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Sure, let's break down the classification of provide the same level of assurance as with

assurance engagements according to the an audit. This limited assurance still gives
level of assurance in simpler terms with stakeholders some confidence in the
examples: reliability of the financial statements but not
as much as a reasonable assurance
engagement would.
1. **Reasonable Assurance Engagement**: Let's simplify the two types of assurance
- **What it means:** This type of engagements according to structure:
engagement aims to greatly reduce the risk
involved in the assurance process to a very
low level, considering the specific 1. **Attestation Engagement**:
circumstances. The practitioner provides a
positive statement about their conclusion. - **What it means:** In an attestation
engagement, someone other than the
- **Example scenario:** Imagine a scenario practitioner (like a measurer or evaluator)
where a company hires an external auditor to evaluates a certain subject matter against
conduct an audit of its financial statements. specific criteria. The result of this evaluation
The auditor thoroughly examines the is the subject matter information. The
company's financial records, transactions, practitioner's role here is to gather enough
and internal controls. After extensive testing evidence to determine if the subject matter
and analysis, the auditor concludes that the information provided by the measurer or
financial statements present a true and fair evaluator is accurate and free from significant
view of the company's financial position and errors.
performance. This conclusion provides
reasonable assurance to stakeholders like - **Example scenario:** Let's say a
investors and creditors that the financial company hires an independent auditor to
statements are reliable. assess its compliance with environmental
regulations. The auditor doesn't directly
evaluate the company's environmental
practices themselves but relies on data
2. **Limited Assurance Engagement**: provided by environmental experts hired by
- **What it means:** This type of the company. The auditor's job is to examine
engagement aims to reduce the assurance the experts' findings and determine if they
risk to a level that's acceptable for the specific accurately represent the company's
circumstances, but it's not as rigorous as the environmental compliance. The auditor's
reasonable assurance engagement. The conclusion will state whether the subject
practitioner provides a more cautious, matter information (the environmental
negative statement about their conclusion. compliance report) provided by the experts is
- **Example scenario:** Consider a
scenario where a company wants to assure
its stakeholders about the accuracy of its 2. **Direct Engagement**:
financial statements but doesn't require the
full extent of an audit. In this case, the - **What it means:** In a direct
company hires a firm to conduct a review of engagement, the practitioner directly
its financial statements. The review involves measures or evaluates the subject matter
some analytical procedures and inquiries but against certain criteria. The resulting
doesn't delve as deeply into the company's information is then presented in the
records and internal controls as an audit assurance report. The practitioner's
would. After the review, the practitioner conclusion addresses the outcome of this
provides a conclusion that states they found measurement or evaluation directly.
no significant discrepancies, but they cannot
- **Example scenario:** Let's consider a relying on the measurements provided by the
scenario where a company wants to assess companies themselves.
the effectiveness of its internal control
procedures. The company hires an external
auditor to directly evaluate its internal controls **Simplified Explanation:**
against established control criteria. The
auditor conducts tests and assessments of - **Attestation Engagement:** Either the
the controls in place and then presents their companies themselves or another entity
findings in an assurance report. The provide statements about the oil reserves,
conclusion of the auditor directly addresses which the assurance firm verifies.
whether the internal controls meet the
- **Direct Engagements:** Either the
specified criteria, providing assurance to
companies directly confirm their reserve
stakeholders about the effectiveness of the
measurements to the assurance firm, or the
company's control procedures.
firm independently measures reserves for
some companies.
Exhibit 1-1 presents a comprehensive
example involving both attestation and direct
engagements in the context of assessing the
total proven oil reserves of 10 independent In essence, these options illustrate different
companies. Here's a simplified breakdown: ways in which the assurance process can be
structured, depending on who measures the
reserves and how the information is conveyed
to the assurance firm and other stakeholders.
1. **Attestation Engagement**:
Let's break down each condition of an
- **Option 1:** Each company
attestation engagement into simpler terms
independently measures its own oil reserves
and provide an example scenario for each:
and then provides a statement (assertion)
about those reserves to the assurance firm
and other stakeholders.
1. **Written Assertion**:
- **Option 2:** Alternatively, instead of the
companies themselves, another entity - **Simple Explanation:** In an attestation
measures the reserves of each company and engagement, one party makes a statement or
provides a statement about those reserves to claim in writing, and another party is
the assurance firm and other stakeholders. interested in knowing if that statement is

