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Volume 66, Number 2, 344–356

Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Epidemiology, Risk
Factors, and Causes
Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital, Royal
Oak, Michigan

Abstract: The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage cause of maternal mortality, accounting

(PPH) is increasing worldwide and in the United for 11% to 12% of maternal deaths.2 PPH
States. Coinciding, is the increased rate of severe
maternal morbidity with blood transfusion in the also accounts for a significant amount of
United States over the past 2 decades. Consequences severe maternal morbidity, defined by the
of PPH can be life-threatening and carry significant American College of Obstetrics and Gy-
cost burden to the health care system. This review will necology and the Society for Maternal
discuss the current trends, distribution, and risk Fetal Medicine as an unintended outcome
factors for PPH. Causes of PPH will be explored in
detail. in the birthing process that may have
Key words: postpartum hemorrhage, epidemiology, significant short-term and long-term
risk factors, causes, atony, uterine atony consequences to an individual’s health.
As such, it is imperative that obstetricians
have a thorough understanding of the
topic to predict which patients are at
increased risk of postpartum hemorrhage,
Epidemiology as well as identify the cause of the hem-
orrhage when it occurs so that it may be
INTRODUCTION promptly treated.
Hemorrhage is the leading cause of ma- One of the biggest limitations when
ternal death worldwide, with two-thirds considering the epidemiology of PPH is
of these occurring in the postpartum that there is no universally accepted defi-
period.1 In the United States, postpartum nition. In 2014, the American College of
hemorrhage (PPH) is the fifth leading Obstetrics and Gynecology developed the
reVITALize program, which defines post-
Correspondence: Kara Patek, MD, Beaumont Hospital, partum hemorrhage as a blood loss equal to
Royal Oak, MI. E-mail: kara.patek@corewellhealth.
org or greater than 1000 mL or blood loss
The authors declare that they have nothing to disclose. accompanied by signs and symptoms of


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Epidemiology, Risk Factors 345

hypovolemia within 24 hours of delivery.3 increased by almost 9% per year between

However, older studies or studies published 1999 and 2008.10 In a large National
in other countries may have used lower Inpatient Sample (NIS)-based analysis of
blood loss thresholds, which limits inter- data from 2012 to 2013, PPH occurred in
pretability when compared with newer 3% of deliveries (41,210/1,352,691).11
data. The definition of severe PPH is also Retrospective data from a large Califor-
highly variable in the literature, with thresh- nian hospital system of 261,964 pregnant
olds of > / = 1000 mL, > / = 1500 mL, and patients between 2010 and 2017 found a
2000 mL of blood loss, or the inclusion of slightly higher rate of PPH, of ~5% of
blood transfusion or the need for surgi- hospitalizations, with 0.3% experiencing
cal procedures being included in some severe PPH based on transfusion, labora-
definitions.4–6 tory, and blood loss data.12
In addition, much of the published data Similarly, the rate of severe maternal
comes from retrospective review of elec- morbidity with blood transfusions has
tronic health records, which are subject to increased in the United States over the
inaccurate or incomplete charting and past 2 decades (Fig. 1). A cross-sectional
rely primarily on estimates of blood loss study using the NIS database found that
while ignoring complementary informa- the rate of PPH requiring blood trans-
tion such as changes in hematocrit, ad- fusions increased from 1.6 per 1000 deliv-
ministration of uterotonic medications or ery hospitalizations in 2001-2002 to 3.8 in
blood products, and the need for addi- 2011-2012 (P < 0.001). In addition, the
tional surgical procedures, which may be overall rate of PPH with a procedure
useful in making the diagnosis. To high- other than a blood transfusion ie, hyster-
light the implications of this, a recently ectomy, repair of obstetric laceration, and
published digital phenotyping algorithm uterine artery ligation/embolization) also
used any of the following: EBL or QBL rose from 0.9 to 1.9 per 1000 delivery
exceeding 1000 mL, critically low hema- hospitalizations when comparing these
tocrit ( ≤ 21), or a greater than 12-point same timeframes (P < 0.001). The trends
drop from baseline resulting in a mini- were similar for vaginal and cesarean
mum ≤ 25 within 48 hours of delivery, 1 birth.13
of 30 diagnostic codes selected as indica- The incidence of PPH due to uterine
tors of PPH, the administration of any atony specifically appears to be increasing
uterotonic medication except oxytocin, in developed countries.8,14 Several studies
and deliveries where Bakri balloon place- have reported an increase in PPH secon-
ment or surgical intervention was re- dary to uterine atony. A cross-sectional
quired to identify cases of PPH. They study of the NIS database noted a 14.1%
reported that this digital phenotype iden- increase from 2001-2002 to 2011-2012 in
tified cases of PPH from non-PPH with a induced vaginal deliveries but, in con-
sensitivity of 96%, specificity of 77%, PPV trast, an 18.3% drop in PPH secondary
of 88%, NPV of 91%, and accuracy of to uterine atony in vaginal deliveries that
89%, which allowed them to identify 3 were spontaneous and an over 60% in-
times as many deliveries complicated by crease in PPH due to uterine atony in
PPH than would have been identified cesarean deliveries.13,15
based on blood loss alone.7 Sade and colleagues sought to assess
the trends of change in risk factors over
INCIDENCE time for PPH from 1988 to 2014. They
The incidence of PPH is increasing reported that perineal and vaginal tears
worldwide and in the United States.8–10 exhibited a rising trend while the delivery
The incidence of severe PPH alone has of a large for gestational age neonate
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346 Patek and Friedman

