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Chapter One
Zhōngguó chuántǒng sīxiǎng

中国 传统 思想 Traditional Chinese Ideology

rén yǔ zìrán

人与自然 human beings and nature


天人合一 Nature and Man are one.


修身养性 the moral cultivation and temper refinement

sīxiǎngjiā hé jiàoyùjiā

思想家和教育家 the thinker and educator

sān rén xíng, bì yǒu wǒ shī yān.

From any three people walking, I will find something to learn for sure.
Jǐ suǒ bú yù, wù shī yú rén.

己所不欲,勿施于人。Do as you would like to be done by others.

Jjūnzǐ hé ér bù tóng

君子和而不同 Gentlemen are harmonious but different.

liánhéguó jiào kē wén zǔzhī
联合国教 科文 组织 UNESCO
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
Sì Shū WǔJīng
四书五经 Four Books and Five Classics
kējǔ kǎoshì
科举考试 the Imperial Examinations
知识分子 the scholar/ intellectual
教科书 textbook
《道德经》 The Book of the Way and Its Virtue
yǔzhòu wànwù
宇宙万物 the universe
佛教 Buddhism
宗教 religion
Zhōngguó chuántǒng měidé

中国 传统 美德 Traditional Virtues of China

dàodé guānniàn
道德观念 moral code

岁寒三友 Three Friends in Cold Weather

xiàojìng fùmǔ
孝敬父母 Filial Virtue
奉亲养老 respecting and taking care of the aged parents
chéngshí shǒuxìn

诚实守信 honest and faithful

感恩图报 be grateful to others
尊老爱幼 To Respect the Aged and Love the Young
shèhuì zérèn
社会责任 social responsibility
xíngwéi guīfàn
行为规范 behavioral norm
皇帝 emperor
敬老节 Elder’s Day
儿童节 Children’s Day
jiātíng hémù
家庭和睦 the harmony of the family
Zhōnghuá mínzú
中华民族 the Chinese nation
长寿 longevity
píng’ān jíxiáng
平安吉祥 security and auspice
chéngshí shǒuxìn
诚实守信 Integrity and Credit
言行一致 word being true to action
表里如一 keeping one’s word and never cheating others
yán bì xìn, xíng bì guǒ
言必信,行必果 To be always true in word and resolute in deed
yìyánjìchū, sìmǎnánzhuī
一言既出,驷马难追 what is said cannot be unsaid
一诺千金 one promise equals to one ton of gold
尊师重教 To Respect Teachers and Value Education
yí rì wéi shī,zhōng shēn wéi fù
一日为师,终 身 为 父。
A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime.

Chapter Ten
Zhōngguórén de shēnghuó
中国人 的 生活 Life of the Chinese People
rè'ài shēnghuó
热爱 生活 to love life
dúyǒu de tèdiǎn
独有 的 特点 the unique characteristics
唐装 Tang costumes
喜爱 be fond of; to love; to go for
方方面面 in every aspect
qípáo yǔ Zhōngguó chuántǒng fúshì
旗袍 与 中国 传统 服饰 Cheong-Sam and Traditional Chinese Costumes
马褂 the mandarin jacket
唐人街 China Town
肚兜 Dudou (Chinese underclothes)
银饰 silver ornaments
Zhōngguó yǐnshí
中国 饮食 Chinese Cuisine
色、香、 味、 形 color, scent, taste and design
shēnghuó xíguàn
生活 习惯 living habits
bādà càixì
八大 菜系 Grand Eight Categories of Chinese Cuisine
bào shāo zhà chǎo
爆 烧 炸 炒 quick-frying, stir-frying, braising and deep-fat frying
中国茶 Chinese Tea
招待 to entertain
茶艺 a tea ceremony
采茶 tea-picking
中国酒 Chinese Wine
jǔbēi jìngjiǔ
举杯 敬酒 to toast
zhǎngbèi huòzhě shàngjí
长辈 或者 上级 the elders or superiors
酒厂 brewery
Zhōngguó mínjū
中国 民居 Civilian Residence
yàngshì yǔ fēnggé
样式 与 风格 design and style
四合院 quadrangle courtyard
胡同 alleyway
窑洞 cave-dwellings
土楼 earthen tower
家族 families of a whole clan
mǎchē、jiàozi yǔ bùxié
马车、 轿子 与 布鞋 Horse-Drawn Carriage, Sedan Chair and Cloth Shoes
jiāotōng gōngjù
交通 工具 vehicle
运动鞋 sneaker
皮鞋 leather shoes
中医中药 Traditional Chinese Medical Science and Medicine
zhìbìng liáoshāng
治病 疗伤 to cure the sickness
诊断 to diagnose/ diagnosis
《黄帝内经》 Canon of Medicine of the Yellow Emperor
《本草纲目》 The Compendium of Materia Medica
医术 medical skills
zhēnjiǔshù yǔ mázuìshù
针灸术 与 麻醉术 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy and Narcotherapy
经脉 channels and vessels
穴位 acupuncture points
wàikē shǒushù
外科 手术 surgical operation
汉语·普通话· 方言 The Chinese Language & Mandarin & Dialects
Hàn mínzú
汉 民族 the Han people
shìjiè gèdì
世界 各地 around the world
母语 native language
标准语 the standard language
地方话 local langugage
语音、词汇、语法 pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar

婚礼 the wedding
宴席 a feast
bài tiāndì
拜天地 to thank heaven
bài fùmǔ
拜父母 to thank the parents
婚纱 wedding dresses
xīnláng xīnniáng
新郎 新娘 the bride and groom
jílì xǐqìng
吉利喜庆 good luck
chūnjiē duìlián
春节对联 Spring Festival couplets
舞狮 Lion dance performance
dān xìng
单姓 one-character surname
fù xìng
复姓 compound surname
辈分 the order of seniority in the family hierarchy
同辈人 the peers
shǔxiàng / shēngxiāo
十二属相/生肖 Twelve Symbolic Animals
天干 the Heavenly Stems
地支 the Earthly Branches
农历 the lunar calendar
公历 the gregorian calendar
阳历 the solar calendar
仪式 ceremony
xǐqìng hé jiērì de qìfēn
a rejoicing and festival atmosphere
花轿 the bridal sedan
红盖头 a red veil
新人 the newlyweds
摇钱树 ready source of money/ a cypress branch
rù dòngfáng
入洞房 to go to the bridal chamber
yí bài tiāndì,èr bài gāotáng, fūqī duìbài
一拜天地,二拜高堂, 夫妻对拜
First bow to the heaven and earth; second bow to the parents; third bow to each other
麒麟 the kylin
凤凰 the phoenix
龟 the tortoise
龙 the dragon
sì líng
四灵 Four Lucky Animals
龙凤呈祥 Dragon and Phoenix
吉祥物 the mascot
lóng de chuánrén
龙的传人 the Dragon’s descendants
fú、 xǐ、 shòu
福、喜、寿 blessing, happiness, longevity
装饰 to decorate
双喜临门 Double happiness are coming.
大吉大利 happiness and luck
福寿双全 luck and health
诸事如意 Everything goes as one wiches.
农产品 the farm product
土特产 the local specialties
gǔwán yùqì
古玩玉器 the antiques and jade articles
huā niǎo yú chóng
花鸟鱼虫 flowers, birds, fish and insects
工艺品 the handicrafts
tèsè xiǎochī
特色小吃 the specialty snacks
冰糖葫芦 the sugarcoated haws on a stick
图腾 the totem
腊月 the 12th lunar month
大扫除 to undertake a thorough cleaning
mǎi niánhuò
买年货 to do the Spring Festival shopping
tiē chuānghuā
贴窗花 to paste window paper-cuts
guà niánhuà
挂年画 to put up New Year pictures
xiě chūnlián
写春联 to write Spring Festival couplets
zhēng niángāo
蒸年糕 to make New Year cakes
辞旧迎新 to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new
除夕 New Year’s Eve
jiārén tuánjù
家人团聚 a reunion of all the family members
年夜饭 a sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner
守岁 “staying up to see the year out”
dànián chūyī
大年初一 the first day of the lunar year
zǒu qīnqi
走亲戚 to visit relatives
kàn péngyou
看朋友 to visit friends
拜年 to great each other in the SF
fàng bàozhú
放爆竹 to set off firecrackers
习俗 the custom
元宵节 The Lantern Festival
shǎng dēng
赏灯 to enjoy lanterns
元宵 the glutinous rice dumplings
汤圆 the glutinous rice dumplings
谜语 the riddles
tuányuán hémù
团圆和睦 united and harmonious
qīngmíng jié
清明节 The Pure Brightness Day
èrshísì jiēqi
二十四节气 the 24 Seasonal Division Points
sǎomù jìzǔ
扫墓祭祖 to sweep the graves for their ancestors
qíqiú píng'ān xìngfú
祈求平安幸福 to pray for safety and happiness
huáiniàn zǔxiān
怀念祖先 to remember the forefathers
端午节 The Dragon Boat Festival
粽子 the pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous
rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves
sài lóngzhōu
赛龙舟 Dragon boat race
糯米 the glutinous rice
中秋节 The Mid-Autumn Festival
shǎng yuè
赏月 to admire the moon
tuányuán měimǎn
团圆美满 reunion and satisfaction
团圆节 the Festival for Reunion

shì Zhōngyīxué de zhòngyào zǔchéng bùfen zhī yī, zhǔyào tōngguò jīngluò、 xuéwèi de
1. _______是 中医学 的 重要 组成 部分 之 一,主要 通过 经络、穴位 的
zuòyòng, yùnyòng “zhēnfǎ”hé“jiǔfǎ” lái zhìliáo jíbìng, shēnshòu bǎixìng huānyíng.
作用, 运用 “针法” 和 “灸法” 来 治疗 疾病, 深受 百姓 欢迎。
答案:针灸 zhēnjiǔ
Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy is one of the most important part of the
traditional Chinese medical science, to cure the diseases under the function of channels
and vessels, and acupuncture points.