- **Example Scenario:** A company's

2. **Direct Engagements**: management writes a statement asserting
that their financial statements are prepared
- **Option 1:** In this scenario, each
according to Generally Accepted Accounting
company individually measures its oil
Principles (GAAP). Shareholders of the
reserves according to certain established
company want assurance that this assertion
criteria for proven reserves. They then give a
is true and accurate.
written confirmation to the assurance firm that
their reserves have been measured against
these criteria. However, this written
confirmation is not directly available to other 2. **Agreed-upon and Objective Criteria**:
- **Simple Explanation:** There must be
- **Option 2:** Here, the assurance firm clear and objective standards that everyone
directly conducts measurements of the agrees upon to assess the accuracy of the
reserves for some of the companies, without written assertion. These standards should
allow for consistent evaluation by different conclusion about the reliability of the
individuals. assertion.

- **Example Scenario:** An organization

claims that its products meet certain quality
standards. The agreed-upon criteria for Let's simplify each type of attestation
assessing this assertion could be industry- engagement and provide an example
specific quality control measures that ensure scenario for each:
products meet specific benchmarks for
performance and reliability.
1. **Audit Engagement**:

- **Simple Explanation:** An independent

3. **Verifiability by an Independent Party**: audit engagement involves a thorough
- **Simple Explanation:** The accountant examination of financial statements to provide
conducting the attestation must be able to a reasonable level of assurance that they are
gather enough evidence independently to free from significant errors or misstatements.
confirm or disprove the validity of the written - **Example Scenario:** A large corporation
assertion. hires an external auditing firm to conduct an
- **Example Scenario:** A nonprofit audit of its annual financial statements. The
organization states in its annual report that auditors meticulously review the company's
90% of its funds go directly to charitable financial records, transactions, and internal
programs. An independent auditor is engaged controls. They perform detailed testing and
to verify this claim by examining financial analysis to ensure the accuracy and reliability
records and conducting interviews with staff of the financial statements. After completing
and beneficiaries to ensure that the funds are the audit, the auditors issue a report providing
indeed being used as stated. reasonable assurance to stakeholders, such
as investors and creditors, that the financial
statements present a true and fair view of the
company's financial position and
4. **Written Conclusion**: performance.
- **Simple Explanation:** After conducting
the assessment, the accountant must provide
a written conclusion regarding the reliability of 2. **Review Engagement**:
the assertion. This conclusion should clearly
state whether the assertion is deemed - **Simple Explanation:** A review
trustworthy or not. engagement involves a less comprehensive
investigation compared to an audit. It consists
- **Example Scenario:** After reviewing the of making inquiries and performing analytical
procedures and evidence gathered during an procedures to provide a limited level of
attestation engagement, an auditor writes a assurance that the subject matter, usually
report stating that, based on their financial statements, is presented in
assessment, the company's assertion about accordance with established criteria.
its compliance with environmental regulations
is reliable and accurate. - **Example Scenario:** A small business
engages a CPA firm to perform a review of its
quarterly financial statements. The CPAs
perform analytical procedures such as
In summary, an attestation engagement comparing current financial data to previous
involves evaluating a written assertion using periods and industry benchmarks. They also
agreed-upon criteria, gathering evidence make inquiries to management about
independently, and providing a written significant changes or discrepancies. Based
on their review, the CPAs issue a report
providing limited assurance to stakeholders - **Example Scenario:** A hospital seeks
that the financial statements are presented assurance about the quality of care it
fairly in accordance with applicable provides to patients. An assurance provider
accounting standards, but with less certainty assesses various aspects such as patient
compared to an audit. outcomes, adherence to medical protocols,
and patient satisfaction surveys to ensure that
the hospital's healthcare services meet
In summary, audit engagements involve a established quality standards.
comprehensive examination to provide a
reasonable level of assurance, while review
engagements involve a less rigorous 3. **Elder Care Plus**:
assessment to provide limited assurance.
Audits offer a higher level of assurance - **Simple Explanation:** This evaluation
compared to reviews due to the greater provides assurance to elderly individuals and
scrutiny and testing involved. their families regarding the quality of care
provided by caregivers by comparing the
intended care objectives with the actual
services delivered.
Let's simplify and provide examples for each
of the assurance services mentioned: - **Example Scenario:** A family
considering different nursing homes for their
elderly relative wants assurance that the
1. **Business Performance Measurement**: chosen facility will provide high-quality care.
Elder Care Plus compares the facility's stated
- **Simple Explanation:** This service care objectives (such as providing a safe and
assures that the financial and non-financial supportive environment) with observed
information used to measure a company's practices to ensure they align.
performance (e.g., through tools like the
balanced scorecard) is reliable and accurately
guides the company toward its strategic 4. **Risk Assessment Services**:
- **Simple Explanation:** This service
- **Example Scenario:** A manufacturing identifies risks affecting an organization and
company wants assurance that its assesses their impact on the organization's
performance metrics, including financial data goals and strategies. It also develops
and customer satisfaction scores, accurately measures to address these risks effectively.
reflect its progress toward its strategic goal of
increasing market share. An assurance - **Example Scenario:** A financial
provider assesses the reliability of the data institution wants assurance that it has
and confirms whether the company's identified and addressed potential risks to its
performance measures align with its strategic operations and financial stability. An
objectives. assurance provider conducts a
comprehensive risk assessment, identifying
risks such as market fluctuations or
2. **Health Care Performance cybersecurity threats and recommending
Measurement**: strategies to mitigate them.

