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ISSN 2828-0059
Vol. 1, No. 2, 2022, 391–397
DOI: 10.51773/icobba.v1i2.108
CC-BY-NC 4.0 International licence
© Author(s)

Social Emotional Development of Early Childhood in Single Parent


Imas Rohimah1* , Miftachul Jannah2 and Enan Kusnandar3

STAI DR.KH.EZ.Muttaqien Purwakarta

Children’s social and emotional development begins to in the family. Parents and the environment are models
for children. They are a team that works according to their respective roles. But not all families have perfect
conditions. In single parent families there is a missing role. The purpose of this study was to describe the
social emotional development of children in single parent families. The method in this research is a qualitative
case study. The data collection process was carried out by observing and interviewing parents, children, and
the closest people to children from 3 single parent families in Sukadami Village. Materials obtained from
interviews and observations were transcribed and analyzed. The results of the analysis have raised 3 topics
discussed here: forms of parents’ care and communication to their children, social emotional development of
children, and obstacles found in the parenting role. The results showed that the best condition of children’s
social emotional development from 3 single parent families came from families with democratic parenting
patterns with effective forms of communication but using negative sentences. Meanwhile, the social-emotional
development of children with authoritarian and permissive parenting shows that children’s social-emotional
conditions are not optimal. Both parenting patterns use the same form of communication, which is ineffective
with negative sentences.

Key words: social, emotional, single-parent

Early childhood age includes children whose age range from birth to six years, who are in the process of development.
This age is a very decisive age in the formation of a child’s character and personality. Early age is the age where
children experience rapid growth and development. This age is known as the golden age. This period is the foundation
for developing 6 aspects of development, one of which is social and emotional.
Social development is the acquisition of the ability to behave in accordance with social demands. Children’s social
development is strongly influenced by their social environment, be it parents, family or peers. If the environment can
provide opportunities for positive social development, then the child will be able to achieve mature social development.
However, if the child’s social environment is not supportive, then the child’s social development will also be hampered


Cirebon, December 8, 2021


Socialization is a mental and behavioral process that encourages a person to adjust according to the desires that
come from within. According to Pamela Menet, social development means the acquisition of learning abilities from
behavior that is imitated in her family and following similar examples that exist throughout the world. According
to Elizabet Hurlock, social development means the acquisition of the ability to behave in accordance with social
demands and requires three processes, such as learning to behave in a socially acceptable manner, playing acceptable
social roles, and developing social attitudes [3][4].
Emotional development is the development where children are able to recognize themselves and how they feel
by themselves, while social emotional development is where children are able to understand the feelings of others,
can get along well with friends, and are able to build relationships with adults around them. Emotion comes from
the word emetus or emovere which means to “still up”, which is an impulse that pushes against something [1].
Emotions are subjective feelings or psychological symptoms that are generally associated with symptoms regarding
and experienced in the quality of pleasure or displeasure [2]. Meanwhile, according to Srofe, emotions are subjective
reactions to experiences associated with physiological and behavioral changes. Examples are sad, happy, and afraid
Emotions are feelings or affections that arise when a person is in a situation or interaction that is considered
important by him, especially his own well-being [6]. Emotions can take the form of something specific such as joy,
fear, anger, and so on, depending on the interaction experienced. Emotions are influenced by a biological basis and
shame. Carles Darwin in his book titled "The Expression In Man and Animals" states that human facial expressions
are something that is innate and not the result of learning. Basic emotion and the forms of emotions that commonly
occur in early childhood are anger, fear, jealousy, curiosity, envy, joy, and affection [7].
According to Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 58 of 2009 [8], early
childhood social emotional competencies for children aged 4-5 years include (1) showing an independent attitude in
choosing activities, (2) sharing, (3) helping and assisting friends; (4) showing enthusiasm in playing competitive
games; (5) controlling feelings; (6) obeying the rules that apply in a game; (7) showing self-confidence; (8) taking
care of oneself and the environment; and (9) respecting others.
As for children aged 5-6 years including; (1) being cooperative with friends; (2) showing tolerance; (3) expressing
emotions in accordance with existing conditions (happy, sad, enthusiastic, etc.); (4) recognizing etiquette and
manners in accordance with local socio-cultural values; (5) understanding the rules and discipline; (6) showing
empathy; (7) having a persistent attitude (not easily give up); (8) proud of their own work; and (9) respecting others.
The importance of aspects of emotional social development in early childhood is because children are expected
to be able to become human beings who understand the emotions they experience and are able to be accepted by
the social environment. Conversely, if someone does not have a social emotional attitude, then when they grow up
they would have difficulty understanding emotions, expressing feelings, communicating difficulties, and having
difficulties in establishing social relationships with other people.
Children’s social development is strongly influenced by their social environment, be it parents, relatives, other
adults, or their peers. Parents play an important role in developing children’s socio-emotional; parents can stimulate
social and emotional development by being a good example for children, inviting children to play with their peers,
teaching children to share, and inviting children to tell stories and read fairy tales.
For families, a child is a gift from Allah SWT who has the potential to be good and bad, depending on the influence
and education provided by their parents, such as directing and giving advice as Lukman did in the Qur’an to his child:

“And as Luqman said to his son (while) he was admonishing him, "O my son, do not associate (others) with Allah.
Surely associating (others with Allah) is indeed a monstrous injustice.". (QS. Luqman: 13)

In the hadith it is also said that a child is born in a holy state, then it is his parents who make him a Jew, Christian
or Magian. Observing the hadith means that both parents have a strategic role for the future of the child. This is
because the development of human nature depends a lot on the education and guidance from parents [9, p. 15].
Nurturing or parenting is the most important factor in a family considering a child’s personality in the future
will be much influenced by the upbringing used by his parents [10]. parenting means the best way that parents
take in educating children as a manifestation of accountability to children. So what is meant by parenting is the
pattern given by parents in educating or raising children either directly or indirectly. To educate directly means the
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form of parental effort related to the formation of personality, intelligence and skills that is carried out intentionally,
either in the form of orders, prohibitions, punishments, creating situations or giving gifts as educational tools. While
educating indirectly is an example of everyday life from speech to customs and patterns of life, parental, family,
community relationships, and husband and wife relationships [11].
Parenting is the attitude of parents in dealing with their children. This attitude can be seen from various aspects,
including the way parents provide arrangements for children, how to give gifts and punishments, the way parents
show authority and the way parents pay attention, and respond to children’s wishes. Parenting is how to educate
children either directly or indirectly as a manifestation of a sense of responsibility to children. In every family, of
course, there are different parenting patterns from one family to another. Marry (2008) stated that there are 3 types
of parenting that parents do to their children, they are: (1) Authoritarian parenting; (2) Authoriatative parenting; and
3) permissive parenting. The three types of Baumrind’s parenting are almost the same as Hurlock, Hardy & Heyes’
parenting styles, namely: (1) authoritarian parenting; (2) democratic parenting; (3) permissive parenting [12].

a) Authoritarian parenting
b) Democratic parenting (authoritative parenting)
c) Parenting that is ignored (permissive indifferent)
d) Parenting that obeys or indulges (permissive indulgent)

Parenting will run well when accompanied by proper communication. The pattern of communication is a system
of delivering messages through certain symbols, containing meaning, and passing stimuli to change the behavior of
other individuals. Communication patterns can be understood as a pattern of relationships between two or more
people in sending and receiving messages in an appropriate way so that the intended message can be understood.
Understanding communication patterns interpreted as the form or pattern of the relationship of two or more people in
the process of sending and receiving the right way, so that the message in question can be understood. Communication
patterns are also a form or pattern of relationships between two or more people in the process of sending and
receiving messages that link two components, such as an image or plan that includes the steps in an activity,
with components that are an important part of the communication relationship between people or groups and
organizations. Dimensions of communication patterns consist of two kinds, they are patterns that are oriented
towards socially oriented concepts and patterns that have different relationships [13].
In everyday life, humans always establish communication, especially those related to interpersonal communica-
tion, with the aim of strengthening relationships between each other. Likewise with the family, all members in a
family need each other to communicate, including parents and children. Family communication is a way for a family
member to interact with other members. It also functions as a forum in forming and developing the values needed
as a guide to life. If a family communication pattern does not occur harmoniously, it will certainly affect the child’s
Communication in the family can also be interpreted as a readiness to talk openly about everything in the family,
both pleasant and unpleasant problems in the family with conversations carried out in patience and honesty and
openness [14]. The characteristics of communication in the family are as follows:

a) Openness. Openness is the extent to which individuals have a desire to be open with others in interacting. The
openness that occurs in communication allows children’s behavior to provide a clear response to everything and
express their feelings freely.
b) Empathy. Empathy is an individual feeling that feels the same as other people feel, without having to get involved
in the person’s feelings or responses.
c) Support. The existence of support can help a person to be more enthusiastic in carrying out activities and achieving
desired goals. This support is expected from the closest people, namely family.
d) Positive feelings (positiveness). Feelings are where individuals have positive feelings about what other people
have said about them.
e) Equality (equality). The similarity here means that individuals have similarities with others in terms of speaking
and listening.

The form of communication that occurs is seen through transactions or interactions carried out by two com-
municating parties. The forms of communication, transactions or interactions used by parents with children can
vary, depending on how parents react to children’s problems. The forms of parental communication are recognized
through the words and actions of parents towards their children.
The form of parental response and action in communicating. Talking and greeting are very important, but what
matters more is that parents speak or greet their children. because when parents talk and respond to children’s
conversations, there are two feelings that arise in children, either children feel accepted, or children feel rejected.
The form of parental responses and actions can be observed through verbal responses in the form of responses such
as parent’s words and actions to their children’s problems. Parents’ verbal responses are usually interpreted by more
than one meaning or one percent by the child, so that it can affect the parent-child relationship. When parents say

something to their child, often the child says something about themself. That is why communication with children
has a certain meaning for the child as an individual and has its own meaning for the relationship between himself
and his parents.
The family is the smallest social group in society, so it is in the family that all activities begin. Families can be
divided into extended families and nuclear families, nuclear families consist of father, mother and children. The
family, especially parents, is the first and foremost educational environment. Education is not only the responsibility
of a mother but also a father who plays an important role in the education of his children. The role of the parenting
behavior of the father affects the development and welfare of the child and the transition to adolescence [15].
A study involving a group of children born from 2000 to 2001 was conducted with the aim of examining the role
of fathers in the behavioral and cognitive development of children. The time of data collection was divided into 3
categories, namely 3 years to 5 years, and when the child was 5 to 7 years old. The researchers used several tests
to see the behavior and psychological health of children which were then analyzed based on the age group of the
children studied. From the results of a study conducted in England, it is known that children who are close to their
fathers since the age of nine months tend to be more active and creative when they are 5 years old. In addition, fathers
who participated in helping to raise children from the age of 9 months had more children whose emotions were well
In the development and growth of children, mother is not only the role needed. A father greatly determines the
mental condition and development of the child ever since the baby is still in the womb. In general, married life should
be intact and harmonious, but not everything goes smoothly. Separation can happen either because of divorce or the
death of one of them. So that it becomes a factor that forces someone to become a single parent.
Single parent is a single parent who takes care of the household independently without a partner. Single parent
parents are people who have to play dual roles as both father and mother. Single parenting is not everyone’s choice
because they have to bear the educational burden and emotional burden that should be borne with their partner.
Based on the explanation above, the purpose of this study is to describe the socio-emotional development of
children in single parent families, which includes 3 topics of discussion, forms of parents’ care and communication
to their children, social emotional development of children, and obstacles found in the parenting role. The study
of these three topics is expected to be useful as evaluation material and a basis for parents and their surroundings
in determining the right form of parenting and communication to support the optimization of children’s social
emotional development.

Research Method
The method used in this research is qualitative method. Sugiyono explained that qualitative research is a research
method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to research on the condition of natural objects, where the
researcher is the key instrument [16, p. 5].
Furthermore, the method used is the case study method. The case study method is a detailed examination of one
background or one subject or one document storage area or one particular event. The case in question can be singular
or plural, or it can be an individual or a group. Here it is necessary to conduct a sharp analysis of the various factors
related to the case so that an accurate conclusion will be obtained.
This research lasted for 5 months, starting from June to October. The location used as a place to conduct research
was in Sukadami Village, Wanayasa District, Purwakarta Regency. Respondents in this study were parents, children
and the surrounding environment. The samples taken were 3 single parent families.
In this study, primary data sources were obtained directly through the research process directly from the research
target, namely from families with single parent status, both parents and children. Secondary data sources are data
sources that indirectly provide data to data collectors, for example through other people or documents. The secondary
data sources in this study were interviews with the children’s closest environment.
This research is a field research to obtain data. Researchers used observation, interviews and documentation. In
this study, the researcher is the key instrument, assisted by supporting instruments in the data collection process,
namely by observing and interviewing guidelines and field notes. To obtain the validity of the data, this research
uses triangulation techniques, such as data gathering by combining various data collection techniques and existing
sources. In this study, researchers used triangulation techniques.

