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+49 176 46674189
Syed Ahtsham Ul
Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 142, 14469 Pot sdam
Date of Birth: 05.01.2001


MSc. Data Science Oct '23 - Present

University of Potsdam Final Grade: na
Relevant Coursework: Data Science and Business Analytics, Stochastics,
Advanced Natural Language Processing, Databases and Practical Programming

BSc. Computer Science Sep '18 - Aug '22

Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad Final Grade: 1.3
Relevant Coursework: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing,
Database Systems, Web Application Development, Software Analysis, Design and Construction, Object Oriented Programming, Data
Structures and Algorithms

Software Developer Feb '23 - Sep '23
Self Employed
Software Development incorporating AI/ML/NLP Models
From idea to a complete deployed working software including data visualization and insights
Developed various AI/ML based Web solutions for clients using Python (tensorflow, pytorch, scikit-learn), Flask, MySQL, HTML5, CSS

Teaching Assistant Sep '22 - Feb '23

Computer Science Dept. – Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Python, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, UML Modeling
Delivered lectures for the courses of Object-Oriented Programming and Web Application Development
Designed interesting Assignments and Excercises for students to work on and prepared solutions

Software Engineer Jan '21 - Jun '22

Optimal Route Planning using AI (ORPAI) – Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Software Design & Development
Gained hands-on experience in design, development, testing and documentation of Last Mile Delivery Management System
Worked closely with research team and generated locations’ dataset using Google Maps APIs
Worked on optimal route planning model training with the research team using GNN and Re-enforcement learning


Time Series Temperature Forecasting using ARIMA | pmdarima, statsmodel, pandas, matplotlib
trained an ARIMA model to predict future average temperatures in a certain area
Pakistani Bottled Water Classifier | tensorFlow, keras, pytorch, scikit-learn, pandas, numpy
created dataset from government reports, performed data engineering tasks, trained model using ML/DL with 88% accuracy
Legal Case Search Engine | flask, nltk, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, beautiful Soup, heroku
helps lawyers search past decisions within seconds, the system ranks the cases according to query relevancy
New York City Accidents Data Analysis | pandas, numpy, pydeck, streamlit,
explored accident patterns, hourly breakdowns, and identified high-risk streets for Pedestrians, Cyclists, and Motorists

Advanced Knowledge: Python, R, Kedro, Jupyter Notebook, Git, AI/ML Algorithms, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS Office

Languages: Urdu (Native), English (C1), German (A1)
Interests: Data Visualization, Programming, Automation, Dashboards, AI/ML techniques, Web Development, Research

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