“Tángzhuāng” shì yóu zhōngguó qīngdài de chuántǒng fúshì yǎnbiàn ér lái de.
2. “唐装” 是 由 中国 清代 的 传统 服饰_______ 演变 而 来的。
A. 旗袍 B. 马褂 mǎguà
C. 长袍 D. 汉服
The Chinese-style costumes were transformed from the mandarin jacket of the Qing Dynasty.


Míngdài zhùmíng yīyàoxuéjiā biānxiě de běncǎogāngmù shōu jí le zhǒng yàowù

3. 明代 著名 医药学家 编写 的《本草纲目》收集了 1892 种 药物和
yàofāng gǔdài yàowùxué hé zhíwùxué jùzhù
个药方,是中国古代药物学 和 植物学 巨著。
A. 孙思邈 B. 李时珍 Lǐ Shízhēn C. 华佗 D. 扁鹊
Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist in Ming Dynasty, wrote “Compendium of Materia
Medica” , in which 1892 kinds of herbs and 11096 prescriptions are collected, a masterpiece
of pharmacology and botany in ancient China.
Li Shizhen wrote “compendium of material medica”

Dàojiāo shì zhōngguó tǔshēngtǔzhǎng de zōngjiào,dàojiāo de jiànzhù chēng gōng huò

4. 道教是 中国 土生土长 的 宗教,道教 的建筑 称 “宫” 或“____”。
A. 寺 B. 观 guān C. 庙 D. 庵
Taoism is China’s indigenous religion, the buildings of Taoism are called “gong” or “guan”.

Běijīng chuántǒng mínjū de gé jú shì, yí ge yuànzi sìmiàn jiàn yǒu fángwū, jiāng tíngyuàn héwéi zài zhōngjiān, zhèzhǒng mínjū jiào

5. 北京传统民居的格局是,一个院子四面建有房屋,将庭院合围在中间,这种民居叫_

答案:四合院 sìhéyuàn
The design of the traditional civilian residence in Beijing is a courtyard which is enclosed by
inward-facing houses on four sides, this kind of civilian residence is called quadrangle

Xiàncún zuìzǎo de yí bù yīshū, wèi zhōngyīxué diàndìng le lǐlùn jīchǔ.

6. 现存 最早 的 一部 医书 , 为 中医学 奠定了 理论 基础。
答案:《黄帝内经》《Huángdìnèijīng 》
China’s earliest existing medical book the Canon of Medicine of the Yellow Emperor lays a theoretical
foundation for traditional Chinese medical science.

Shìjiè shàng dì yí ge fāmíng mázuì shǒushù de rén shì Zhōngguó Dōnghànshíde “shényī”
7. 世界 上 第一个 发明 麻醉 手术 的人 是 中国 东汉 时的 “神医”

答案:华佗 Huà Tuó
The first person who invented the narcotherapy in the world is Hua Tuo, the Great Doctor of the Eastern
Han Dynasty.

Pǔtōnghuà shì yǐ wéi biāozhǔn yīn、yǐ běifānghuà wéi jīchǔ fāngyán、 yǐ

8. 普通话 是 以 为 标准音、 以 北方话 为 基础 方言、 以
diǎnfàn de xiàndài báihuàwén zhùzuò wéi yǔfǎ guīfàn.
典范 的 现代 白话文 著作 为 语法 规范。
答案:北京 语音 Běijīng yǔyīn
Mandarin has the Beijing pronunciation as its standard pronunciation, the northern dialect as its basic
dialect, and the typical modern vernacular Chinese as its grammatical standard.
shì tōngxíng dìyù zuì guǎng, shǐyòng rénkǒu zuì duō de fāngyán.
9. 是 通行 地域 最 广, 使用 人口 最 多 的 方言。
答案:北方方言 Běifāng fāngyán
The northern dialect is the most popular and is used most widely.

chá fēn hóng lǜ qīng huáng hēi 、 bái liù dà lèi ,pǔěr chá shǔyú
10. 中国茶分红、 绿、青、黄、黑、白 六大类,普洱茶属于_______。
A. 绿茶 B. 黑茶 hēi chá C. 红茶 D. 黄茶
The Chinese tea can be classified into black tea, green tea, oolong tea, yellow tea, dark tea and white tea,
Puer tea belongs to dark tea.

