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Skin design studies for variable camber morphing airfoils

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2008 Smart Mater. Struct. 17 015025


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Smart Mater. Struct. 17 (2008) 015025 (8pp) doi:10.1088/0964-1726/17/01/015025

Skin design studies for variable camber

morphing airfoils
Farhan Gandhi1,3 and Phuriwat Anusonti-Inthra2
Department of Aerospace Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 229 Hammond
Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA
National Institute of Aerospace, 100 Exploration Way, Hampton, VA 23666, USA


Received 30 June 2007, in final form 25 October 2007

Published 4 January 2008
Online at

This paper identifies the desirable attributes of a flexible skin of a morphing wing. The study is
conducted using airfoil camber morphing as an example. The ideal flex-skin would be highly
anisotropic, having a low in-plane axial stiffness but a high out-of-plane flexural stiffness.
Reduced skin axial stiffness allows morphing at low actuation cost. However, for some
substructure and actuation designs, a lower limit on the skin’s in-plane axial stiffness may be
required to prevent unacceptable global camber deformation under aerodynamic loads. High
flexural stiffness prevents local deformation of skin sections between supports due to
aerodynamic pressure loads, and avoids buckling of skin sections under compression as the
airfoil cambers under actuation force. For the camber morphing application the strain levels in
the flex-skin are not expected to exceed around 2%. If the axial stiffness of the flex-skin is
reduced significantly, it may be necessary to consider aerodynamic stiffness (negligible vis-à-vis
structural stiffness for classical airfoils) to accurately calculate deformation under loading. The
approach followed in the study can be used to identify specifications for the skin and then
reverse engineer and design highly anisotropic composite skins that meet the specifications.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Introduction and trailing-edge camber over three spanwise segments on an

F-111 aircraft. Improvements were demonstrated in cruise
Aircraft morphing, especially wing morphing, has the potential performance, maneuver performance, range increase and load
to greatly improve system performance over an aircraft’s alleviation. The Air Force/NASA/Boeing Active Aeroelas-
nominal operational envelope, allow a single aircraft to tic Wing Program, starting in 1983, employed leading- and
perform multiple missions efficiently, and even significantly trailing-edge control surfaces and a torsionally softened wing
expand its operating envelope. The morphing concepts that to control the wing twist and aerodynamic shape for improved
have been considered have included a wide spectrum of shape roll performance. It was demonstrated that high control author-
adaptations such as variations in camber, twist, span, sweep, ity was maintained up to low supersonic conditions. Attractive
planform area, etc. features of this concept were the use of aerodynamic forces
From the 1980s onward there has been significant invest- to help induce the shape change and the reduced wing weight
ment in a number of major morphing aircraft development and (more efficient structural design) associated with a more flex-
demonstration programs in the United States. These include ible wing. Under the DARPA/AFRL/NASA Smart Wing Pro-
the Mission Adaptive Wing Program [1], the Active Aeroelas- gram, a team led by Northrop-Grumman Corporation used
tic Wing Program [2], the Smart Wing Program [3, 4], and most smart materials based technologies to produce smoothly vary-
recently, the Morphing Aircraft Structures Program [5–7]. ing leading- and trailing-edge camber in place of standard
The Air Force/NASA/Boeing Mission Adaptive Wing Program hinged control surfaces, for improved performance of military
(1979–1988) investigated the use of smoothly varying leading- aircraft. A limitation of the Phase 1 effort (1995–1999) was
the low bandwidth achievable with shape memory alloy-based
3 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
actuation. But in Phase 2 (1997–2001) a hingeless, smoothly

0964-1726/08/015025+08$30.00 1 © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

Smart Mater. Struct. 17 (2008) 015025 F Gandhi and P Anusonti-Inthra

D-Spar Axis of Symmetry

b Figure 2. Internal substructure of the airfoil section aft of the spar.

