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MPPT Controller Using PSO

Preprint · August 2022

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2 authors, including:

Kutubuddin Kazi
DL Solutions, SOLAPUR, Maharashtra


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MPPT Controller Using PSO
Dr. Kazi Kutubuddin Sayyad Liyakat1,
Professor, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 1,
Brahmdevdada Mane Institute of Technology, Solapur. (MS), India. 1,

Photovoltaic (PV) array generated an electricity is quickly becoming seen as a potential
alternative to fossil fuels. A PV system's capacity to track the maximum power point
(MPP) of the PV array is critical. This study compares and reviews the most common
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technologies used in solar systems. Increasing the
efficiency of solar systems can be done in a variety of ways. The primary distinctions
between these techniques include digital or analogue implementation, design simplicity, sensor
requirements, convergence speed, stability, range of efficacy, and prices. Thus, choosing the
right algorithm is crucial since it affects the PV system's electrical efficiency and lowers
costs by reducing the number of solar panels needed to produce the desired output. The (MPPT)
- Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) is the optimum operating point of a Photovoltaic
module. It plays a very important role to obtain the maximum power of a solar panel as it allows
an optimal use of a photovoltaic system, regardless of irradiation and temperature variations. In
this research, we present a novel technique to improve the control’s performances optimization
of the system consisting of a photovoltaic panel, a buck converter and a load. The Maximum
Power Point Tracker (MPPT) is the optimum operating point of a photovoltaic module. It plays a
very important role to obtain the maximum power of a solar panel as it allows an optimal use of
a photovoltaic system, regardless of irradiation and temperature variations.

Keywords: Photovoltaic; MPP; MPPT; P&O; PSO;

The world is projected to experience a number of difficulties related to the depletion of
specific energy sources, mainly fossil fuels, in the next years. It is also widely acknowledged that
many aspects of the rise in oil prices as a result of economic and political difficulties have
contributed to recent economic crises [1]. Among the clean and green power sources,
photovoltaic (PV) solar energy is an intriguing option for complementing electricity generation.
The photovoltaic effect is the conversion of light directly into electricity, which can then be used
to generate power. Solar energy is also free, abundant, and nonpolluting, and it is essential for
the survival of all basic energy sources on Earth [3,4]. MPPT (Maximum Electricity Point
Tracking) is a technique for operating solar PV modules such that they can produce all of the
electricity that they are capable of. MPPT is a control system that employs a specialised tracking
algorithm, rather than a mechanical tracking mechanism. Although MPPT and mechanical
tracking systems can be used together, they are not the same. MPPT algorithms are used to
extract the most power from the solar array based on variations in irradiance and temperature. A
PV module's maximum power point is the voltage at which it can produce the most power (or
peak power voltage). Maximum power is affected by solar radiation, ambient temperature, and
solar cell temperature [5,15].
The photovoltaic solar energy deriving from the direct transformation of a part of solar
irradiation into electric energy faces, inter alia, a maximization problem of power transfer of the
photovoltaic generator (PVG) to the load. This is due to the non-linear feature of the electric
characteristics I-V (Current-Voltage) of photovoltaic cells. These characteristics depend on the
illumination level, the temperature of the cell and the load. In order to increase the output power
of a photovoltaic energy system, it is indispensable to make the photovoltaic panel operate at
Maximum Power Point (MPP), to extract, at every moment, the maximum of power available at
the PVG boundaries. The technique commonly used is to insert an adapting interface between
the PVG and the load. This adapting interface consists of a static converter driven by Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM). The majority of articles dealing with control algorithms (MPPT) are
based on the incremental conductance method (IncCon) or on Perturb and Observe (P&O)
In this work, we present a robust technique which permits to track the MMP of the PV
panel system, thanks to the controller using PSO. This control technique reduces the calculating
time and keeps a good precision. In addition, it can be implemented in a low-cost
microcontroller. This controller “PSO” developed as such, will be subsequently used and
compared to other classic tracking algorithms.


The power chain supply a DC load by the PVG through a static converter (SC) driven by a
MPPT controller represented in Figure 1 and based on one of the algorithms “Fuzzy TS”, “P&O”
or “PSO”. The MPPT controller adjusts the duty cycle of the SC in such a way that the power
provided by the PVG is maximum at its boundaries. [6]

Figure 1. -PV system with buck converter driven by MPPT.