“Sìshū” zhǐ Dàxué Zhōngyōng hé Mèngzǐ.

11. “四书”指《大学》《中庸》 和《孟子》。
A. 《礼记》 B. 《周易》
C. 《论语》Lùnyǔ D. 《春秋》
“Four Books” refer to Da Xue (The Great Learning), Zhong Yong ( The Doctrine of the Mean), Lun Yu
( The Analects of Confucius) and Mengzi (Mencius).

Zhōngguó gǔdài wěidà de sīxiǎngjiā hé jiàoyùjiā bèi liánhéguó jiàokēwén zǔzhī lièwéi
12. 中国古代 伟大 的 思想家 和 教育家__________被 联合国 教科文 组织
shìjiè shí dà wénhuà míngrén zhī yī.
世界 十 大 文化 名人 之 一。
A.庄子 B.老子
C.韩非子 D.孔子 Kǒngzǐ
Confucius was a great thinker and educator in the Chinese ancient time, UNESCO ( United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has labeled him one of the “Ten
Curltural Celebrities”
Zhōngguó dì yí bù shīgē zǒngjí shì , tā shōulù le cóng Xīzhōu chūnián dào Chūnqiū zhōngyè

13. 中国 第一部 诗歌 总集 是___ ___,它 收录了 从 西周 初年 到 春秋 中叶

dàyuē niánjiān de shīgē zuòpǐn, gòngjì shǒu.
大约 500 年间 的诗歌 作品, 共计 305 首。
The first collection of poems in China is The Book of Songs, it recorded a total of 305 poems
created over a period of 500 years or so, from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle
of the Spring and Autumn Period.
Zhōngguó Guǎngdōng、 Fújiàn děng dì de kèjiārén de zhùzhái jiào , tā gāo dà qí tè , shèjì yǔ jiànzào róng kēxué

14. 中国广东、福建等地的客家人的住宅叫_______,它高大奇特,设计与建造融科学
xìng、 shíyòngxìng、 guānshǎngxìng yú yìtǐ, shòudào le guónèiwài xǔduō jiànzhù dàshī de chēngzàn.

A.大杂院 B.四合院
C.土楼 D.窑洞
Earthen towers, or Tulou,are the residences of the Kejia(Hakka)people in Guangdong and
Fujian provinces. The huge size and the unique design of the earthen tower are highly
acclaimed in international architectural circles.

Wáng Ānshí de shījù “bàozhú shēng zhōng yí suì chú, chūnfēng sòng nuǎn rù túsū”zhōng de“túsū” zhǐ de shì

15. 王安石的诗句“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏”中的“屠苏”指的是_______。

A. 柴 B. 酒
C. 醋 D. 茶
What does the word “Tusu” refer in Wang Anshi’s verse “one year past away with the sound
of firecrackers, drinking the wine when the spring breeze brings warmth”?
shì Zàngzúrén zuì chángyòng de yǐnliào, féngnián guòjiē、 jiéhūn、 shēng háizi、 yíngsòng qīnyǒu, bìbùkěshǎo.

16. _______是藏族人最常用的饮料,逢年过节、结婚、生孩子、迎送亲友,必不可少。
A. 青稞 kē 酒 B. 马奶子酒
C. 红薯酒 D. 杨梅酒
Highland barley wine is the most common beverage for the Tibetan, it is indispensable at
every festival, New Year, wedding, child-was-born, welcome and see off.
Zhōngguó dàojiā sīxiǎng de chuàngshǐrén shì chūnqiū mònián de Lǎo Zǐ, tā de zhùzuò duì

17. 中国 道家 思想 的 创始人 是 春秋 末年 的 老子,他的 著作 对

Zhōngguórén chǎnshēng le shēnyuǎn de yǐngxiǎng.

中国人 产生 了 深远 的 影响。
答案:《道德经》 dàodéjīng
The founder of Taoism was Laozi who lived in the later years of the Spring and Autumn
period, his masterpiece Tao Te Ching ( The Book of the Way and Its Virtue) had a significant
impact upon the Chinese people.
Zhòngshì jiàoyù, zūnjìng shīzhǎng,zài Zhōngguó yǒu yōujiǔ de chuántǒng. Rénmen chēng lǎoshī wéi ēnshī xiānsheng.