- **Simple Explanation:** This service

evaluates the quality of healthcare services, 5. **CPA WebTrust**:
focusing on the healthcare delivery system,
medical services provided, and associated - **Simple Explanation:** WebTrust is a
quality attributes. seal of assurance for online businesses,
ensuring that they meet high standards of
business practice set by accounting institutes. - They evaluated Entrust's key and
It provides confidence to consumers and certificate life cycle management practices,
businesses when purchasing goods or information privacy practices, and controls
services online. over various aspects of CA operations.

- **Example Scenario:** An e-commerce

website wants to reassure its customers
about the security and reliability of its online 3. **Audit Process**:
transactions. By obtaining the WebTrust seal, - Deloitte's audit included understanding
the website demonstrates compliance with Entrust's practices and controls, testing
industry-recognized standards for data transactions, evaluating control effectiveness,
security and business integrity. and performing necessary procedures.

- They believe their audit provides a

6. **Information Systems Reliability**: reasonable basis for their opinion.

- **Simple Explanation:** This service

evaluates whether an organization's 4. **Opinion**:
information systems provide reliable data for
decision-making. - Deloitte's opinion states that Entrust's
management's assertion about its CA
- **Example Scenario:** A company relies services for the stated period is fairly stated in
on its computerized inventory management all material respects, in accordance with the
system to make timely and accurate AICPA/CICA WebTrust criteria.
decisions about restocking products. An
assurance provider assesses the system's
reliability by reviewing data accuracy, system
5. **Limitations**:
security measures, and backup procedures to
ensure the system provides trustworthy - The report highlights inherent limitations in
information. controls, acknowledging the possibility of
errors or fraud not being detected.
Exhibit 1-2 is a CPA WebTrust report for
Entrust Limited, prepared by Deloitte, an - It also notes that projecting conclusions to
independent auditor. Here's a simplified future periods is subject to risks such as
explanation of the report: changes in systems or controls.

1. **Introduction**: 6. **WebTrust Seal**:

- The report outlines the scope of the audit - The WebTrust seal on Entrust's website
conducted by Deloitte to assess Entrust's symbolizes the contents of the report but
assertion regarding its Certification Authority does not update it or provide additional
(CA) services provided on its website from assurance.
March 1, 2007, to February 29, 2008.
- It emphasizes that the effectiveness of
controls may vary based on individual
subscriber and relying party locations.
2. **Assurance Provided**:

- Deloitte conducted an audit to provide

reasonable assurance that Entrust's 7. **Additional Notes**:
assertions regarding its CA services are not
- The report does not make representations
materially misstated.
about the quality of Entrust's services beyond
what is covered by WebTrust criteria.
- It concludes with the details of Deloitte & manages to bypass the system and embezzle
Touche LLP, the auditors, including their funds by colluding with another employee.
location and the date of the report.

