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Ichiraku Ramen ( 一楽ラ一メン,

Ichiraku Rāmen) is the place

where Naruto Uzumaki and Iruka
Umino's favorite ramen is
prepared. I

Alejandro Acosta and

his brother are the
founders of the
oriental restaurant,
and according to
Restaurante Alejandro, he was
inspired to create
Ramen The site is
designed for
lovers of Asian
culture and for
children who
enjoy anime.
The Japanese
themed restaurant
offers all diners on
its two floors an
atmosphere full of
Ramen is a soup, naruto raemn It is
although there are prepared by Juicy Chicken Ramen This
also dry ones, steaming fish paste 500 grams of noodles dish stands out for its
and then pressing it. 3 tablespoons Miso perfect combination of
whose main 1 liter of dashi broth flavors and textures,,Enjoy
ingredient is It is filled with 3 onions
aromatic herbs or tender pieces of juicy
Chinese noodles 2 cloves of garlic chicken, cooked to
and a broth based other ingredients
and rolled to be delicacy.
on meat.
pressed again.

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