Results and Discussion

Forms of parents’ care and communication to their children in Single Parent Families

Parents act as guides in children’s emotional development by guiding children in terms of what is good or bad,
by explaining and giving directions by giving examples first, giving understanding to children of various things
and giving opportunities for children to try everything after being guided. As stated by Dantes (2014), that every
Rohimah et al. | 395

human being will always educate their descendants as perfectly as possible both in spiritual and physical aspects.
Unconsciously, the patterns adopted by parents greatly affect the development of children, what children see will be
very easy to imitate.
Based on the results of research data analysis on the form of care, it was found that from the 3 single parent
families in Sukadami Village, Wanayasa District there are 3 forms of parenting, such as democratic, authoritarian,
and permissive.

Table 1. Parenting Pattens of Single Parent Families

Family Parenting Finding Description

Single Parent 1 Permissive Father is busy working and handing over the role of child care to his
mother (grandmother), while grandmother herself is busy selling rice
cakes. Whenever time-off is available at home, the father pays less
attention to every activity that the child does. He also does not give
appreciation for the success obtained by the child, nor does he respond
when the child asks for help. The father also does nothing when the
child says bad words.
Single Parent 2 Democratic Mother is busy working and leaving the child to her grandmother. How-
ever, despite being limited, mothers always sets aside quality time
with their children. Providing supervision to children when playing,
accompanying children when experiencing difficulties, taking time to
please children on holidays, communicating well about things that are
good or bad.
Single Parent 3 Authoritarian Mothers are busy working and entrusting children to caregivers. When-
ever there is an opportunity at home, Mother provides assistance and
supervision on every activity carried out by the child. However, mothers
do not give children the opportunity to express themselves. Limiting
children’s playtime, dictating what to do and what not to do. Mothers
give a lot of rules at home and often give verbal punishments to chil-
dren even though they think it is only a small punishment.

Children’s development can be seen by observing the form of communication between parents and children.
Maybe many parents are not aware of this. Communication with children may seem insignificant and easy to do,
but it turns out to have great benefits for child development. Building positive communication since children are
young can help in developing children’s self-confidence and building a sense of self-esteem where children feel more
valuable, building positive self-concepts, as well as help children build relationships with other people around them.
When communicating, parents must pay attention to what feelings the child is feeling and the child’s body language.
In order for communication to work well, parents need to understand the child’s feelings and convey words in a
good way. Parents choose positive words so that children have a positive self-concept and understand the message
conveyed by parents. If parents use good ways to communicate well and understand the child’s feelings, children will
grow up happy with a positive self-concept because they feel valued and cared for. The following are the results of the
analysis of the communication patterns of 3 single parent parents.

Table 2. Forms of Communication in Single Parent Families

Family Forms of Communication Description

Single Parent 1 Ineffective and negative Father rarely communicates with children. Delivering short sentences
with negative word choices such as "no" and "not allowed". Expressing
prohibitions or disagreements without being accompanied by reasons.
Lack of response when children need attention.
Single Parent 2 Effective but negative Mother is often good listeners to their children. Communicate often,
give praise to the child’s success and provide advice when the child is
wrong. However, mother sometimes still use negative sentences such
as don’t and must not, and sometimes still compare success with other
Single Parent 3 Ineffective and negative Mother listen to children’s stories, but on the other hand, mothers of-
ten force their children to do things as requested. The child does not
look brave and is forced to obey. If you refuse, the mother will give
verbal punishment. The mother also uses negative sentences such as
must not and don’t and still often compare the child with other chil-