3. **Persuasive Evidence vs. Conclusive

In simple terms, this report confirms that Evidence**:
Entrust's assertion about its CA services
aligns with industry standards and practices, - **Simple Explanation:** The evidence
as assessed by an independent auditor, gathered during assurance engagements is
Deloitte. However, it also acknowledges the often persuasive rather than conclusive. This
inherent limitations in controls and means it provides strong indications but
emphasizes the need for ongoing vigilance to doesn't completely eliminate uncertainty.
maintain compliance and effectiveness. - **Example Scenario:** An auditor reviews
documents provided by a company's
management as evidence of compliance with
Certainly, let's break down each limitation of regulatory requirements. While the
assurance engagements into simpler terms documents appear legitimate and support the
and provide an example scenario for each: company's assertions, there's still a small
chance that they could be inaccurate or
1. **Selective Testing**:

- **Simple Explanation:** Assurance 4. **Use of Judgment**:

engagements often involve testing a sample
of data rather than examining every single - **Simple Explanation:** Assurance
item. This means there's a chance that errors engagements involve the exercise of
or issues may exist in items not included in professional judgment by practitioners in
the sample. gathering and evaluating evidence. Different
practitioners may interpret evidence
- **Example Scenario:** An auditor is differently, leading to subjective conclusions.
tasked with reviewing a company's financial
transactions. Due to time and resource - **Example Scenario:** Two auditors
constraints, the auditor selects a sample of review the same set of financial statements
transactions to review rather than examining but come to slightly different conclusions
every single transaction. As a result, there's a about the company's financial health. One
possibility that errors or fraudulent activities in auditor may be more conservative in their
untested transactions may go undetected. assessments, while the other may be more
optimistic, leading to variations in their
2. **Inherent Limitations of Internal Control**:

- **Simple Explanation:** No matter how 5. **Characteristics of the Subject Matter**:

strong a company's internal controls are, they
cannot completely eliminate the risk of errors - **Simple Explanation:** The subject
or fraud. Internal controls may be matter being assessed in assurance
circumvented, overridden, or may simply not engagements may have inherent complexities
be effective in preventing all risks. or uncertainties that limit the level of
assurance that can be provided.
- **Example Scenario:** A company
implements strict internal controls over its - **Example Scenario:** An auditor is
cash handling procedures, including requiring engaged to assess the effectiveness of a
dual authorization for large transactions. company's cybersecurity measures. Due to
Despite these controls, an employee the rapidly evolving nature of cyber threats
and the complexity of IT systems, it's - **Example Scenario:** A small business
challenging to provide absolute assurance owner hires an accountant to compile their
that the company is completely protected financial statements based on the records
against all possible cyber attacks. maintained by the company. The accountant
organizes the income statement, balance
sheet, and cash flow statement, ensuring they
Let's simplify the concepts of non-assurance adhere to accounting standards. However,
services with examples: the accountant doesn't verify the accuracy of
the financial data; instead, they rely on the
client's representations. The compiled
financial statements are then used by the
1. **Agreed-Upon Procedures**:
business owner for internal decision-making
- **Simple Explanation:** In this type of and to provide to potential investors or
engagement, an auditor performs specific lenders.
procedures, similar to an audit, that have
been agreed upon by the auditor, the entity,
and possibly other parties. The auditor then Let's simplify the concepts of tax services and
reports the factual findings of these management consulting with examples:
procedures. The recipients of the report must
interpret the results themselves because the
report is restricted to those who agreed to the 1. **Tax Services**:
- **Simple Explanation:** CPAs provide tax
- **Example Scenario:** A company hires services to individuals and businesses,
an auditor to perform agreed-upon including preparing tax returns, developing
procedures on its inventory management tax strategies to minimize tax liability within
system. The procedures may include verifying the bounds of the law, and representing
inventory counts, confirming pricing accuracy, clients before tax authorities.
and assessing internal controls related to
inventory. The auditor then provides a report - **Example Scenario:** A small business
detailing the findings of these specific owner hires a CPA to prepare their annual tax
procedures, which the company's return. The CPA carefully reviews the
management uses to improve inventory company's financial records, applies relevant
management practices. tax laws and regulations, and completes and
submits the tax return on behalf of the
business. Additionally, the CPA advises the
2. **Compilation of Financial or Other business owner on tax-saving strategies,
Information**: such as taking advantage of available
deductions and credits, to minimize the
- **Simple Explanation:** In a compilation amount of tax owed.
engagement, an accountant uses their
accounting expertise to organize and
summarize financial information provided by a 2. **Management Consulting and Advisory
client. The accountant does not perform Services**:
auditing procedures to verify the accuracy of
the information. Instead, they focus on - **Simple Explanation:** CPAs offer
presenting the information in a clear and management consulting and advisory
understandable format. While the accountant services to help organizations improve their
doesn't provide assurance on the financial performance and address various business
information, users of the compiled data challenges. This can include providing advice
benefit from the accountant's professional on small business management, cash
skills and care. management, growth planning, and more.
- **Example Scenario:** A manufacturing 3. **Some Tax Services**:
company seeks advice from a CPA regarding
its cash management practices. The CPA - **Explanation:** Tax services that involve
conducts a thorough analysis of the preparing tax returns without expressing a
company's cash flow, accounts receivable, conclusion are considered non-assurance.
and accounts payable processes. Based on Tax consulting services, where the CPA
this analysis, the CPA develops a cash advises on tax strategies, are typically two-
management plan that includes strategies for party contracts and don't involve expressing
optimizing cash flow, reducing outstanding conclusions.
debts, and maximizing interest income. The - **Example:** A CPA prepares an
company implements the plan and sees individual's tax return based on the
improvements in its overall financial health information provided by the client but doesn't
and liquidity. provide any assurance on the accuracy of the
return. Alternatively, the CPA advises a
business owner on tax-saving strategies,
Let's simplify the information provided in such as utilizing tax deductions, without
Table 1-9: providing any formal conclusion or opinion.

