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With crime, theft, burglary, and vandalization pervasive in Eugene, it is Adam Harris’

mission to protect the community. Adam Harris has been a security guard for five years and has

no regrets when it comes to his career. Adam’s main goal is to make the world a better place and

spread positivity. However it did not start so positive for Adam.

Adam grew up in East Springfield where he did not have many opportunities as a kid. He

struggled to make friends in school resulting in him becoming depressed. When Adam was a kid

his dad bought him a used Xbox 360 for Christmas and he was instantly hooked. Adam used

video games as a distraction from life. Adam would spend his days playing Halo, Call of Duty

and others to clear his head. “It was great,” Adam said. “I would get home from school, flip on

the Xbox and tune out for a few hours.” However, little did Adam know video games would

shape his life in a big way.

After several years of playing video games Adam’s mentality shifted. “I started to get

bored of being the bad guy,” Adam recalled. “The nature of killing innocent people repeatedly,

not to mention all of the toxic players made me want to be the good guy.” At this point in his life

Adam was just finishing high school, and he knew it was time to turn his life around. Adam got a

job at McDonald Theatre in Eugene where he was a bouncer/security. For Adam this was the

next step in realizing his life goal. After working at the McDonald Theatre he worked at different

buildings around Eugene/Springfield doing security, trying to make a difference keeping the

community safe.

Today, Adam has bigger plans in life. In June of 2024 Adam will move to Portland and

work toward becoming a police officer for the PPB (Portland Police Bureau). Adam says because

of his childhood experiences he wants to serve and protect others, and by doing that hopefully

make the world a better place. A friend and colleague of Adam had this to say about his
character, “He’s a good dude with a good heart who wants to help people, I feel lucky to call him

a friend.” Adam has a world of opportunities ahead of him and is happy to have learned so many

important life lessons along the way.

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