FIGURE 1. CDC Severe Maternal Morbidity in the United States.

maternalinfanthealth/severematernalmorbidity.html#rates. Accessed 9/10/2022.

(defined as birthweight at or above the syndrome), prolonged hospital stay,

90th percentile for gestational age) de- ICU admission, and maternal death.
creased. Authors suggest that rising rates Compared with individuals without se-
of perineal and vaginal lacerations may vere PPH, those with severe PPH had
be explained by increased awareness and 116 times, 87 times, and 5.3 times the
improved diagnosis over the study period. risk of hysterectomy, acute renal failure,
Both perineal and vaginal tears, as well as and sepsis, respectively.18 Severity of
delivery of an large for gestational age bleeding and patient outcomes may re-
neonate, were independent risk factors for late to the etiology of the hemorrhage.
PPH. Although pre-eclampsia, vacuum- For example, PPH attributed to nona-
assisted delivery, and retained placenta tonic etiologies are associated with lon-
were also independently associated with ger length of stay (3.67 vs. 2.98 [atonic]
PPH, the trends of change for these risk and 2.63 [non-PPH], P < 0.001) and
factors over time were not statistically higher inpatient mortality rates (104 per
significant.16 Although the etiology of 100,000 vs. 19 [atonic] and 3 [non-PPH],
the increasing incidence of PPH is not P < 0.001) compared with individuals
well understood, delays in the provision who experienced atonic hemorrhage or
of appropriate care, even in patients no postpartum hemorrhage.11
already in the hospital, have been Maternal hemorrhage carries a signif-
postulated to account for a proportion icant cost burden as well. Medi-Cal,
of preventable maternal morbidity.17 California’s Medicaid health care pro-
gram, which paid for 47.3% of births
COST OF ILLNESS complicated by maternal hemorrhage in
Consequences of PPH can include blood the state of California in 2011, incurred
transfusion, thromboembolism, hyster- an estimated incremental cost of mater-
ectomy, pituitary necrosis (Sheehan’s nal hemorrhage deliveries (including
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Epidemiology, Risk Factors 347