Children’s Social Emotional Development in Single Parent Families

Parenting and communication patterns of parents who educate and care for their children greatly affect the social
emotional development of children in the future. The parenting style of parents who don’t care is very detrimental to
children. Children will become easily frustrated and as adults they will have a sense of responsibility and do not want
to lead. Good parenting makes children have good personalities. On the other hand, the wrong parenting pattern
makes children vulnerable to stress and easy to fall into negative things. Children’s social emotional behavior can
develop well if the parenting style applied by parents to children is appropriate and in accordance with the needs of
children, and parents are actively involved in children’s education. Children with these characteristics will imitate the
attitudes and behavior of parents so that it will have an impact on behavior towards other people in their environment.
The following are the results of the analysis carried out on the socio-emotional development children from single
parent families in Sukadami Village, Wanayasa District:

Table 3. Social Emotional Development of Children from Single Parent Families

Family Social Emotional Develop- Deskription

Single Parent 1 Begin Developing (BD) Children are still lacking in understanding the rules and distinguishing
between good and bad. Not very independent. Children want to play
with friends and already have a concern for sharing, but are sometimes
aggressive when someone disturbs them. Children still find it difficult
to accept when what they want is not obtained.
Single Parent 2 Developing as Expected Children are skilled in expressing feelings. Always want to do activities
(DAE) independently and only ask for help when experiencing difficulties.
Already able to understand the rules even though sometimes they still
make mistakes. Always excited to play with friends. Still learning to
share with friends. Children can accept when what they want is not
Single Parent 3 Begin Developing (BD) Children are less skilled in expressing feelings, more silent but often
aggressive when something disturbs them. Not able to understand
the rules well. Children have started to be able to play with friends and
share, but are not too independent and lack initiative in carrying out

Obstacles found by single parent families in the role of caring and communicating with children.

Caring for and communicating with children is certainly not an easy thing since there are many obstacles that must
be faced, especially in single parent families. A small family that should have a father and mother who work together
according to their respective roles, everything must be done independently. This of course will result in a role void as
felt by single parent families in Sukadami Village, Wanayasa District as follows.

Table 4. Parenting Obstacles in Single Parent Families

Family Finding Description

Single Parent 1 Parents are so busy at work that they never have time to interact with
their children. As for a little time, parents are not used to communicat-
ing with children.
Single Parent 2 Parents are busy at work so they rarely see each other. Even so, parents
still spend a little quality time interacting with their children.
Single Parent 3 Parents are busy at work so they rarely see each other. Even so, parents
still spend a little quality time interacting with their children.


Based on the results of research that has been carried out on the social emotional development of children in single
parent families, the following conditions were found: Single parent family 1, in parents who have permissive parenting
patterns with ineffective and negative forms of communication, children’s social emotional development is at Begin
Developing (BD) level. Children are still lacking in understanding the rules and distinguishing between good and bad.
Not very independent. Children want to play with friends and already have a concern for sharing, but are sometimes
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aggressive when something disturbs them. Children still find it hard to accept when what they want is not obtained.
Single parent family 2, for parents who have a democratic parenting pattern with effective but negative forms of
communication, the children’s social emotional development is at the Developing as Expected (DAE) level, where
the children are skilled in expressing feelings. The children always want to do activities independently and only
ask for help when experiencing difficulties. Already able to understand the rules even though sometimes they still
make mistakes. Always excited to play with friends. Still learning to share with friends. Children can accept when
what they want is not obtained. Single parent family 3, for parents who have an authoritarian parenting pattern
with ineffective and negative forms of communication, the children’s social emotional development is at the Begin
Developing (BD) level, where the child is less skilled in expressing feelings, quieter but is often aggressive when
something disturbs them. Not able to understand the rules well. Children have started to be able to play with friends
and share, but are not too independent and lack initiative in carrying out activities.
Based on the above conditions, it can be understood that the socio-emotional development of children in single
parent families will be able to develop well as long as the father/mother and the children’s immediate environment
can provide good care. Parenting must prioritize warmth, compassion, and openness. Parents and children must
communicate together about something. Children are given the opportunity to express their wishes. They are given
freedom to act as long as they are within reasonable limits and do not cause harm. Give appreciation when children
do good things and discipline with love when children make mistakes. Interaction is done in a good way through
effective communication. Convey each purpose briefly without additional words that are not useful, because the
longer the sentence, the more the core of the sentence will not be understood by the child properly. Use sentences
with positive word choices, because positive sentences can build a positive self-image/concept for both parents and
children. Parenting obstacles found in single parent families include time with children is very limited due to busy
work, lack of quality communication with children, or children prefer to play with gadgets.

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