, as described by from a Foley catheter by tying it circum-
O’Leary in 1966, involves grasping the ferentially around the lower uterine seg-
anterior and posterior aspects of the ment without incising the broad ligament.
broad ligament at the lateral lower uterine Definitive hysterectomy was then carried
segment and identifying the ascending out successfully in all patients > 24 hours
branches of the uterine artery as they later after stabilization.111
enter the myometrium at the cervical- Uterine compression sutures, first de-
uterine junction. Bilateral suture ligation scribed by Lynch et al112 in 1997, can
of the uterine artery is then performed, compress the uterus and treat uterine atony.
incorporating the lower uterine segment An absorbable suture is placed anteriorly in
myometrium to ensure the inclusion of the lower uterine segment and wrapped
the deep myometrial uterine artery around the uterine fundus to the posterior
branches (Fig. 2).106,107 If this technique aspect. In tying the suture, the uterine
fails to control the hemorrhage, vessel fundus is compressed toward the lower
ligation can continue in a stepwise man- uterine segment (Fig. 3).112 Alternative
ner to occlude mid-level uterine branches compression sutures that attach the anterior
and utero-ovarian pedicle vessels.39 This and posterior endometrium have been de-
stepwise technique was used in 103 indi- scribed with similar success.113–115 A review
viduals with intractable postpartum hem- of the differing techniques shows compara-
orrhage and was found to be 100% ble efficacy116,117; however, there are also
successful in preventing hysterectomy.108 reported cases of associated ischemic
Internal iliac artery ligation is also re- necrosis.118,119
ported; however, this technique requires
extensive retroperitoneal dissection and HYSTERECTOMY
only has 40% to 60% success rate.109,110 Definitive management of a postpartum
hemorrhage refractory to all other techni-
UTERINE COMPRESSION ques is hysterectomy. One large systematic
Uterine tourniquet is a surgical technique review published in 2010 assessed 981
that can decrease uterine bleeding while cases of emergency hysterectomy for post-
coordinating definitive surgical manage- partum hemorrhage.120 The reported mor-
ment. There are limited reports of its use tality rate was 2.6%; common indications
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
378 Post et al

over traditional abdominal packing.123,124

A mushroom-shaped pack can be created
from a sterile plastic bag and surgical
gauze, brought out through the vagina,
and placed under traction to compress the
pelvic floor fascia against the bony
pelvis.124 There have been several case
reports of this technique to control post-
hysterectomy hemorrhage, which can be
used as a final strategy to control

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