Figure 1. (a) NACA 0012 airfoil with rigid leading-edge D-spar and
(b) compliant section extending aft of the D-spar to the trailing edge.

contoured, structurally compliant, trailing edge control surface Stringers

Ribs Trailing
actuated using high-bandwidth piezoelectric motors was tested Edge
in the wind tunnel. Spanwise and chordwise shape control was
demonstrated and performance improvements in terms of in-
creased rolling and pitching moments for lower control surface
deflections were quantified. The most recent DARPA/AFRL
Morphing Aircraft Structures Program was also the most am-
bitious, by far. Under this program, NextGen Aeronautics de-
veloped a wing capable of changing the aspect ratio by 200%, Figure 3. Rib sections with stringers connecting them.
area by 70% and span by 40% using a system that allows con-
tinuous morphing and independent control of sweep and area.
A second Lockheed Martin team developed an aircraft wing Aeronautics concept required the skin to undergo very large
that can fold and be locked in two positions. shear strain. Once again the skin was of an elastomeric silicone
In Germany, starting in the mid-1990s, a consortium material, but it was supported with an underlying metallic
headed by the German Aerospace Research Center (DLR) ribbon structure to provide out-of-plane stiffness to withstand
undertook the Adaptive Wing Project, whose objective airloads [6].
was to achieve a variable wing camber and an adaptive The present study systematically brings into focus several
‘bump’ to alleviate shock, by applying adaptive structural design considerations for the flexible skin of a variable
systems [8–10]. These technologies were meant to improve camber morphing airfoil. Through parametric analyses
the aerodynamic performance of transonic wings of civilian the requirements on skin in-plane and out-of-plane stiffness
aircraft over variations in altitude, Mach number and aircraft are examined, vis-à-vis actuation force, local and global
weight. deformation under aerodynamic loading, and local buckling
The major demonstration programs listed above as well as of skin sections under compression. An assessment is also
numerous smaller efforts at various universities and research provided of the strain capability requirements for camber
groups have highlighted and led to a broad understanding of the morphing.
critical issues associated with aircraft morphing. For example,
the challenge of designing structures that are sufficiently rigid 2. Analysis
to carry the aerodynamic loads, yet compliant enough to limit The present study examines skin requirements for a variable
the required actuation forces to reasonable values, is clearly camber airfoil section. The baseline airfoil is assumed to
appreciated. Considerable experience has been gained in the have an NACA 0012 profile and a chord of 0.45 m. A very
use of distributed and optimally placed actuators, based on rigid D-spar, the primary load carrying member, extends from
smart materials. Similarly, the community has developed the leading edge of the airfoil to 30% chord (figure 1(a)), as
insight on issues such as integration of actuation mechanisms is typical in many helicopter main rotor blades. The rigid
into the wing structure, power efficiency, weight efficiency and D-spar does not undergo any deformation in the chordwise
control system design. direction, and consequently, only the section aft of the D-
A significant challenge, that has perhaps received more spar is analyzed, assuming it to be clamped at the rear end
limited attention, is the development of flexible skins for of the spar (figure 1(b)). This section aft of the spar is
morphing wings. General requirements on the skin properties assumed to have an internal substructure as shown in figure 2.
are understood to include high strain capability and moderate The substructure comprises four vertebrae-like units connected
to low stiffness to avoid high actuation requirements. However, serially at the axis of symmetry. While the specifics of the
skin design has generally been a somewhat ad hoc and substructure would vary from design to design, its purpose is
sometimes iterative process. In the Smart Wing Program to support the skin which provides the aerodynamic shape, and
a flexible silicone skin was used on the variable camber additionally, for a morphing airfoil, transfer actuation loads
wing, supported underneath by a honeycomb flexcore [3, 4]. to the skin. The substructure in figure 2 could extend along
In the Morphing Aircraft Structures Program the NextGen the span of the wing/rotor blade, or alternatively, form rib

Smart Mater. Struct. 17 (2008) 015025 F Gandhi and P Anusonti-Inthra

20 elements

Figure 4. Forces applied on the airfoil to induce camber.