18. 重视教育,尊敬 师长,在 中国 有 悠久的 传统。人们 称 老师 为“恩师”“先生”。

Xiànzài,Zhōngguó bǎ měinián de yuè rì dìng wéi , yǐ biǎodá duì jiàoshī de zūnzhòng.
现在, 中国 把 每年 的 9 月 10 日定 为“_______”,以表达 对 教师 的 尊重。
答案:教师节 Jiàoshījié
It has been a long-standing tradition to value education and respect teachers in China. The
teacher is always called sir and mentor. Nowadays, September the tenth is designated to the
Teacher’s Day.

nián shì Zhōngguó nónglì xīnchǒu nián, shì shí'èr shēngxiāo nián zhōng de nián.
19. 2021 年是 中国 农历 辛丑 年, 是 十二 生肖 年 中 的 年。


“xiānqín”zhǐ de shì Zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng tǒngyī Zhōngguó yǐqián de màncháng de lìshǐ


20. “先秦” 指 的是 中国 历史 上 ___ ___ 统一中国 以前 的 漫长 的 历

答案:秦始皇 Qínshǐhuáng
The pre-Qin period refers to the long period before Emperor Qinshihuang’s unification of
ancient China.

Zhōngguóhuà àn nèiróng fēn,zhǔyào yǒu rénwùhuà、shānshuǐhuà hé sān dà lèi.

21. 中国画按 内容 分,主要 有 人物画、 山水画 和___ ___ 三大类。

答案:花鸟画 huāniǎohuà
By subject, traditional Chinese painting can be classified into three types, figure painting,
landscape painting and flowers and birds painting.

Chuānjù yìshù zhōng sùzào rénwù de yì zhǒng tèjì jiào , tōngguò shùnjiān duō cì
22. 川剧艺术 中 塑造 人物 的一 种 特技 叫 , 通过 瞬间 多 次 变换
liǎnbù zhuāngróng lái jiēshì jù zhōng rénwù nèixīn de sīxiǎng gǎnqíng.
脸部 妆容 来 揭示 剧 中 人物 内心 的 思想 感情。
答案:变脸 biànliǎn
Face-changing is a stunt in the art of Sichuan Opera to build characters, unveiling the
innermost thoughts and feelings of the characters in the opera by changing the facial masks in
quick succession.

Nónglìzhēngyuè shíwǔ shì Zhōngguó mínjiān chuántǒng jiérì .

23. 农历 正月 十五 是 中国 民间 传统 节日___ ___ 。
Zhè yì tiān Zhōngguórén yǒu shǎng dēng hé chī yuánxiāo de xísú.
这 一 天 中国人 有 赏 灯 和 吃 元宵 的 习俗。
答案: 元宵节 yuánxiāojié
The 15th day of the first lunar month is the traditional Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao Festival in
Chinese). This day, the Chinese people have the custom of enjoying lanterns and eating
glutinous rice dumplings.
Zhōngguó táocí lìshǐ yōujiǔ, qízhōng tángcháo shāozhì chū de yì zhǒng táocí jiào ,
24. 中国陶瓷 历史 悠久, 其中 唐朝 烧制 出 的 一 种 陶瓷 叫 ,
tā yǐ huáng、hè、 lán děng sècǎi wéi zhǔ, yòusè yànlì zìrán ,shēnshòu rénmen xǐ’ài.
它以 黄、褐、蓝 等 色彩 为 主,釉色 艳丽自然, 深受 人们 喜爱。
答案:唐三彩 Tángsāncǎi
Chinese earthenware has a long history, in which one of the pottery in Tang Dynasty is call
Tang Tricolor Pottery, because the basic pigments are yellow, green and ochre, its glazing
color is bright and nature, much loved by people.

Zhōngguó dì yí bù shīgē zǒngjí shì , tā shōulù le cóng Xīzhōu chūnián dào Chūnqiū
zhōngyè 第一部 诗歌 总集 是___ __,它 收录了 从 西周 初年 到 春秋 中叶
dàyuē niánjiān de shīgē zuòpǐn, gòngjì shǒu.
大约 500 年间 的诗歌 作品, 共计 305 首。
The first collection of poems in China is The Book of Songs, it recorded a total of 305 poems
created over a period of 500 years or so, from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle
of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Zhōngguó gǔdài zhùmíng de bīngshū yǐ bèi yì wéi yīng、fǎ、 rì、 dé、 é děng duōzhǒng


26. 中国古代 著名 的 兵书_________已被译 为 英、法、日、德、俄等 多种 文字。

答案:《孙子兵法》Sūnzǐ bīngfǎ
The famous Chinese ancient book on the art of war is Military Science of Sun Zi, which has
been translated into many languages such as English, French, Japanese, Germany, and

yòu jiào kèzhǐ、chuānghuā huò jiǎnhuà, shì Zhōngguó zuì pǔjí de mínjiān chuántǒng
27. _________又叫刻纸、 窗花 或 剪画,是 中国 最 普及的 民间 传统
zhuāngshì yìshù zhī yī , yǐ bèi liánhéguó jiàokēwén zǔzhī lièrù shìjiè fēiwùzhì wénhuà yíchǎn
装饰 艺术之一, 已被 联合国 教科文组织 列入 世界非物质 文化 遗产 名录。

答案:剪纸 jiǎnzhǐ
The paper-cut is also called paper carving, window blossoms and picture-cut, one of the most popular folk
art of traditional decoration, it was included in the World Non-material Cultural Heritage List by UNESCO.

