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24/03/19 Checking Test Day 3, 4

[1~20] 밑줄 친 단어의 뜻을 적으시오

1. The stream runs through the forest, providing water for the wildlife.

2. The machine sat idle for weeks before it was fixed.

3. She works in the fashion industry as a designer.

4. The new system is more efficient than the old one.

5. Although it was raining, they decided to go for a walk.

6. They spent the whole day exploring the city.

7. Can you remind me to buy milk when we go to the store?

8. She likes all fruits except for bananas.

9. They eventually decided to sell the house and move to a warmer climate.

10. She offered her support to her friend in need.

11. My main task today is to finish writing this report.

12. I apologize for arriving late to the meeting.

13. It's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly.

14. The memories we made on that trip are priceless.

15. I have a strong desire to succeed in my career.

16. The company has seen a decline in sales in recent months.

17. The peaceful setting of the countryside was a welcome change from city life.

18. Children have a boundless imagination that allows them to create fantastical worlds.

19. His unique sense of style makes him stand out in a crowd.

20. When I think of summer, picnics in the park come to mind.

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