sections with the skin supported by stringers between the ribs

(see figure 3). The type of substructure shown in figures 2
or 3 would be preferable to a honeycomb or foam flexcore
supporting the skin as it would provide access to the distributed
actuation systems/linkages required for morphing. In fixed-
wing aircraft the interior of the wing is often used for fuel
storage—another reason for the skin not to have a continuous
foam or honeycomb support. It should be noted that due to Figure 5. Finite element discretization of substructure and skin using
its geometry the substructure itself, without the skin, has a frame elements with axial and bending degrees of freedom (each
relatively low chordwise bending stiffness. Consequently, the section discretized into 20 elements).
substructure provides little resistance to the cambering of the
airfoil and the skin itself plays an important role in this regard.
To produce camber of the airfoil section actuation forces
are applied at the ends of the substructure, as shown in figure 4,
so as to generate a chordwise bending moment. While an
actuation mechanism has not been specified, simple push–
pull rods connected to the ends of the substructure, and to
some kind of rotary actuator in the D-spar, could conceivably
perform the function. The use of some other actuation
mechanism that applies actuation loads in a more distributed
fashion (rather than just at the ends of the substructure)
is possible as well. The results and conclusions on skin
design, it should be noted, are based on the cambering of the
airfoil, and would not change significantly if different actuation
mechanisms are used to produce the same camber.
The finite element method is used to analyze the portion Figure 6. Aerodynamic pressure coefficient of the NACA 0012
of the airfoil aft of the D-spar (shown in figures 2 and 4). ( M = 0.6, α = 5◦ ).
The substructure, comprising the serially arranged vertebrae-
like units, and the skin are assumed to be an integral compliant
structure (no hinges or sliding joints). Both the substructure of V∞ corresponding to a sea level Mach number of 0.6 is used,
and the skin are modeled using frame elements, allowing for and the airfoil angle of attack is fixed at 5◦ ( M = 0.6, α = 5◦ ).
axial as well as bending deformations. Each ‘segment’ of From the aerodynamic surface pressure the aerodynamic loads
the substructure and skin is modeled using 20 frame elements acting at the nodes of every skin element can be determined.
(see figure 5). With such a large number of elements per The displacement field, w, induced by these aerodynamic loads
skin section, local deformations between the support points is calculated using equation (2),
due to the aerodynamic surface pressure loading, or due to the
tendency of portions of the skin to buckle under compressive K s w = Faero (w) (2)
loading, can be observed.
where K s is the structural stiffness matrix and Faero (w) is the
Aerodynamic loading of the airfoil section is calculated
numerically using a linear-strength vortex panel method [11]. global load vector due to the aerodynamic loads (obtained
Figure 6 shows the variation of pressure coefficient, Cp , on by assembling the elemental aerodynamic load vectors). In
the NACA 0012 airfoil upper and lower surfaces at a 5◦ angle addition to the angle of attack and Mach number, the
of attack. The resulting aerodynamic pressure, p , on the skin aerodynamic loads depend on the deformation, w. The method
surface can then be calculated from this pressure coefficient used to solve the nonlinear equation (2) is described in full
using equation (1): detail in appendix A. For the purpose of discussion, if the
deformation dependent aerodynamic loads are expressed using
p = 12 ρV∞
Cp . (1) a Taylor series expansion in the form

In equation (1), ρ is the air density and V∞ is the free-stream ∂ Faero

Faero (w) = Faero
+ w (3)
velocity. For all of the simulation results in this paper a value ∂w

Smart Mater. Struct. 17 (2008) 015025 F Gandhi and P Anusonti-Inthra
with Faero representing, nominally, the loads of the baseline 30% chord Trailing-edge
airfoil, then ∂ Faero /∂w represents an aerodynamic stiffness Undeformed(Baseline) Airfoil flap undergoing same
tip deflection
contribution. If equation (3) were introduced in equation (2),
∂ Faero
K s w = Faero
+ w or deflection
∂w Morphed (Cambered) Airfoil
  (4) Equivalent Flap Angle
∂ Faero
Ks − w = Faero
. Figure 7. Calculation of the equivalent flap angle for the cambering
It is evident, then, that the total system stiffness comprises
structural and aerodynamic components. For conventional
airfoils the structural stiffness, K s , is dominant, and the including vertical tip deflection or equivalent flap angle. In
aerodynamic contribution is insignificant. However, it is seen the present study the latter is used, and figure 7 shows how it is
in section 3 that if the structural stiffness of a morphing airfoil calculated. Essentially the vertical tip deflection produced by
is reduced sufficiently, the aerodynamic contribution may no the camber is equated to the vertical tip deflection of a 30%
longer be negligible. chord trailing-edge flap and the corresponding flap angle is
The deformation due to the actuation loads can be then used as a measure of the camber.
calculated without the effects of aerodynamic loads as follows:
3. Results and discussion
K s u = Fact (5)