Túpiàn suǒ zhǎnshì de shì Zhōngguó yì zhǒng chuántǒng quánshù .Tā de dòngzuò
28. 图片 所 展示 的 是 中国 一 种 传统 拳术____ _。它的 动作 刚柔相济,
jìkě qiángshēn jiàntǐ,yòu kě yùfáng jibing.
既可 强身 健体, 又可 预防 疾病。
答案:太极拳 Tàijíquán
The picture shown is a kind of traditional boxing, Taiji Boxing. Its hard and soft martial art
technique can build the body and prevent the illness.

Zhōngguó shì shìjiè wénmíng gǔguó zhī yī. Zhōngguó gǔdài sì dà fāmíng shì
29. 中国 是 世界 文明 古国之一。 中国 古代 四 大发明 是
zhǐnánzhēn、 zàozhǐshù hé huǒyào.
答案:印刷术 yìnshuāshù
China is one of the countries with ancient civilizations in the world. The four great inventions
in the Chinese ancient time were the compass, papermaking, the technique of printing and

Zhōngguórén féngyǒu xīnhūn jíqìng shí, dōu ài zài mén chuāng shàng tiē dà hóng de zì,
30. 中国人 逢有 新婚吉庆 时, 都 爱在 门 窗 上 贴 大 红 的____字,
yùyì hǎoshìchéngshuāng、 dàjídàlì.
寓意好事成双、 大吉大利。

答案:囍 xǐ
In the weddings and celebrations, the Chinese people like to paste the big red Chinese
character “Xi” to the doors and windows, meaning “Good things always come in double” and
“good fortune and every success”
Bǐ、mò、 zhǐ、 bèi chēngwéi “wénfángsìbǎo”, duì zhōngguó chuántǒng shūhuà
31. 笔、墨、纸、________被 称为 “文房四宝”, 对 中国 传统 书画
yìshù de fāzhǎn qǐdàole fēicháng zhòngyào de zuòyòng.
艺术 的发展 起到了 非常 重要 的 作用。
答案:砚 yàn
Chinese brush, ink stick, paper and ink stone are called “Four Treasures of the Study”, which
played a very important role in the development of the Chinese traditional writing and
painting arts.

Zhōngguó dì yí bù wánzhěng de chángpiān lìshǐ xiǎoshuō shì , shū zhōng sùzào le xǔduō
32. 中国第一 部 完整 的 长篇 历史 小说 是 ,书 中 塑造了 许多
bùtóng xìnggé de rénwù, shòudào zhōngwài dúzhě de xǐ’ài.
不同 性格 的人物,受到 中外 读者 的 喜爱。
A.《红楼梦》 B.《西游记》
C.《三国演义》Sānguóyǎnyì D.《水浒传》
The first complete historical novel in China is Romance of Three Kingdoms, in which a
number of impressive characters with different characteristics are created, wining the favor of
global audience.

Zhōngguó liúxíng zuì guǎng、 yǐngxiǎng zuì dà de jùzhǒng shì , tā yǒu jìn liǎngbǎi nián de
33. 中国 流行 最 广、 影响 最大的 剧种 是______,它 有 近 两百 年

lìshǐ, shì Zhōngguó mínzú xìqǔ de jīnghuá.
历史,是 中国 民族 戏曲 的 精华。
A. 京剧 jīngjù B. 越剧
C. 豫剧 D. 粤剧

The most popular and influential opera in China is Beijing Opera, it has a history of almost
200 years, the essence of the Chinese ethnic operas.

Xīhàn wàijiāojiā liǎng cì chūshǐ xīyù, kāipì le Zhōngguó liánjiē xīyà、 ōuzhōu de “ Zīchóuzhīlù ”

34. 西汉外交家_______两次出使西域,开辟了中国 连接西亚、欧洲的“丝绸之路”。

A. 郑和 B. 张骞 Zhāng Qiān C. 班超 D. 晏子
The diplomat in the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian, was twice sent on a diplomatic
mission to the western territories, opening up the “Silk Road” leading to West Asia and
ānhuī jiǔhuàshān、 shānxī wǔtáishān、 hé sìchuān é’méishān bèi chēngwéi Zhōngguó sì dà fójiāo míngshān