The algorithm “P&O” is a MPPT controller based on the voltage perturbation Vpv, by
increasing or decreasing a low amplitude around its initial value. This perturbation directly
affects the duty cycle of the signal which controls the DC-DC converter. This perturbation is
followed by the observation of its impact on the output power of the PV panel with the aim of
eventually correcting this duty cycle. Figure 2 presents the flow chart which describes the
algorithm providing this controller called “P&O”. Despite of its performance, this technique
presents some problems related to oscillations around the MPP that it generates in steady state as
the research procedure of the MPP must be repeated periodically, forcing the system to oscillate
permanently around the MPP.[8]
These oscillations can be minimized by reducing the variable value of the perturbation. Yet, a
low increment value slows down the searching of the MPP. As such, it is necessary to find a
compromise between precision and fastness, which makes this controller quite hard to

Figure 2-. Flow chart of P&O controller.

Figure 3.- Block diagram of PV module.


The Duty Sweep Algorithm is a simple algorithm for finding the maximum power point
of a solar panel. The primary function of this algorithm is the sweep, where the duty cycle of
a buck converter is incremented (”swept”) from 0% to 100%. At each increment, the power
is compared to the previous highest power, and if it has increased then the duty cycle is saved
and the maximum power updated. When the sweep is complete, the duty cycle corresponding
to the maximum power point for the conditions is known. After a set period of time, another
sweep is performed to account for changing conditions. As changing conditions between
sweeps can affect the amount of power delivered to the load, the time between sweeps will
have an effect on the overall efficiency of this algorithm. The simulation was limited to the
Sweep algorithm which simply requires data from a sweep of the IV curve of the solar panel

Figure 4 Flowchart of Duty sweep Cycle Perturb and Observe MPPT Technique
The sweep algorithm was the first algorithm to be implemented due to its simplicity. This
algorithm starts at a 20% duty cycle and sweeps to 100% before setting the maximum power
duty cycle. A starting point of 20% was chosen to improve the efficiency of the algorithm by
reducing the time spent sweeping. As the amount of time necessary to perform a sweep is
directly correlated with the step size used and the amount of time at each step it is important to
choose appropriate values for both of these variables. The step size is limited to 0.3125% due to
the configuration of the timer, as well as the need for a fast sweep. It was determined that a step
size of 2 increments or 0.625% would provide appropriate balance between accuracy and speed.
In the duty sweep method, to scan the entire PV curve, the duty cycle is varied from maximum to
minimum value, and the method is initiated at the trigger point. The trigger point is the same for
the other algorithms. After scanning, the duty cycle with respect to GMOP is fed to the converter
through the PWM generator to make the PC array operate at GMOP, after which the P&O
method is implemented for further maximum power tracking. The duty sweep method has high
tracking accuracy, since the method scans the entire PV curve. The average tracking time of the
duty sweep method is 2.7s. Before triggering, the maximum output power is 101 W. After
triggering, the operating point shifted to 108 W. The tracking time of PSO is 2.5 s.