antepartum, intrapartum, and postpar- brackets and educational groups and

tum hemorrhage) of $105,956,000. In remain even after adjusting for rural
the study year, in cases without ante- locations and delivery sites.24,26–29
partum hemorrhage, immediate and de- Reasons for racial disparity in obstet-
layed PPH conferred an incremental ric outcomes are incompletely under-
cost of $9,206,000, $648,000, and stood. More traditional explanations
$18,623,000 for delivery by scheduled for maternal health disparities focused
cesarean, vaginal birth after cesarean, on the contribution of an individual’s
and vaginal birth, respectively.19 comorbidities, such as obesity and
chronic hypertension; however, attention
DISTRIBUTION has increasingly shifted to systems-level
Severe maternal morbidity (SMM) dispro- factors as well as social factors.22 Break-
portionately affects minority individuals down in patient-provider communica-
in the United States.20–22 Using NIS data tion, lower health literacy, lack of
from 2012 to 2014, over 360,000 individ- shared decision-making and cultural tai-
uals with a diagnosis of PPH (~3.2% of loring of counseling, as well as under-
deliveries) were included in an analysis representation of minority populations
looking at self-reported maternal race and in medicine have been suggested as
ethnicity and SMM, as defined by the contributing factors.30 The quality of
CDC. Authors found that the risk for obstetric care and the lack of clear
severe morbidity, including transfusion, quality standards have also been high-
was significantly higher among non- lighted as a potential source of inequit-
Hispanic black individuals than non-His- able provision of care, which could lead
panic white, Hispanic, Asian, or Pacific to poorer outcomes for specific patient
Islander individuals and remained signifi- populations.31 Proposed obstetric care
cantly higher even when the transfusion bundles aimed at reducing peripartum
was excluded. Furthermore, they reported racial and ethnic disparities have focused
that non-Hispanic black individuals were on obtaining reliable data on patient
also at higher risk for disseminated intra- identity, including race and ethnicity, for
vascular coagulation and hysterectomy accurate data measurement, addressing
compared with non-Hispanic white implicit bias among health care providers,
individuals.23 Similar findings were re- addressing institutional bias, and improv-
ported by Tangel and colleagues, where ing patient-centered communication.32
black individuals were 53% more likely Implementation of a safety bundle aimed
than non-Hispanic white individuals to at reducing perinatal racial/ethnic dispar-
receive a blood transfusion and 36% more ities has been published; however, there is
likely to undergo hysterectomy.24 Minor- a lack of outcome data at this time, so it
ity individuals who experience SMM due remains unknown whether this interven-
to PPH have a 5-fold increased risk for tion results in a reduction of disparate
mortality when compared with non-His- outcomes for minority patients.33
panic white individuals.23,25
Importantly, the increased risk of
SMM for black individuals has been Risk Factors
shown to persist despite the comorbidity Although there are many well-described
index score, a scoring system that eval- risk factors for PPH, many cases occur in
uates patients underlying risk for morbid- individuals without identifiable risk
ity and mortality based on maternal factors.34,35 Hence, vigilant clinical as-
comorbidities.23 Furthermore, these dis- sessment is important in the management
parities persist in the highest income of all patients in labor and delivery units.
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
348 Patek and Friedman

FIGURE 2. Risk factors and protective factors for PPH.

Risk factors for PPH are typically classi- a fourth category of hospital/provider
fied into 1 of 3 categories: maternal factors. (Fig. 2).
factors, pregnancy-related factors, and
fetal factors. In addition, aspects of early MATERNAL FACTORS
management when PPH occurs have been There are many well-described maternal
shown to relate to the risk of severe factors associated with an increased
hemorrhage in patients with PPH, and risk of PPH, including parity, maternal
as such, it seems appropriate to consider age, BMI, ethnicity/race, hypertensive
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Epidemiology, Risk Factors 349