1. **Agreed-upon Procedures**: 4. **Management Consulting and Other

Advisory Services**:
- **Explanation:** In agreed-upon
procedures, the practitioner performs specific - **Explanation:** These services involve
procedures agreed upon with the client, but providing recommendations or advice to
they don't provide a conclusion or opinion on clients based on analysis and expertise. They
the findings. typically don't include expressing conclusions
or opinions.
- **Example:** An auditor conducts agreed-
upon procedures to verify the accuracy of - **Example:** A CPA provides
inventory records for a company but doesn't management consulting services to a small
give an opinion on whether the inventory is business by analyzing its financial
accurately reported. performance and recommending strategies
for growth and efficiency improvements. The
CPA's recommendations guide the client's
2. **Compilations**: decision-making process but don't include a
formal conclusion or opinion.
- **Explanation:** In compilation
engagements, the practitioner organizes and
presents financial information provided by the
client without expressing any conclusion or
opinion on the data.

- **Example:** An accountant compiles

financial statements for a small business
based on the information provided by the
business owner but doesn't provide any
assurance on the accuracy or completeness
of the data.
Let's break down the information provided in accurately reflect the company's financial
the text into simpler terms: position, following established rules like

2. **Reporting:** Once the investigation is

**Introduction:** done, CAs summarize their findings in an
- Reliable information is crucial for making audit report. This report tells interested
decisions in various aspects of life, especially parties (like investors, regulators, or lenders)
economic decisions. People rely on whether they can trust the company's
information provided by others to make financial information.
choices like investing in stocks, approving
loans, deciding on job opportunities, and
ensuring compliance with legal requirements. In essence, auditing ensures that the financial
information used for decision-making is
reliable and gives a clear picture of what's
**Auditing Defined:** really happening within a company.

- Auditing is a systematic process conducted Let's simplify Table 2-1 by breaking down
by Certified Accountants (CAs) to objectively each key phrase and providing examples:
gather and evaluate evidence about
economic actions and events. The goal is to
determine if the information provided matches 1. **A systematic process**:
established criteria and to communicate the
results to interested users. - **Simple Explanation:** An audit follows a
structured and logical sequence of steps or
- Auditing involves two main processes: procedures.
investigation and reporting.
- **Example Scenario:** Imagine you're
- Investigation: This involves gathering and organizing your room. You follow a
evaluating evidence to determine if the systematic process by first clearing the
financial statements' assertions made by clutter, then dusting, and finally arranging
responsible individuals align with established things neatly. Similarly, in an audit, auditors
criteria, like Generally Accepted Accounting follow a systematic process by conducting
Principles (GAAP). procedures step by step to ensure nothing is
- Reporting: After the investigation, auditors missed.
communicate their evaluation or opinion in an
audit report to interested users.
2. **Objectively obtaining and evaluating
**Simplified Explanation:** - **Simple Explanation:** Auditors gather
- Imagine you're a detective trying to solve a and assess evidence in a fair and unbiased
case. In auditing, Certified Accountants (CAs) manner, ensuring they remain impartial and
play the role of detectives. They carefully free from conflicts of interest.
gather evidence to ensure that the financial - **Example Scenario:** In a court case, a
information provided by companies is judge reviews evidence presented by both
accurate and trustworthy. sides to make an impartial decision. Similarly,
- The auditing process involves two main auditors gather evidence like financial
steps: records, invoices, and interviews with
employees to evaluate the accuracy of
1. **Investigation:** CAs collect and analyze financial statements without any bias.
evidence to see if the financial statements
3. **Assertions about economic actions and
- **Simple Explanation:** Assertions are
statements made by management about - **Simple Explanation:** Accounting is the
financial transactions and events recorded in process of recording, organizing, and
financial statements. summarizing financial transactions to create
financial statements. It involves capturing
- **Example Scenario:** A company asserts economic events in a structured manner to
that its inventory is valued accurately based provide quantitative financial information for
on its purchase and sales records. The decision-making.
auditor's job is to verify this assertion by
examining inventory records and ensuring - **Example:** Imagine you're keeping track
they correspond with actual physical of your monthly expenses in a budget
inventory counts. spreadsheet. You record your income,
categorize your expenses (like groceries,
rent, utilities), and summarize them into a
clear overview of your financial situation.
4. **Degree of correspondence between
these assertions and established criteria**:

