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8 February 2024 Final Draft Christopher Campbell

Splash! I jumped into the pool and water was everywhere.

The swimming pool was cold and refreshing on a day as hot as the desert. The music was

loud and everyone singing and dancing.


A tsunami of water was coming my way as my uncle jumped in the pool. I was terrified for

the water. From a far, someone said duck, so I did. Wow I dodged that one. Everyone had

their eyes on me like a hawk, after that natural disaster.

So, there I was in the shallow end of the pool, dancing, laughing and smiling with joy. I was

eating the cooked food, that tasted out of this world. Then after I ran out the water as I

heard someone say CRICKET! on the TV, so I ran as fast as a cheetah to see what the score

was. It was South Africa vs India in a Test game, “never mind that” which was the voice I

heard at the back of my head, so I ran to the kiddie pool which had a……


In the middle of the small pool. I was shocked to where my legs could not even move. My

mom said “you must watch your step.” Ok I replied. Not knowing what could go wrong. I

was moving around in the small pool to watch the cricket and to play with the dogs, which

were giants, but gentle.


Everybody running and panicking but false alarm, it was my uncle screaming like a girl

because of the cricket. I thought someone died as my heart dropped.


A bee that was chasing me around the pool, was terrifying me to death as those razer

sharp stingers attached to the bee. I was running from the bee and then I felt only air as I

was floating, but in that split second.


I went into the pool not knowing I could not swim. I thought this would be the end of

everything but a superhero came and saved me from that dreadful, frightening and

horrible experience. My superhero was my mom who I would never imagine being my


In this situation it made me think everything is hard and not to take things, family and

everything round you for granted, and to care for those superheroes in our lives and yet

still have fun.

Word count: 402

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