disorders, diabetes mellitus, and uterine found that Hispanic ethnicity and Asian
leiomyomata. race were associated with atonic postpar-
Several large cohort studies found tum hemorrhage when compared with
an association between primiparity and non-Hispanic whites (OR 1.23, 95% CI
an increased risk of PPH and severe 1.20–1.25 and OR 1.39, 95% CI 1.33–1.46,
PPH when compared with individuals respectively).38 Although this association
having a subsequent baby.35,36 Simi- has been identified, authors of this study
larly, one of the large retrospective caution the reader when interpreting this
cohort studies mentioned above also data, as causation has not been established,
reported an association between individ- and it is unclear whether this relationship is
uals aged 35 years or older (advanced a biological or social one or a byproduct of
maternal age) and severe PPH compared disparities or systemic racism. Further-
with those aged 20 to 34 years (aOR 1.15, more, the incorporation of race or ethnicity
95% CI 1.1–1.2).35 Similarly, a Dutch into risk-prediction algorithms may further
population-based cohort study reported perpetuate health care disparities.40,41
that increasing maternal age was associ- Pre-eclampsia and pregestational diabe-
ated with PPH, with individuals 40 years tes mellitus have been identified as
of age or above having an RR of 1.14 independent risk factors for abnormal
(95% CI 1.09–1.19) and those between 35 postpartum uterine bleeding from uterine
and 39 years having an RR of 1.08 (95% atony.38,39 A systematic review of 27
CI 1.06–1.09). Importantly, PPH was the studies looking specifically at risk factors
highest contributing factor to composite for atonic PPH found that hypertensive
adverse maternal outcomes in individuals disorders of pregnancy were associated
with advanced maternal age.37 with an OR of 1.84 (95% CI 1.45–2.33)
An association between BMI and the for PPH secondary to uterine atony. Of
risk of PPH is less well defined with mixed particular note, magnesium exposure was
results. The Australian study referenced not associated with atonic PPH in this
above found that overweight (defined as review, a factor which is included in some
BMI 25 to <30) and obese (defined as risk assessment tools. A study looking at
BMI 30 or greater) individuals were more magnesium sulfate’s effect on spontaneous
likely to experience a severe PPH than and oxytocin-induced contractions in
those with a normal BMI (defined as BMI in vitro myometrium demonstrated a re-
18.5 to <25) (aOR 1.18, 95% CI 1.1–1.3, laxant effect in a dose-dependent and time-
and aOR 1.40, 95% CI 1.3–1.5, for over- dependent manner, which does support a
weight and obese individuals, respec- plausible physiological link with the risk of
tively).35 In contrast, a systematic review hemorrhage.42 A 2016 meta-analysis of 5
of 27 studies examining risk factors for trials looking at blood loss at cesarean
atonic PPH showed that obesity (not birth in individuals on magnesium sulfate
defined) was not associated with an in- for pre-eclampsia found no difference in
creased risk for atonic PPH specifically.38 intrapartum or postpartum blood loss in
A secondary analysis of a large random- individuals with pre-eclampsia who re-
ized controlled trial looking at different ceived magnesium sulfate compared with
oxytocin regimens to prevent uterine atony those who did not.43 Similarly, a recent
found that Hispanic and non-Hispanic retrospective cohort study looking at 124
white ethnicity is an independent risk factor patients with pre-eclampsia with severe
for treated uterine atony following a vag- features or eclampsia found that calcu-
inal birth with OR of 2.1 (95% CI 1.3–3.4) lated blood loss at cesarean birth was not
and 1.6 (95% CI 1.0–2.5), respectively.39 different between individuals who received
Similarly, a systematic review of 27 studies magnesium sulfate during the delivery and
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350 Patek and Friedman