- **Simple Explanation:** Auditors compare **Auditing**:

management's assertions with established
standards or benchmarks, such as Generally - **Simple Explanation:** Auditing is the
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), to examination and evaluation of financial
assess their accuracy. information to determine if it accurately
reflects the economic events that occurred
- **Example Scenario:** A company asserts during a specific period. Auditors ensure that
that its revenue recognition practices comply the accounting information provided is reliable
with GAAP. The auditor examines revenue and trustworthy.
transactions and compares them against
GAAP guidelines to determine if they're - **Example:** Think of auditing as double-
reported correctly. checking your budget spreadsheet. An
auditor would review your recorded
expenses, verify receipts and invoices, and
ensure that your budget accurately reflects
5. **Communicating the results to interested your spending habits. They'd also check if
users**: your budget follows any financial rules or
- **Simple Explanation:** After completing guidelines.
the audit, auditors prepare a report containing
their opinion or findings, which they
communicate to stakeholders or interested **Key Differences:**
- **Accounting:** Focuses on recording and
- **Example Scenario:** An auditor issues a organizing financial data to create financial
report stating that a company's financial statements for decision-making.
statements present a fair and accurate view
of its financial position. This report is then - **Auditing:** Involves examining and
shared with investors, lenders, and evaluating financial information to ensure its
regulators, providing them with assurance accuracy and reliability.
about the company's financial health.

Let's simplify the distinction between auditing **Distinguishing Factor:**

and accounting:
- Auditors possess expertise in evaluating ensure your health information is accurate
audit evidence to determine if accounting and reliable.
information is accurate. This skill sets
auditors apart from accountants, who
primarily focus on recording and organizing **Key Differences:**
financial data.
- **Assurance Services:** Provide assurance
about various subjects beyond financial
**In Simple Terms:** statements, such as internal controls or
performance measures.
- Accounting is like keeping track of your
finances, while auditing is like having - **Audit Services:** Specifically focused on
someone double-check your records to make providing assurance about the accuracy and
sure they're accurate. reliability of financial statements.

Let's simplify the distinction between

assurance services and audit services: **Value Added:**

- **Audit Engagements:** Add reliability and

credibility to financial information.
**Assurance Services:**
- **Assertion-based Engagements
- **Simple Explanation:** Assurance services (Attestations):** Also add reliability and
involve a professional accountant evaluating credibility to information, similar to audits.
a subject matter that's the responsibility of
another party against certain criteria. The - **Assurance Engagements:** In addition to
accountant then expresses an opinion to reliability and credibility, they also add
provide users with a level of assurance about relevance and timeliness to the information.
that subject matter.

- **Example:** Imagine you're buying a used

**In Simple Terms:**
car. Before making a decision, you ask a
mechanic to inspect the car to ensure it's in - Assurance services provide assurance
good condition. The mechanic's evaluation about a broader range of subjects, while audit
provides you with assurance about the car's services specifically focus on financial
reliability. statements. Both types of services aim to
ensure that information users rely on is
reliable and credible, but assurance services
**Audit Services:** offer additional benefits like relevance and
- **Simple Explanation:** Audit services are a
type of assurance service focused on
financial statements. They involve examining
and evaluating financial information to ensure
its reliability and credibility. Audits provide
assurance to stakeholders, like investors and
lenders, about the accuracy of financial

- **Example:** Think of an audit like a

thorough check-up at the doctor's office. The
doctor examines your health records,
performs tests, and checks for any issues to

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