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- Yuya seorang mahasiswa art yang jago dalam urusan menggambar, melukis, bernyanyi dan
bermain alat music, 20 tahun, universitas cukup ternama di sendai
- Bertemu dengan inoo di dalam kereta yang tidak tau asal usulnya, 20 tahun
- Inoo suka dengan anjing dan kucing
- (pikirkan harus ada pengganti kotak harta di my tomorrow your yesterday) *kotak musik* yg
megang kuncinya inoo
- Karena gempa dan tsunami di miyagi(?), inoo membantu korban bencana dan bertemu yuya, 11
maret 2011, musim dingin
- Inoo orang yg gampang menangis meskipun dalam hal kecil, pelupa, suka bermain piano, suka
memasak dan makan nasi, daging dan es krim
- Setiap 7 tahun bertemu selama 30 hari, pertemuan pertama cewek umur 34th, cowok umur 6th,
kedua cewek 27th, cowok 13th, ketiga cewek 20th, cowok 20th.

When the guy first met the girl 1st day on the train, it was the girl's 30th(last) day that's why she cried
because the guy didn't know about it. As days passed by, they became couple, one day the guy found
the dairy she left behind and she told him everything. She's from another parallel universe with different
timeline which is totally the opposite on earth. A simple way to put this is from the guy’s perspective his
timeline moves from day 1 >> 30, while the girl’s timeline moves backward instead from day 30 >> 1.
Meaning the guy’s future is the girl’s past, and the guy’s past is the girl’s coming future.

And they are able to meet each other is because when they were at 5 years old, they were both saved
by each other’s 35 years old. 5 years old guy saved by 35 years old girl, and 35 years old guy saved 5
years old girl, and to that their fate is tied. Their universe merges together and can be met every 5 years
for 30 days when the moon waxes and wanes.

Guy believed it but then is unhappy and got mad because it's like a controlled future to him. But then he
quickly figured it out and thought he should cherish every moment with the girl until last day. In the
following days, to make the girl happy they went to many places and also to the guy’s parent home(just
accordingly to her dairy plan), that’s where the girl learned the chocolate in curry secret. On the way
back home suddenly the guy understood why the girl cries a lot, it's because all his first time(holding
hand, hug, kisses) is the girl’s last.
On the 30th day, which is also girl’s 1st day, they went to school, guy painted her portrait to keep it as
memories. Guy also told her all stories & every details about his past 29 days with her(which is the
coming 29 days for her) so that she could follow the plan to pass her coming 29 days with him backward,
but then it will be like a forward timeline to the guy. 12am hits that night and the girl gone back to her
parallel universe(the day before she came to earth).

5 years later they met again, 25 years old guy gifts 15 years old girl the painted portrait of her in 20 years
old and also told her stories about their relationship. From this point, it’s on the girl’s perspective. When
the girl hits 20 years old, she got curious and went to the school to meet him, it's the 1st day for her, but
for the guy he already knew and been along with her for 29 days.

From here the rest of their datings went accordingly to the written plan(the guy told her when he’s
painting her) but in backward. First they went to the guy’s parents house to announce to their parents
about their relationship. But to the girl, she hasn’t even been proposed or have any dating memory with
him, because to her, they only just met awhile ago. As days passed by she got to know him more day by
day and also fell in love with him, but she's also getting sadder for each day passed by because when the
guy starting to know & love her, she has no memory, and when she has memory, the guy is starting to
forgetting her.(when girl grows older, the guy becomes younger, when the guy grows older, the girl
becomes younger).

That’s why when the guy first met her, he asked “will I see you again tomorrow?”, girl replied while
crying “until tomorrow”….although from the guy’s timeline, he’ll still able to see the her tomorrow(her
29th, 28th day and so on…), but to her this is the last time she will see him. Lastly, the scene shows her
went on the train on her 30th day(1st day for the guy) pretending to be beautifully reading a book to
attract the guy she’s in love with, but someone who doesn't even know her yet.
If you understand the story, you’ll find this movie freaking sad, the girl only got to spend awhile with him
on her 30th day(1st day for guy). The moment she’s got to know him more, he’s also forgetting her day
by day until she’s a complete stranger to him. it's like a loop.

- Hari kedua lanjutan:
- Yuya pulang ke dorm/asrama/kontrakan untuk curhat ke teman kuliahnya soal inoo, tapi
temannya tidak percaya karena tujuan kuliah yuya dan terutama yg disukainya cowok. Cowok
seperti apa yg bisa merebut hati yuya? Yuya meminta some advices, teman kuliahnya itu sangat
expert masalah cinta dan selalu membantu yuya jika banyak cewek yg mulai mendekatinya,
tentu untuk menolaknya
- Hari ketiga:
- Yuya menunggu di kebun binatang di depan kandang jerapah sambil memainkan kuasnya diatas
kanvas yg dibawanya, namun inoo tak kunjung datang karena mereka tidak sempat bertukar id
line, salahkan yuya juga karena tidak memberi tahu tempat spesifik mereka akan bertemu, tiba-
tiba inoo datang memuji lukisan yuya dan bilang jika dia pernah melihat lukisan itu dipajang di
kelas/pameran, yuya heran, inoo mulai mem-praise lukisan yuya sehingga yuya bisa menimpali
kalo dia mencurahkan segenap kemampuannya untuk menggambar itu. Yuya kembali sadar
bagaimana inoo tau tempat dia berada, inoo menimpali jika yuya yg bilang “kita bertemu disini
karena yuya sedang mengerjakan tugas kampusnya” namun yuya tidak percaya “ah I said that?”
lalu inoo mengalihkan pembicaraan mengenai dirinya lebih dalam begitu pula yuya
meperkenalkan dirinya sebagai mahasiswa
- Senseki Line (Sendai Station – Matsushima Kaigan Station. Rikuzen-Tomiyama Station / Rikuzen-

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