those who did not.44 A retrospective cross- Labor induction and augmentation
sectional study of hospitalizations for de- with pitocin have been shown to be an
livery in the State of New York from 1998 independent risk factor for PPH secon-
to 2007 found that individuals with hem- dary to uterine atony and severe PPH in
orrhage requiring massive blood transfu- individuals with PPH.35,39 Furthermore,
sion (defined as 10 units or more of blood) induced cervical ripening has been identi-
were significantly more likely to have fied as a risk factor for severe hemorrhage
severe pre-eclampsia, and, using multivari- in patients experiencing PPH.36 Patients
able regression modeling, severe pre- with labor abnormalities are 50% more
eclampsia conferred an aOR of 10.4 likely to have a PPH after cesarean birth
(95% CI 7.7–14.2) for requiring massive and 80% more likely to have PPH after
transfusion for obstetric hemorrhage.45 vaginal birth.48 There is an association
Additional maternal factors associ- between suspected clinical chorioamnio-
ated with PPH include the use of nitis and a clinically significant deterio-
ART, prepregnancy anemia, and ute- ration in uterine contractility. Given that
rine leiomyomas.5,46 increased atony may be a result of re-
duced uterine contractility, it is not sur-
PREGNANCY-RELATED FACTORS prising that clinical chorioamnionitis has
Placental abnormalities carry one of the also been found to be an independent risk
highest risks for PPH and severe PPH.46 factor for treated uterine atony.39,49,50
Severe PPH is more likely in individuals A prolonged second stage of labor,
with pregnancies complicated by placenta defined as > 1 hour from complete
previa, placenta accreta spectrum, and dilation to birth of the neonate for multi-
with placental abruption.35,45,46 In a ret- parous patients and > 2 hours for nulli-
rospective cross-sectional study of deliv- parous patients, was found to be an
ery hospitalizations using the Health care independent risk factor for treated uterine
Cost and Utilization Project State Inpa- atony following vaginal birth.39 However,
tient Data set for New York between 1998 this was not supported in a recent system-
and 2007, abnormal placentation ac- atic review of 27 studies that specifically
counted for 26.6% of cases of massive assessed risk factors for atonic PPH, and
blood transfusion (defined as 10 or more data remains conflicted on whether pro-
units of blood), with another 16.7% due to longed labor is associated with severe
placental abruption.45 PPH38 Duration of the third stage of
Previous PPH is associated with the labor appears to be longer in patients
recurrence of PPH and has been associ- who experience PPH than in those who
ated with the severity of a subsequent do not, with individuals with PPH having
hemorrhage.5,36,46 Importantly, this may ~10 minute longer duration of the third
be an underestimate as coded data extrac- stage of labor than those without.15
tion found an incidence of recurrent PPH Lacerations have also been associated
of 19.1% compared with 27.4% when with an increased risk for PPH. Episiot-
medical record data was audited.47 omy, for both spontaneous and instru-
Additional pregnancy-related risk fac- mental vaginal deliveries, third or fourth
tors for PPH which have been identified degree lacerations, and high vaginal and
include induction of labor, chorioamnio- cervical lacerations have all been associ-
nitis, duration of the second and third ated with PPH and severe hemorrhage in
stages of labor, episiotomy, obstetric anal individuals experiencing PPH compared
sphincter injuries, high vaginal or cervical with those without PPH.35,36,38
lacerations, cesarean birth, and manual Delivery by cesarean birth and a his-
placental removal at cesarean birth. tory of prior cesarean birth is associated
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Epidemiology, Risk Factors 351

with the risk of severe PPH.12,36,46 In a antepartum hemorrhage, polyhydram-

retrospective cohort study from a large nios, induction or augmentation of labor,
Californian hospital system including and operative birth including cesarean
over 260,000 delivery admissions between birth) of hemorrhage.52 In contrast, how-
2010 and 2017, hospitalizations where a ever, in a secondary analysis of a 3-arm
severe PPH did occur had a 62.9% cesar- double-blind, randomized clinical trial for
ean birth rate versus 26.4% cesarean birth different doses of oxytocin looking at the
rate in hospitalizations without severe primary outcome of uterine atony or
PPH.12 Importantly, a large retrospective hemorrhage, breastfeeding was associated
cohort study found individuals who expe- with an increased risk of PPH compared
rienced cesarean birth in labor, whether with individuals who did not breastfeed.39
planned or unplanned, were more likely Assessment of commonly prescribed
to experience a severe PPH than those medications in pregnancy and the risk of
who experienced unassisted vaginal birth. PPH has also been published. Unsurpris-
Prelabor cesarean birth, whether planned ingly, peripartum anticoagulation use has
or unplanned, was associated with re- been found to be a risk factor for PPH,
duced odds of severe PPH.35 Moreover, particularly severe PPH, while the receipt
manual removal of placenta at the time of of 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate
cesarean birth was found to be signifi- within 7 days of delivery and late preg-
cantly associated with hemorrhage com- nancy calcium-channel blocker use for
pared with spontaneous delivery of the hypertension management have not been
placenta; however, neither blood trans- associated with PPH risk.5,53,54
fusion requirements nor operating times
differed between these 2 groups.51 FETAL FACTORS
Several protective factors for PPH have Fetal factors, which are consistently asso-
also been identified in the literature. The ciated with increased risk for PPH, include
use of amnioinfusion has been identified intrauterine fetal demise, macrosomia,
as protective against uterine atony requir- and multifetal gestation. Intrauterine fetal
ing treatment following a vaginal birth.39 demise has been associated with severe
In a large French cohort study of 4550 PPH and hemorrhage requiring massive
individuals with PPH secondary to uterine blood transfusion when compared with
atony after vaginal birth, epidural anes- the delivery of a liveborn neonate.35,45,46
thesia was found to be a protective factor Fetal macrosomia, defined as a birth-
against severe blood loss in individuals weight of 4000 grams or more, has been
with PPH.36 Interestingly, a smaller co- associated with severe PPH and appears to
hort study reported that individuals who be a risk for atonic PPH specifically.35,38,46
did not perform skin-to-skin and ab- Twin gestation was found to be an inde-
stained from breastfeeding were almost pendent risk factor for treated uterine
twice as likely to have a PPH ( > 500 mL) atony and for severe PPH compared with
when compared with individuals who had those delivering a singleton.35,38,39
both (P < 0.001). This finding held true for
individuals both at ‘lower’ risk (defined as HOSPITAL/PROVIDER FACTORS
individuals who had a normal vaginal In a French cohort study of 4550 individ-
birth, and excluding antepartum hemor- uals with PPH secondary to uterine atony
rhage, placental previa, polyhydramnios, after vaginal birth, several aspects of PPH
and induction or augmentation of labor) management were associated with the
and ‘higher’ risk (defined as individuals severity of hemorrhage: administration of
who had any of the following: coagulation oxytocin more than 10 minutes after PPH
defects, placental anomalies, including diagnosis with risk increasing even further
Copyright r 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
352 Patek and Friedman

