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Dear Mr.


Please send me a copy of your passport, and I will sent you a copy of my passport.
Also send Your address, and position with your president, and telephone number
where you work.

When I have received above, we can talk further. IF I donot receive above, I will
suggest, You find another to help you.


Jens JH

Thanks for your swift response, please find attachment for a copy of my Passport,
my office is located at Osu Castle drive, Osu Accra-Ghana. My home address is No 26
Spintex Road Accra Ghana. and i am the personal assistant to the Minister for Lands
and Natural Resources,Hon. Mike Allen Hammah. For the confidentiality of this
transaction, i will advice you get in touch with me via my private line which you
have already because all calls to our office are always recorded especially when
it's a foriegn call.

My brother all arrangement has been made with the United Nations delivery agent who
will finalize the delivery to your door step without any hitch.and he will be
taking off as soon as i give the go ahead,It is very imperative that we pull the
bull by the horn so that we can finalize the delivery latest by weekend. before i
come to you in Demark for the dibursment of the funds by next week.

This is a life time opportunity for me and i have 100% assurance in you due to your
past records in Ghana. and after this transaction i will introduce you to people
that matters here in Ghana who deal on gold and diamonds. Please remember to keep
our conversation highly confidential because of my possition,as the UN delivery
agent is not even aware of the content of the 4 metallic trunk boxes he will be
delivering to you because i have also made payment for a United Nations Non-
Inspection Tag of which the boxes will not/never be scanned by any Airport
Authority in the world.

Awaiting your prompt response.

Mr. Robert Boatin

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