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Amniotic sac : The amniotic sac is a bag of fluid inside a woman's womb
(uterus) where the unborn baby develops and grows.
Amniotic fluid : The fluid which is present inside the amniotic sac and
protects developing fetus during pregnancy. It is clear,
pale yellow fluid and contains fetal cells and various
chemicals produced by the baby.

What is amniocentesis?

 Amniocentesis (also referred to as "amnio") is a medical procedure to detect or

diagnose the genetic disorder or chromosomal abnormalities or fetal infections by
examining amniotic fluid taken from the womb of pregnant mother.

 Amniocentesis is usually done on about 14th or 15th weeks after conception.

 Many genetic diseases such as sickle cell anemia, colorblindness chromosomal

abnormalities like down’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome etc in foetus can be
detected using this technique.

 If any abnormalities in gene or chromosomes are diagnosed in developing foetus,

the pregnant mother can decide whether to terminate the pregnancy or to give a
mentally and physically handicapped child.

Procedure of Amniocentesis
This process involves the following sequential steps:
 At first ultrasonography is used to locate the position of the fetus in the uterus.

 After that, a long sterile hypodermic needle is inserted through abdomen into the
amniotic sac guided by USG.

 A small amount of amniotic fluid is withdrawn through the needle.

 The amniotic fluid are examined for the presence of foetal cells and the foetal cells
are separated from the fluid.

 Foetal cells are then cultured in order to stimulate their growth.

 The analysis / test is then performed on cultured fetal cells for the detection of
chromosomal or genetic abnormalities.
 Two types of analysis or test are done; Karyotype analysis for the detection of
genetic and chromosomal abnormalities and Biochemical test for the detection of
metabolic disorder.
Reasons for amniocentesis

Amniocentesis is done during second trimester of in the

presenceof one or more of the following conditions:

 If the age of mother is above 35 years.

 Family history of previous child with genetic disorder

or metabolic disorders.

 Previous child or pregnancy with birth defect.

 Risk of sex linked genetic diseases.

 Abnormal maternal screening test. (alpha feto-protein
Advantages of Amniocentesis
 Genetic disorders present in developing fetus can be
known that prevents the birth of handicapped child.

 Biochemical abnormalities can be detected in fetus.

 Risk of pregnancy in aged mother can be known.

Disadvantages of Amniocentesis
 Bleeding or leaking of amniotic fluid from punctured side.
 Lower abdominal cramping can occur
 Sometimes amniocentesis may lead to miscarriage
 Risk of infection through skin and sac rupture

Misuse of Amniocentesis

Amniocentesis is nowadays being misused for the sex

determination of developing foetus that leads to the
termination of pregnancy. So this technique is nowadays
banned except for special reasons.

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