where Fact is the global load vector due to the actuation loads, Figure 8 shows the airfoil camber deformation under
and u is the displacement field due to only the actuation loads. aerodynamic loading ( M = 0.6, α = 5◦ ), as a function of skin
The solution to equation (5) is obtained by simply inverting the axial and flexural stiffness. Results are presented both with
structural stiffness matrix. In the calculation of the response and without the inclusion of aerodynamic stiffness (figures 8(a)
to actuation forces the influence of the aerodynamic loads is and (b), respectively). In both figures it is seen that as the
accounted for in an approximate manner by considering only axial stiffness decreases, the camber deformations under the
the aerodynamic stiffness term. Thus, aerodynamic loading can become very large. Further, for
moderate to high values of skin axial stiffness, aerodynamic
∂ Faero stiffness does not have an important influence, but for low
K s v = Fact + v or
∂v values of skin axial stiffness, the results differ. For low
  (6) skin axial stiffness the camber deformations predicted in the
∂ Faero
Ks − v = Fact absence of aerodynamic stiffness are greater (these areas have
been highlighted in figures 8(a) and (b) to emphasize the
where v is the displacement field due to the actuation differences). So the variation in aerodynamic loading with
loads with the influence of the aerodynamic stiffness, and deformation (which manifests itself as aerodynamic stiffness)
the aerodynamic stiffness, ∂ Faero /∂v , is obtained using an should be considered in that range. Figures 9(a) and (b) show
approach similar to that given in appendices A and B. Since the camber deformations of the airfoil under aerodynamic
the aerodynamic stiffness ∂ Faero /∂v is itself a function of the loading. For nominal values of skin axial and flexural stiffness
displacement field, v , the solution to equation (6) must be the airfoil shows virtually no camber deformation (figure 9(a)),
obtained using an iterative procedure similar to that presented but when the skin axial stiffness is decreased substantially
in appendix A. (by two orders of magnitude in figure 9(b)) an airfoil camber
The simulation results provided in the following section deflection of 3.2◦ is observed. The aerodynamic pressure
are based on a substructure made of aluminum (Young’s distributions on the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil
modulus = 70 GPa) and having a cross-sectional thickness cause the section to camber upward. Figure 10 shows the
of 1.5 mm. The ‘nominal’ or ‘reference’ skin is arbitrarily deformations of the airfoil for the nominal value of skin axial
assumed to be an aluminum skin of 0.5 mm thickness. The stiffness but for a reduction in skin flexural stiffness by a
axial and flexural stiffness values of this skin are considered as factor of 5. For this reduced skin flexural stiffness, it is
a baseline. In this paper, the skin axial and flexural stiffness observed that sections of the skin between support points
are then independently varied from the baseline values, over undergo local flexural deformation due to the aerodynamic
large ranges, and are essentially treated as design variables. surface pressure (compare with figures 9(a) and (b) where no
For the results presented in the following section, the skin axial such local deformations were observed for the nominal value
stiffness is varied from 10−3 to 10+3 of the nominal value, and of skin flexural stiffness). From the results in figures 8–10
the flexural stiffness is varied from 10−1 to 10+5 of the nominal it is evident that lower limits must be imposed on both the
value. While the axial and flexural stiffness of an isotropic axial and the flexural stiffness of the skin—the first to prevent
skin do not vary independently, an anisotropic composite skin excessive airfoil global camber deformation, and the second
could, in principle, be designed to yield a desired combination to prevent local bending or ‘bubbling’ of the skin sections
of axial and flexural stiffness. between support points.
The airfoil camber produced due to actuation or It is to be noted that as long as the skin is intermittently
aerodynamic loading can be quantified in different ways (and not continuously) supported, the flexural stiffness