at more than 20 minutes after diagnosis, none were applicable to the general ob-
manual examination of the uterine cavity stetric population.58
more than 20 minutes after diagnosis, and The following year, the California Ma-
calling for additional assistance from a ternal Quality Care Collaborative PPH
senior obstetrician and anesthesiologist risk-assessment tool was evaluated in a
more than 10 minutes after diagnosis of retrospective cohort study from a large
PPH. These findings remained significant Californian hospital system, including over
after controlling for the characteristics of 260,000 delivery admissions between 2010
the individuals, their labor, and deliveries and 2017, classifying patients into low-risk,
before the PPH occurred. Authors found medium-risk, and high-risk groups. The
that delivery in a public nonteaching rate of PPH using the standard definition
hospital was a risk factor for severe hem- of blood loss of 1000 mL or more was 3.2%
orrhage in individuals experiencing PPH. in the low-risk group, 10.5% in the
In this study, the number of annual deliv- medium-risk group, and 10.2% in the
eries and the presence of a 24-hour obste- high-risk group. The rate of severe PPH
trician were not associated with the (defined as any of the following: (1) trans-
severity of PPH.36 Studies in the United fusion of 4 or more units of packed red
States have found conflicting results re- blood cells; (2) transfusion of 1–3 units of
garding obstetric outcomes and hospital packed red blood cells with a hematocrit of
volume and location.55,56 <18%; or (3) blood loss of 1500 mL with a
A Dutch study looked at whether hematocrit of <18%) was 0.2% in the low-
restrictive versus liberal fluid administra- risk group, 0.5% in the medium-risk group
tion was more likely to result in progres- and 1.3% in the high-risk group. Notably,
sion to more than 1000 mL blood loss in 42.7% of hemorrhages occurred in hospi-
individuals identified as having 500 mL of talizations that were classified as low
bleeding with ongoing loss in the third risk.12 In another retrospective study pub-
stage of labor. Restrictive fluid adminis- lished in 2021, the implementation of the
tration was defined as clear fluids at 0.75 Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric
to 1.0 times the volume of blood lost, and and Neonatal Nurses hemorrhage risk
liberal fluid administration was clear flu- assessment tool showed a sensitivity of
ids at 1.5 to 2.0 times the volume lost. The 85%, specificity of 51%, PPV of 10%, and
authors found that there was no statistical NPV of 98% for high- versus low-risk
difference between progression to blood individuals for predicting PPH. When
loss greater than 1000 mL, need for blood comparing outcomes pre-implementation
transfusion, alteration in coagulation and post-implementation of the hemor-
parameters, or adverse events between rhage risk assessment tool, rates of any
the 2 groups.57 blood transfusion were slightly decreased,
and deliveries with EBL > / = 1,000 mL
also fell significantly (6.3% to 5.9%,
Risk-Assessment Tools P = 0.014). Findings suggest that the tool
Despite the identification of multiple risk performs moderately well to identify pa-
factors for PPH, a reliable and high- tients at high risk for hemorrhage, and
performing prediction tool using combina- awareness of a patient’s risk assessment
tions of multiple risk factors does not yet score might impact patient outcomes.59
exist. A recent (2020) publication reviewed
14 published PPH prediction models and
found that none were ready for clinical use Causes
due to the high risk of bias and the need for Keeping in mind that the source of bleed-
robust external validation. Furthermore, ing at the time of delivery may be uterine,
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Epidemiology, Risk Factors 353