35. 安徽九华山、山西五台山、_______ 和四川峨眉山 被 称为 中国 四大佛教名山。

A. 山东泰山 B. 浙江普陀山 Zhèjiāng Pǔtuóshān
C. 河南嵩山 D. 福建武夷山

Mount Jiuhua in Anhui Province, Mount Wutai in Shanxi Province, Mount Putuo in Zhejiang
Province and Mount Emei in Sichuan Province are all called the four famous mountains of
Buddhism in China.

shì Zhôngguó gǔdài de yì zhǒng dǎjî yuèqì, yóu qîng tóng zhìchéng. Yǎnyuán yǎnzòu shí

36. ________是中国古代的一种打击乐器,由青铜 制成。演员演奏时

yòng xiǎo mùchuí huò chángxíng de bàng qiâodǎ, shçngyîn qîngcuì xiǎngliàng, yôumìi dòngtîng.

用小 木锤或 长型的 棒敲打,声音 清脆响亮,优美动听。

A. 琵琶 B. 箜篌
C. 编钟 Biānzhōng D. 胡琴

The chime bells, or bianzhong, are a kind of percussion musical instrument made of bronze. A
small hammer or wooden club is used to hit the bell to make a resonant and agreeable sound.

Sòngcháo huàjiā Zhāng Zéduān de miáohuì le Běisòng shǒudū Dōngjīng (jīn Hénán Kāifēng)
37. 宋朝 画家 张 择端的_______描绘了 北宋 首都 东京 (今 河南 开封)
Biànhé liǎng àn Qīngmíngjié qiánhòu de fēngmào, bùjǐn gǎnrǎnlì qiáng, xīnshǎng jiàzhí gāo,
汴河 两 岸 清明节 前后 的 风貌,不仅 感染力 强, 欣赏 价值 高,
érqiě shì yánjiū Běisòng shíqī Dōngjīng de zhòngyào cáiliào.
而且是 研究 北宋 时期 东京 的 重要 材料。

A.清明上河图 qīngmíngshànghétú B. 富春山居图

C.千里江山图 D. 洛神赋图
The painter in Song Dynasty, Zhang Zeduan’s Riverside Scene on the Pure Brightness
Festival depicts scenes along the Bianhe River in Dongjing (today’s Kaifeng in Henan
Province), the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, at the time of the Pure Brightness
Festival. This painting is not only affective with a high value of appreciation, but also
provides valuable material for the study of Dongjing during the Northern Song Dynasty.

Běijīng de shì mùqián shìjiè shàng zuì dà de mù jiégòu jiànzhùqún, tā jīnbìhuīhuáng,

38. 北京的____ ___是 目前 世界 上 最 大 的 木 结构 建筑群,它 金
xióngwěi zhuànglì, bèi liánhéguó jiàokēwén zǔzhī lièwéi “ shìjiè wénhuà yíchǎn ”.
雄伟 壮丽, 被 联合国 教科文 组织 列为 “世界 文化 遗产”。

A.颐和园 B. 圆明园
C.故宫 Gùgōng D. 雍和宫
The Palace Museum in Beijing is the largest wooden structural complex in the world today, it
is splendid and magnificent, labeled as the World Heritage by UNESCO.
Shìjiè shàng zuìzǎode dìzhèn yíqì “dìdòngyí” shì yóu Dōnghàn kēxuéjiā fāmíng de.
39.世界上 最早的 地震 仪器 “地动仪” 是 由 东汉 科学家_______发明的。
A. 僧一行 B. 张衡 Zhāng Héng
C. 沈括 D. 扁鹊
The first earthquake instrument “Seismograph” was invented by the scientist Zhang Heng in
the Eastern Han Dynasty.

“Qīng sì chányì bái rú xuě, dǒu sì xìchóu bù wén shēng” shì rénmen duì de zànyù,
40. “轻似 蝉翼 白 如雪,抖 似 细绸 不闻 声” 是 人们 对____ ___的赞誉,
tā yì yú bǎocún,jīngjiǔ bú cuì,bú huì tuìsè, nián bèi liánhéguó jiàokēwén zǔzhī
它易于 保存, 经久 不 脆,不会 褪色,2009 年 被 联合国 教科文 组织
lièrù rénlèi fēiwùzhì wén huà yíchǎn mínglù.
列入 人类 非物质 文化 遗产 名录。
A. 麻纸 B. 宣纸 xuānzhǐ C. 皮纸 D. 竹纸
“It is as light as the wings of cicada, as white as snow, trembling like the fine silk without any
sound”, this is the peoples’ praise to Xuan paper, because it can be preserved for a long time
without decay or change of color, it was included in the World Non-material Cultural Heritage List by
UNESCO in 2009.
Zhōngguó zhùmíng shénhuà gùshi “ ”jiǎngshùle shìjiè de qǐyuán, chōngmǎnzhe yuánshǐ làngmàn zhǔyì


41. 中国著名神话故事“ ”讲述了世界的起源, 充满着 原始浪漫主义色

A.女娲补天 B.盘古开天 Pángǔkāitiān
C.精卫填海 D.夸父逐日
The famous Chinese mythology “Pan Gu Separates the Sky from the Earth” narrates how the world came
into being, endowed with a deep sense of romanticism.