Smart Mater. Struct. 17 (2008) 015025 F Gandhi and P Anusonti-Inthra
Skin Flexural stiffness (relative to nominal)

0.066 Deg.

(a) Nominal skin axial stiffness

Skin Axial stiffness (relative to nominal)

(a) Aerodynamic Stiffness considered
(b) Skin axial stiffness reduced by a factor of 100
Skin Flexural stiffness (relative to nominal)

deg Figure 9. Airfoil camber deformation under aerodynamic loading.

Local skin flexural deformations

Figure 10. Local flexural deformations of the skin between the

support points due to aerodynamic pressure loading on the suction
Skin Axial stiffness (relative to nominal) surface. Skin axial stiffness—nominal value, skin flexural
(a) Aerodynamic Stiffness NOT considered stiffness—reduced by a factor of 5.

Figure 8. Airfoil camber deformation under aerodynamic loading

( M = 0.6, α = 5◦ ); the highlighted areas emphasize the significant
differences in deformation with and without the aerodynamic
stiffness term [ ∂ F∂w
], where the skin axial and flexural stiffnesses are

constraint will have to be considered. However, if the actuator
substructure were to be designed differently such that it
provided a greater chordwise bending stiffness, the constraint
on the skin axial stiffness may no longer be as critical. Piezostack
This may appear to be an unattractive proposition as a stiff elongating
substructure would suggest greater actuation force requirement
to camber the airfoil. However, this does not have to be the
case if the actuators are cleverly integrated into the substructure
design and themselves contribute to the chordwise bending
stiffness under external aerodynamic loads. On activation, Figure 11. Substructure and actuation concept of a variable camber
however, they would not provide a high chordwise bending rotor airfoil (representation of concept in [12]).
stiffness and allow easy camber morphing at low actuation
effort. As an example, figure 11 shows the substructure
of a controllable camber airfoil design proposed in [12]. elongate, the junction point between the two translates upward,
Several compliant mechanism units are arranged sequentially causing the passive links to deform as shown. The top
along the chord aft of the spar. The vertical members are skins stretch, the bottom skins contract, and the deformation
active members—antagonistically operated piezoelectric stack of each unit additively produces camber deformation of the
actuators. The inclined members are passive links. As the airfoil. The particularly interesting feature about this design
top stack actuators contract and the bottom ones synchronously is that in the absence of activation, the airfoil has a high

Smart Mater. Struct. 17 (2008) 015025 F Gandhi and P Anusonti-Inthra

-26.915 Deg.

Figure 12. Airfoil camber deformation for a small applied

(actuation) load of 200 N-m/m-span.

chordwise bending stiffness under external aerodynamic loads.