Figure 5: Simulation of Sweep Algorithm Finding Maximum Power Point

Figure 6: The Sweep Algorithm Testing the Power Between 25% and 100% Duty Cycle

Figure 7: Power and Energy Delivered to Load by Sweep Algorithm


PSO technique is a robust stochastic optimization technique based on the movement and
intelligence of swarms. It applies the concept of social interaction to problem solving. It uses a
number of agents (particles) that constitute a swarm moving around in the search space looking
for the best solution. Each particle keeps track of its coordinates in the solution space which are
associated with the best solution (fitness) that has achieved so far by that particle. This value is
called personal best, Pbest .Another best value that is tracked by the PSO is the best value
obtained so far by any particle in the neighborhood of that particle. This value is called Gbest.
During the optimization process, the particles take up the objective function’s values, while their
Gbest and Pbesti are saved.
The PSO algorithm implementation process in our work is as follow:
i. Initialize the size of swarm, dimension of search space, maximum number of iterations,
and the PSO constants w, c 1 and c 2. Define the random numbers r 1 and r 2.
ii. Find out the current fitness of each particle in the population.
iii. Attribute the particles with random initial positions and velocities.
iv. Evaluate fitness value of each particle.
v. Calculate the global best fitness value: current global best fitness = min (local best
vi. Update the particle velocity and position for next iteration. Find out the current fitness of
each particle: If current fitness < local best fitness, set local best fitness = current fitness.
vii. Determinate the current global best fitness (current global best fitness = min (local best
fitness)): If current global best fitness < global best fitness, then global best fitness =
current global best fitness. The position corresponding to global best fitness is assigned to
viii. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 until achieved the maximum number of iterations or there is no
improvement of the global best fitness value.
ix. Terminate the iterative algorithm when the criterion is reached.


Figure 8. Buck converter diagram.

Figure 9-. PV system diagram with PSO controller.

Figure 10-. PV system diagram with P&O controller.

We compare through simulations, the convergence towards the MPP concerning the
output power of the studied PV system by using one of the three controllers “P&O”, “Fuzzy TS”
and “PSO”. A temperature T set at 25˚C, while the irradiation S is rapidly variable taking the
form of stairs with rising edges within a short time span. We deduce the following observations
and interpretations concerning the PV system behavior vis-a-vis the three MPPT controllers
“P&O”, “Fuzzy TS” and “PSO” shown in results. For these three controllers, we note the impact
of the increase of the power generated by the PV system due to the increase of irradiation S when
the temperature is constant.


Figure 11. Comparison of convergence towards the PPM using P&O, fuzzy TS and PSO
controllers at T =25˚C and S variable.

Figure 12- P-V characteristics of the PV system

Figure 13. -Convergence towards the PPM using PSO controller at T = 25˚C and S variable.

Figure 14. -Convergence towards the PPM using PSO controller at S = 1000 W/m2 and T

Figure 15.-The PPM using PSO controller at S = 1000 W/m2 and T variable.
Indeed, the Perturb and Observe technique is commonly used for MPPT and is actually
widely deployed throughout industry as it is told to be simple, flexible and robust. However,
P&O method exhibit a trade-off between tracking speed and tracking accuracy. It is due to the
presence of an intrinsic trade-off in choosing perturbation frequency and step size. Also, there is
a problem about the variation value around MPP. The P&O technique operates as a random
system. The system does not know the right value of duty cycle that reaches the MPP until it
varies the value of duty cycle to find the right value on that time. Therefore, it must spend time
for this step and it causes wasting time.
As presided, each tracking algorithms have their own advantages and disadvantages.
However, the traditional MPPT method often falls into local maximum value, rather than the
global maximum which leads to the failure of tracking. On the other side, PSO seems to us as a
good alternative as it is a simple technique, easy to implement and as shown by simulations
outperform classical technique in terms of accuracy.
In comparison to the Duty Sweep algorithm, Perturb and Observe continuously tracks the
maximum power point, increasing the overall efficiency.

Figure16 Output waveform of Voltage and current of PV system for uniform Irradiation

This paper gives an overview of MPPT methods and examines how they can be used in
systems that function in a range of scenarios. As a result, each MPPT approach has its own set of
advantages and disadvantages, and the choice is highly dependent on the application. In this
paper a modified P& O MPPT controller of a photovoltaic cell integrated with grid is designed to
extract. We have studied and analyzed the running of a PV system, modeled and simulated under
Matlab/Simulink, whose load is adapted by a buck converter. The regulation is ensured by three
types of MPPT controllers: the classic controller “Perturb and Observe”, controller deriving from
fuzzy artificial intelligence and the last one is an optimization algorithm PSO. Simulation results
show that our optimized PSO technique reaches the maximum power point in a shorter time with
accurate maximum power. The analysis of merits of each technique in terms of maximum power
point tracking is the main contribution of our paper. By analyzing the simulation results, it can be
obtained that the PSO algorithm has advantages of high convergence speed, high precision and
can accurately track the real maximum power comparing with traditional method. In comparison
to the Duty Sweep algorithm, Perturb and Observe continuously tracks the maximum power
point, increasing the overall efficiency.


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