Zhōngguó lìshǐ shàng, céng shì ge wángcháo de shǒudū, duō nián qián jiù
42. 中国 历史 上,__ 曾 是 13 个王朝 的 首都,1000 多 年 前 就
yǐ chéngwéi rénkǒu chāoguò bǎiwàn de guójì chéngshì, yǔ Yìdàlì de Luó mǎ、 Xīlà de Yǎdiǎn
已 成为 人口 超过 百万 的国际 城市, 与 意大利的罗马、希腊的雅典
hé āijí de Kāiluó bìng chēngwéi shìjiè sì dà wénmíng gǔdōu.
和埃及的 开罗 并 称为 世界 四大 文明 古都。
A. 北京 B. 西安
C. 开封 D. 南京
Xi’an has ever been the capital city of 13 dynasties in the Chinese history, an international
city with more than one million population 1000 years ago. Xi’an, together with Athens,
Rome and Cairo, are called the world’s four great ancient capitals.

1. 中国传统思想有哪三大部分?
答:Rújiā sīxiǎng
儒家思想 Confucianism
Dàojiā sīxiǎng

道家思想 Taoism
Fóxué sīxiǎng

佛学思想 Buddhism

2. 什么是岁寒三友?
答: qīngsōng
青松 pine
翠竹 bamboo
冬梅 plum

3. 中国的传统美德有哪些?
答:xiàojìng fùmǔ
孝敬父母 Filial Virtue
尊老爱幼 To Respect the Aged and Love the Young
chéngshí shǒuxìn

诚实守信 Integrity and Credit


尊师重教 To Respect Teachers and Value Education


岁寒三友 Three Friends in Cold Weather

4. 中国有哪八大菜系?
答:Lǔ Cài
鲁菜 Shangdong cuisine
Zhè Cài
浙菜 Zhejiang cuisine
Mǐn Cài
闽菜 Fujian cuisine
Huī Cài
徽菜 Anhui cuisine
Xiāng Cài
湘菜 Hunan cuisine
Yuè Cài
粤菜 Guangdong cuisine
Chuān Cài
川菜 Sichuan cuisine
Huái Yáng Cài
淮扬菜 Huai Yang cuisine
Sū Cài
苏菜 Jiangsu cuisine

5. 四书五经是什么?
答: 四书是《论语》 Lùnyǔ The Analects of Confucius
《孟子》Mèngzǐ Mencius
《大学》Dàxué The Great Learning
《中庸》Zhōngyōng The Doctrine of the Mean
五经是 Y ìjīng
《易经》 The Book of Changes
《尚书》The Book of Documents
《诗经》 The Book of Poetry
《礼记》The Records of Rites
《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals

子鼠、 丑牛、 寅虎、 卯兔、 辰龙、 巳蛇
wǔmǎ、wèiyáng、shēnhóu、yǒujī、 xūgǒu、hàizhū
午马、未羊、 申猴、 酉鸡、 戌狗、亥猪

7. 中国有哪些传统节日?
春节(正月初一)Spring Festival
元宵节(正月十五)Lantern Festival
清明节(阳历 4 月 5 日前后)Tomb Sweeping Day
端午节(五月初五)Dragon Boat Festival
七夕(中国情人节)(七月初七)Chinese Valentine’s Day
中元节((七月十五)Ghost Festival
中秋节(八月十五)Mid-Autumn Festival
重阳节(老人节)(九月初九)Double Ninth Festival
8. 什么是二十四节气?
立春 the Beginning of Spring
立夏 the Beginning of Summer
立秋 the Beginning of Autumn
立冬 the Beginning of Winter
春分 the Vernal Equinox
秋分 the Autumnal Equinox
夏至 the Summer Solstice
冬至 the Winter Solstice
雨水 the Rain Water
惊蛰 the Waking of Insects
清明 the Pure Brightness
谷雨 the Grain Rain
小满 the Grain Budding
芒种 the Grain in Ear

小暑 the Slight Heat
大暑 the Great Heat
处暑 the Limit of Heat
白露 the White Dew

寒露 the Cold Dew
霜降 the Frost’s Descent
小雪 the Slight Snow
大雪 the Great Snow
小寒 the Slight Cold
大寒 the Great Cold

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