For the aerodynamic pressure loads to camber the airfoil, the
individual units would have to deform as seen in the figure,
a deformation requiring the translation of the junction points
between the actuators. In the absence of an applied voltage
to the piezoelectric stack actuators it is very difficult for the Figure 13. Airfoil camber deformation due to an extremely large
actuation load. The skin on the lower surface is seen to undergo
aerodynamic loads to cause the translation of the junction buckling-type deformation under compressive loads.
points, as this would require the aerodynamic loads to extend
and compress the piezoelectric stacks. In such a design, the
lower limit on the skin axial stiffness (seen in figures 8, due to the skin axial stiffness—not the skin flexural stiffness. This is
global camber deformation under aerodynamic loads), would because as the airfoil undergoes chordwise bending (camber)
not be applicable. the upper and lower skins actually stretch or shrink.
Figure 12 shows the airfoil camber deformations as a To increase the camber deformation under actuation a
function of skin axial and flexural stiffness, for a small applied larger actuation load can be applied; however, the larger
(actuation) load of 200 N-m/m-span. Aerodynamic stiffness actuation load may cause the skin to buckle. Figure 13 shows
effects are considered in these results. As in figures 8(a) an airfoil camber deformation of 26.9◦ (downward) when an
and (b), larger airfoil camber is obtained under actuation when extremely large actuation load (1200 N-m/m-span) is applied.
the skin axial stiffness is reduced. Also shown on figure 12 Notably, for such a large loading and camber deformation,
are boundaries that separate the feasible regions of the design sections of the lower skin that are in compression are observed
space from the infeasible ones. The hatched line on the to undergo buckling-type deformation. This is even after
figure corresponds to a value of 1◦ camber deformation under the skin flexural stiffness was increased by a factor of 10
aerodynamic loading (an arbitrarily selected value). To the relative to the nominal, and buckling would have been more
left of that line (for lower skin axial stiffness), the camber severe without such an increase. While it is not expected that
under aerodynamic loading would exceed 1◦ . If the acceptable the airfoil would be subjected to such extreme actuation, the
camber deformations under aerodynamic loading were smaller, purpose of figure 13 is to illustrate (in a somewhat exaggerated
the boundary would move right. The shaded region at the manner) that a skin buckling constraint may well need to be
bottom of the figure corresponds to skin flexural stiffness imposed.
values that are so low that local skin ‘bubbling’ would occur In addition to constraints based on airfoil global camber
under the aerodynamic pressure. Increasing the skin flexural deformation under aerodynamic loading and skin local
stiffness, for example by an order of magnitude from the bubbling under aerodynamic loading, new constraints due to
reference or nominal value, does not appear to reduce the buckling of the skin sections under compressive loading are
camber deformation obtained under the actuation loading. On considered. Figures 14(a) and (b) show the airfoil camber
the other hand, it can ensure that local skin bubbling would not deformations under a moderate actuation loading (400 N-
occur, even if the support points were farther apart. In fact, if m/m-span, figure 14(a)) and a high actuation loading (800 N-
the boundaries shown on figure 12 are respected, the camber m/m-span, figure 14(b)). Clearly, while the aerodynamic
deformation due to actuation load would be below 2◦ , a very constraints remain unchanged in figures 12, 14(a) and (b), the
modest value. It should be noted that although the camber boundary corresponding to skin buckling becomes increasingly
deformation of the airfoil (due to actuation or aerodynamic prominent as the actuation level increases. Comparing the
loads) is a chordwise bending deformation, it is sensitive to figures, it is observed that for a reduced skin axial stiffness the

Smart Mater. Struct. 17 (2008) 015025 F Gandhi and P Anusonti-Inthra

400 N-m/m span

Upper skin
Lower skin

200 N-m/m span



Figure 15. Strains in the upper and lower skins for different
actuation loading levels.

for a higher 800 N-m/m-span actuation load producing an

airfoil camber of around 6◦ , the peak strains in the skin are
approximately 1.5% (results not shown, since it is observed
that the peak strain is linearly dependent on the actuation
load). Thus, materials capable of tolerating up to 2% strain
may be quite adequate for flex-skins in camber morphing

