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Question 1: What is consumer health, and why is it important?

Answer: Consumer health encompasses the choices, actions, and behaviors individuals undertake to
protect and enhance their health and well-being. It is crucial because informed healthcare decisions are
essential for maintaining good health.


Question 2: Name two criteria for evaluating the reliability of health information sources.

Answer: Two criteria for evaluating the reliability of health information sources are:

1. Source Credibility: Check the qualifications and reputation of the source. Reliable sources are
often authored by experts in the field.

2. Bias and Evidence: Look for evidence-based claims and consider whether the source is impartial
or may have a bias.


Question 3: How does technology impact consumer health, and what challenges does it bring?

Answer: Technology, particularly the internet and digital platforms, has revolutionized how individuals
access health information. It provides a vast resource of health-related information. However, it also
poses challenges related to the accuracy and quality of information, as not all online sources are
reliable. Consumers must be discerning in their use of technology for health-related research and

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