cervical, vaginal, periurethral, periclitor- multifactorial, which could account for

al, perineal, perianal, or rectal, one must variation in published data.61 For exam-
have a broad differential diagnosis when ple, in 1 study, uterine atony accounted
assessing a patient who is experiencing for only 38.9% of cases of severe PPH;
PPH or signs and symptoms of hypovo- however, atony due to retained placental
lemia. There are 4 broad categories de- tissues was categorized into the group of
scribed when considering the etiology of a placental-related causes of hemorrhage
PPH; these are denoted as the ‘4 T’s’: and thus excluded from the atony
Tone, Tissue, Trauma, and Thrombin.34 group.46 In addition, the use of hospital
Uterine atony results from an abnor- data (ie, ‘coded’) has been associated
mality in uterine contractility following a with overestimating the contribution of
vaginal or cesarean birth. Because a term uterine atony as a cause of postpartum
uterus receives ~600 mL of blood per hemorrhage.47 Genital tract laceration
minute and control of bleeding in the (‘trauma’), retained placenta (‘tissue’),
immediate postpartum period is primarily and abnormalities of coagulation
reliant on the contraction of the myome- (‘thrombin’) make up the remainder of
trium to constrict uterine blood vessels, cases of PPH. While genital tract lacer-
abnormalities in this process place a ations are reported to make up about 20%
patient at risk for significant blood loss of cases of PPH, ‘trauma’ accounted for
in a short amount of time. Failure of the only 2.82% of severe PPH at a referral
myometrium to contract may be the result hospital for critical pregnant individuals
of prolonged oxytocin use, high parity, in China.34,46 Retained placental tissue
chorioamnionitis, uterine over-distention, accounts for ~10% of cases but was
multiple or large uterine leiomyomata, or responsible for a majority of severe PPH
the administration of medications such as cases, 55.8%, in that same referral
general anesthesia. In addition, uterine hospital.46 The prevalence of coagulop-
inversion as a cause of PPH may also be athy is typically around 1% of cases of
considered in the category of ‘tone’, as an PPH but accounts for a significant per-
inverted uterus is unable to contract centage (15%) of cases requiring massive
normally and is highly associated with blood transfusion.34,45
PPH as well as signs and symptoms of Secondary PPH, hemorrhage occur-
hypovolemic shock. Risk factors for ute- ring beyond 24 hours following delivery,
rine inversion are placenta accreta spec- accounts for only 1% to 2% of PPH cases.
trum, short umbilical cord, congenital Causes of secondary PPH extend to in-
weakness of the uterine wall or cervix, clude uterine subinvolution, retained
fundal placenta insertion site, uterine products of conception, endomyometritis,
tumors, fetal macrosomia, manual re- uterine arteriovenous malformation, and
moval of the placenta, inappropriate inherited coagulopathies such as von
fundal pressure and excessive cord trac- Willebrand’s disease.34
tion, as well as the use of uterotonic Ultimately, a thorough understanding
agents before placenta removal.60 Despite of the epidemiology, risk factors, and
the recognition of many risk factors for causes of PPH will allow for anticipation
uterine atony, PPH commonly occurs in and thorough and prompt patient assess-
individuals without risk factors.39 ment and management in cases of PPH.
Most studies report that uterine atony This information is also useful for the
(‘tone’) accounts for 70% to 80% of cases development of prevention protocols,
of PPH, although there may be overlap which may help to reduce the burden of
between causes or cases where bleeding is disease.
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354 Patek and Friedman

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