4. Conclusions

From the results presented in this paper it can be concluded

that ideal skins for morphing aircraft will be highly anisotropic.
Figure 14. Airfoil camber deformation under: (a) a moderate
actuation loading (400 N-m/m-span) and (b) a high actuation loading Camber morphing was used as the example, and it is observed
(800 N-m/m-span). that a low skin axial stiffness allows the airfoil to camber easily,
requiring lower actuation force. However, if the substructure
is relatively compliant to keep the required actuation forces
maximum airfoil camber deformation achievable is under 2◦ low, and the skin axial stiffness itself contributes to the airfoil
for a low applied actuation (figure 12), but increases to around chordwise bending stiffness, this imposes a limit on how
3◦ for a moderate applied actuation (figure 14(a)) and to much the skin axial stiffness can be reduced. Reducing
approximately 6◦ for a higher applied actuation (figure 14(b)). the skin axial stiffness below a limit was seen to result in
These quoted deformations are for a skin axial stiffness unacceptable global camber deformation under the external
reduced by a factor of 50 relative to the baseline, and a skin aerodynamic loads. Thus, the ideal situation may be to
flexural stiffness increased by a factor of 600. reduce the skin axial stiffness to the point beyond which
Figure 15 shows the strains in the upper and lower skins the aerodynamic deflections are no longer acceptable, and
for low and moderate actuation levels (200 N-m/m-span and no further. This axially softened skin would result in
400 N-m/m-span, respectively). As expected, the skin in larger camber deformation under actuation force (relative to
the region aft of the spar and up to 70% chord (where the a ‘baseline’ skin). The actual actuation force required then
actuation load is applied) is highly strained, and the region depends on the magnitude of the camber deformation desired.
between 70% and the trailing edge is hardly strained at all. A high flexural stiffness of the skin is required for two reasons.
Also, the upper skin is in extension and the lower skin has First, it would prevent skin sections between supports from
a compressive strain due to the trailing-edge–down applied undergoing local bending deformations due to the aerodynamic
actuation moment. The results in figure 15 correspond to pressure loading. Second, it would prevent sections of the
skins with axial stiffness reduced by a factor of 50 and skin in compressive loading from undergoing buckling. The
flexural stiffness increased by a factor of 600 (relative to the results also show that for skins that are very compliant, the
baseline). For a moderate 400 N-m/m-span actuation load level aerodynamic stiffness effects may no longer be negligible and
producing an airfoil camber of around 3◦ , the peak strains it may be necessary to consider them in the calculation of the
in the skin are seen to be approximately 0.7%. Similarly, airfoil deformation.

Smart Mater. Struct. 17 (2008) 015025 F Gandhi and P Anusonti-Inthra

Appendix A deflection of the trailing edge, ζ , as given in equation (B.3).

This section outlines solution procedure for solving a nonlinear w = φζ. (B.3)
equation of the following form:
Then the perturbation matrix can be written as
K s w = Faero (w) or K s w − Faero (w) = 0. (A.1)
∂ Faero ∂ Faero ∂ζ
= . (B.4)
Equation (A.1) is nonlinear and can be solved using an iterative ∂w ∂ζ ∂w
method. First, let us assume that the displacement field,
The vector ∂ Faero /∂w can be obtained using the
w, is
perturbation method, and the row vector ∂ζ /∂w can be
wi+1 = wi + wi (A.2)
calculated from equation (B.3) as follows:
where wi is the initial guess values for the displacement
field and wi is the changes required for wi+1 to satisfy the ∂ζ
= (φ T φ)−1 φ T . (B.5)
nonlinear equation. Substituting equation (A.2) into (A.1) ∂w
yields Thus the perturbation matrix for any displacement field, w,
can be approximated by using perturbation of the trailing edge
K s wi + K s wi − Faero (wi + wi ) = 0 or
 displacement, ζ , and a known mode shape, φ , as follows:
∂ Faero  (A.3)
K s wi + K s wi − Faero (wi ) − wi = 0 ∂ Faero ∂ Faero T −1 T
∂w wi = (φ φ) φ . (B.6)
∂w ∂ζ
where ∂ Faero /∂w is the perturbation of the aerodynamic force
due to a change in displacement field, and calculation of this
matrix is given in appendix B. Equation (A.3) can be used to References
solve for wi as follows: [1] Hall J 1989 Executive summary AFTI/F-111 mission adaptive
  −1 wing Tech. Rep. WRDC-TR-89-2083 Wright Research
∂ Faero  Development Center, Wright–Patterson Air Force Base
wi = K s − {Faero (wi ) − K s wi }. (A.4) [2] Pendleton E W, Bessette D, Field P B, Miller G D and
∂w wi Griffin K E 2000 Active aeroelastic wing flight research
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Then the displacement field is updated using equation (A.2). development J. Aircr. 37 554–61
[3] Kudva J 2004 Overview of the DARPA smart wing project
For the next iteration the aerodynamic force vector, Faero , and
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Appendix B structures Proc. 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC
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